Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 219 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss (16)

"Say what you say and don't use your hands. If you continue to do this to the legal community, I will call the police."

Chen Zetian stared at Jin Shu's face in disbelief, unable to believe that these words could come out of her mouth.

"I must be the one who said this!!"

He howled and howled.

Jin Shu shook her head innocently.

"This is self-defense. There are surveillance cameras here. The five of you bullied us in the street. If the verbal insults were not enough, you also threatened us with violence.

If you don't like it, call the police. "

"You...you! Jin Shu, I will fight with you!"

In the end, Chen Zetian naturally had no strength to continue fighting with Jin Shu.

Yu Keke, who had been standing behind the four men, finally saw something was wrong and immediately stepped forward to support the injured Chen Zetian, frowning and glaring at Jin Shu.

"Jin Shu, please don't go too far. Do you really think we dare not touch you?"

"Underworld? Also, do the five of you usually live and eat together? Why are you everywhere?"

Yu Keke's face turned red and he said angrily.

"Jin Shu, if you keep talking nonsense, don't blame me for tearing your mouth apart. Also, apologize to Zetian now! Otherwise, you will not be able to bear the consequences."

Jin Shu smiled, with an unscrupulous expression that directly made Yu Keke angry.

"I like to challenge the bottom line of human beings. You can try it if you can bear it.

Unlucky, I encountered five unlucky things as soon as I left home. "

Jin Shu's voice was not loud, but it could be heard clearly by the five people across from her.

Xu Mu, who was the first to stir up trouble, was very calm now. He looked at Heng Chao behind Jin Shu with a half-smile, and whispered.

"Think you've found a new supporter? Haha... we'll see."

After saying that, Xu Mu waved to get in the car and was about to leave. Chen Zetian also made a fuss about calling the police, but Xu Mu slapped him in the face.

"You made the first move. Even if the police call, it will be useless."

"No, how can you let her go?! This is not your style, boss! Have you forgotten how those girls bullied Ke Ke all these years?"

Xu Mu held the steering wheel and unscrupulously increased the speed to 120 yards, with a wicked smile on his lips.

"If you want to destroy it, you must first make it crazy. Do you understand this truth?"

"What's the meaning?"

"Don't worry, I will definitely make Jin Shu pay the price. Why is she so confident now?"

Several people looked at each other, and the white people around them took the lead.

"Because of that man?"

"Hmm, Aqin finally opened his eyes after our persuasion. Naturally, the woman should quickly find a home for herself, investigate the man's identity, and have a good chat with him.

As long as the money is in place, don't worry, he will help us torture Jin Shu. "

"Oh - as expected of you! You have a lot of ideas since you were little! This is good and this is good! Destroy all Jin Shu's support and make her completely become the mud under our feet!"

Yu Keke on the side said worriedly.

"After all, she has not officially divorced Lin Qin. Wouldn't it be bad to do this?"

Zhou Bai: "She has dared to find a new home, why are she still worried about this? Forget about her, what are you going to do next? Drink?"

Xu Mu cursed.

"I only know how to drink and drink every day, but I don't know how to care about national affairs. I won't drink with you anymore. The old man asked me to go back and do something."

Yu Keke: "What does Uncle Xu want from you?"

"I heard from the old man that a new technology has recently come out. What is it called...artificial rain bombs? Our company also develops these things. Ask me to contact the manufacturer and buy one to study."

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