Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 229 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss (26)

Several people were seated close together, facing the seminar seats in front.

The love rival was extremely jealous when they met, Xu Mu held Yu Keke's hand and sat directly next to Lin Qin.

Yu Keke greeted Lin Qin generously.

"What are we doing here? Let's have dinner somewhere else?"

Lin Qin just glanced at her and continued to look down at the scientific research magazine in his hand without saying anything.

A hint of hurt flashed across Yu Keke's face, and he leaned into Lin Qin's ear and whispered.

"What's wrong with you? Xu Mu said that he needed a female companion for the dinner party, so I came to help out in my spare time."

Lin Qin suddenly looked up at her and asked directly.

"Do you know what kind of dinner this is?"

"Um...Xu Mu said it was a seminar, what's wrong? Speaking of which, I still have to settle a score with you. Why don't you come to me as your female companion?"

Lin Qin looked at her with a hint of depth in his eyes, then he looked away and sneered, murmuring in a low voice.

"Sit down, the seminar will begin soon."

Yu Keke felt Lin Qin's abnormal mood and felt a little panicked for no reason, so he quickly asked Xu Mu in a low voice.

"What kind of seminar is this? It's so tense and serious."

Xu Mu replied in a low voice.

“The top professional seminars in the industry will be attended by experts who are unlikely to meet in ordinary times. They will also be able to see the current domestic top technology research and development progress. In short, you can get acquainted with the world by coming here, and maybe you can even take some treasures back home.

This time we came mainly for Tutu, a scientist who is currently very popular in China. The rain bombs and sea spiders that were popular on the Internet were all designed by her.

Normally, we would never have the chance to meet such a person. Today, a seminar is being held in our city, and some local people with some status have the opportunity to get tickets. "

Yu Keke had been listening carefully, and she accurately captured a key word after the other person said it.

"Rabbit? A name?"

"No, she used to be an anchor for an agricultural machinery company. Later, she became famous after her live broadcast of launching rain bombs. In order to protect such cutting-edge talents, the country has inked her privacy. Currently, no one knows her real name and identity, because she She wore a bunny mask during her last live broadcast, and people in the live broadcast room called her "Bunny".

I don’t know if I can see him in person at this seminar. "

Yu Keke was thoughtful and suddenly asked.

"So it's a boy or a girl?"

"Have you not paid attention to this matter? She is a young woman, probably in her early twenties. The boy Bai around was so fascinated that she begged her father to tell her grandma to let Lin Qin bring him here to chase stars."

Yu Keke nodded.

"Hasn't Wei Bai always been a staunch asexual? I haven't seen him like anyone in so many years, and he fell in love with the other person without even showing his face? Is it so good-looking?"

Xu Mu smiled.

"That kid is probably serious this time. In order to support the goddess's cause, he asked me for more than two million, just to buy a sea spider.

Lin Qin also came here for the Sea Spider this time. When the auction comes, you can help me hold up the sign. I have to buy a few back. "

Yu Keke said with an indifferent expression.

"Did you all watch that live broadcast? I don't know, how can it be so popular? Besides, is it deliberately hyped? How capable can a young girl be? Participating in such a powerful seminar."

Xu Mu retorted.

"You are so awesome... Hey, Tutu seems to be here! Look at the entrance!"

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