Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 235 The cannon fodder of a wealthy family becomes a scientific research boss (32)

Therefore, Heng Chao directly rejected all invitations from the Xu family and directly stated that he would never have any business dealings with the Xu family from now on.

Xu Mu immediately told Xu's father about the matter, and the father and son also asked someone to find someone to beg for mercy. But in the end, the other party still refused to forgive. Not only did he lose face, but he also became a talking point in the circle. , think about it and put down the harsh words directly.

"Then get it! We sincerely want to ask for cooperation. Since those people are arrogant and arrogant, then I want to see how long they can hold on without the help of our city's Chamber of Commerce!"

After all, Changheng is still a small company with an unstable foundation. It has just started to make some progress but is so arrogant. This kind of company will encounter backlash sooner or later.

Even though he said this, he was still feeling uneasy in his heart.

Xu's father was so angry that he didn't talk to Xu Mu for a day. He knew that this matter was related to Yu Keke. He threatened his son to have less contact with Yu Keke in the future, but Xu Mu almost made him angry to death with just one sentence.

"This matter has nothing to do with Ke Ke, she just said a few words casually, it's not that serious.

I have talked with Lin Qin. As soon as the product comes out, he will buy it first. After buying it, I will buy it back from him. In short, I have found a way to solve this matter, so don't worry about it. "

"You'd better not cause me any more trouble! We owe the Lin family such a huge favor this time, how are we going to repay it?"

Xu Mu said impatiently with a sullen face.

"This is Lin Qin and I's business, please stay out of it."

"One day if you can be half as good as Lin Qin, I can die in peace! Hey!"

Xu Mu became upset when he heard this, turned around and left with a cold face.

Lin Qin's phone call came right after he left the house.

"I will send someone to Changheng tomorrow to visit and purchase. Then you can keep a low profile and follow me and be my assistant."

"Why are you helping me?"

"I'm not helping you, I'm doing it for Ke Ke. After all, this incident happened because of her. Of course I can't let her bear this responsibility."

Xu Mu sneered.

"The matter between you and Jin Shu hasn't been settled yet, so please stop being affectionate here, okay?"

"Tomorrow is the last day of the divorce cooling-off period. From tomorrow on, I will be free. Do you understand?"

Xu Mu was speechless now.

If Lin Qin really gets divorced, then he will be completely out of luck.

Although he didn't admit it with his mouth, he had to admit in his heart that his career development was indeed not as good as that of Lin Qin. It was right for Ke Ke to choose him.

Early the next morning, Lin Qin put down everything in the company and drove to the Civil Affairs Bureau early.

At nine-thirty in the morning, Jin Shu arrived late.

Lin Qin looked solemn as he looked at Jin Shu getting off the red flag car.

This car is not something that ordinary people can buy. After all, this kind of car is not enough just to have money, but also has a strong enough background.

Jin Shu was actually sitting in the boss's seat at the back, with a full-time driver in front of him.

"The appointment was made at nine-thirty, but you were half an hour late. Don't you know my time is precious?"

Jin Shu was wearing a white shirt, and her long hair was tied back casually. She looked lazy and calm, and she didn't look like a woman coming for a divorce.

Her gesture made Lin Qin dissatisfied, and he, who was always calm, couldn't help but ridicule.

"It seems that you have really found a good home. No wonder you are so eager to divorce me."

Jin Shu glanced at him and didn't say much nonsense, just urging.

"My time is also valuable, so don't talk nonsense."

Ten minutes later, the divorce certificate was obtained. (End of chapter)

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