Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 256 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Emperor Zha (2)

The point when Jin Shu woke up was the night before she was exiled.

Even if it was fake, she had lived in the Hou Mansion for more than ten years after all. The Hou family wanted her to leave immediately, but Liang Qingqing begged beside him and said that Jin Shu could stay one more night and pay homage to the Marquis and his wife. Don't.

As a result, the entire Hou Mansion is now preparing for the emperor's wedding, and no one cares about this cold and quiet little courtyard.

The original owner's already weak body was now on the verge of death due to the outburst of anger. It was because of Jin Shu's arrival that he managed to regain some energy and sit on the edge of the bed.

Logically speaking, the original owner, as a boudoir and a noble girl, grew up with thousands of pamperings in her hands. Even if her body was not plump and strong, it was at least well-proportioned and natural.

But Jin Shu raised her hand, her long sleeves fell down, and there were shocking scars on her pale and thin wrists. Dozens of old and new scars were superimposed. The latest one was just a pink-white flesh that had just grown, bulging and entrenched. It looks like an ugly worm on the wrist.

Jin Shu reached out and touched it gently, with a sneer on her lips.

The male protagonist Huangfu Rong has led the army since he was fifteen years old. He went from being an unknown deputy commander of the military governor to the commander-in-chief of tens of thousands of armies. He fought dozens of battles in ten years and never lost a battle.

Because of this, he went from being the prince who was least looked down upon by the late emperor, to being promoted to crown prince and finally ascended to the throne as emperor. In the eyes of others, he fought one turnaround after another that was impossible to succeed. He was admired and sought after by all the people. After he ascended the throne, he became the emperor. The road is clear.

In Huangfu Rong's view, there are two main reasons why he is invincible. One is because he is talented and hardworking, and the other is because he has the help of Liang Qingqing, the behind-the-scenes strategist. Together, he is invincible. .

But what he didn't know was that what the old master said before his death about the goddess coming to the world was all true. The original owner was born with his own blessings. This blessing could not only be used on himself, but could also be transferred to other places using his blood as a guide. on other people.

So during the ten years when Huangfu Rong was fighting abroad, whenever he took command and went out to fight, the original owner would cut his wrist to take blood as a lead, and drip it on Huangfu Rong's underwear.

In this way, Huangfu Rong, who was blessed with good fortune, would naturally be able to turn danger into good fortune every time and become invincible.

It's just that once the blessing is transferred, it will suffer backlash, so the original owner, who was strong as a child, started to draw blood for Huangfu Rong, but his physical condition has been deteriorating. For ten years, he has been sick in bed, and it is difficult to recover from the long-term illness.

Because of this, many people in the court were doubting the authenticity of her identity as a goddess. After all, how could a goddess be in such poor health since she has her own luck with mountains and rivers.

However, there were only a few people who had actually seen her, and as the prince succeeded to the throne and the country prospered, the people never doubted the authenticity of the goddess.

Because when the imperial master was still alive, he asserted in front of the emperor that the second prince Huangfu Rong would not be able to achieve anything in his life because of his evil spirit. This was heard by the late emperor, and Huangfu Rong was gradually ignored and indifferent by the late emperor.

Therefore, in Huangfu Rong's heart, the Imperial Master was a magician who helped the tyrants to do evil. He did not speak a word of truth and even dismissed his theory of "the goddess came to the world".

If the late Emperor Foolishness hadn't believed in this statement, how could he have endured the humiliation and stayed by the original owner's side for so long.

"Hey... He crossed the river and demolished the bridge, unloaded the mill and killed the donkey. What a cheap man."

"The mission of this world: to regain luck and make the hero regret it."

Jin Shu frowned.

It seems that this is the regret of the original owner again. Since he took advantage of someone else's body to help others, it is right to feel regret.

"Well, okay, I understand."

After finishing speaking, Jin Shu was about to stand up when she coughed violently, causing blood to drip from her handkerchief, and her lungs were about to be squeezed out.

The incident of the original owner proves an iron rule, that is, if you feel sorry for a man, you will be unlucky for a lifetime, and if you spend money for a man, you will be unlucky for ten lifetimes. As for her directly letting a man drink her blood, it will be unlucky for the rest of his life!

Furui's good-looking body was completely destroyed. Now her luck has been basically transferred away, leaving only a broken body and a miserable future.

Jin Shu's heart was filled with panic when she thought that Huangfu Rong had created a prosperous age thanks to the blessing of the original owner.

She has seen many such unkind men, so she is not surprised.

The most important thing now is to find a way to deal with the next road to exile.

It had been too long since she had gone back to ancient times. Jin Shu, who had adapted to modern life, found it inconvenient everywhere. She had to be taken to the toilet by a maid, and washing up afterward was even more troublesome.

The maid Lu Ping on the side was still crying and packing her things.

"The journey to Northern Xinjiang is extremely bleak. The journey is long and there is no hope of return. Miss, please see if you have hidden any gold, silver or jewelry. I heard that the escorting officers and soldiers are all fierce. If you want to have a good life on the road, you have to pack some. .”

Jin Shu naturally knows these.

In the original plot, after the original owner's true identity was found out, the Hou family immediately locked up the small vault that belonged to the original owner. If converted into a modern house of 300 square meters, the house was filled with gold, silver, jewelry, and real estate title deeds. It was given by the late emperor.

The decree of exile came suddenly, and the original owner was unprepared. He felt dizzy and fainted as if he had been given a slap in the face. When he woke up again, he was already on the way to be escorted.

Therefore, the original owner was completely unprepared and only had a pair of clothes made of reasonably good materials. Not long after he set off, he was changed into a set of rags and linen clothes for two bowls of clean water.

Thinking of this, Jin Shu thought for a while.

You should really make more preparations for yourself. The original owner is not familiar with this world. To be on the safe side, it is better to stock up on more things before going on the road.

Green screen has been sobbing. She is Jin Shu's personal maid and loyal. After knowing that Jin Shu was going to be exiled, she voluntarily followed her.

This kind of sincerity is indeed rare, but it is a pity that the journey north was difficult, and Green Screen did not persist until the end. Not long after the original owner died of illness, he encountered bandits and was kidnapped. After being humiliated, he bit his tongue and committed suicide.

Just as she was thinking about this, Green Screen's crying stopped suddenly. Jin Shu slowly raised her eyes and looked at Green Screen who was standing aside packing clothes, her movements stagnant, and she suddenly felt relieved.

It's probably Haishi now, that is, around ten o'clock in the evening, and the Marquis Mansion is still quite lively.

In order to celebrate the return of the true daughter, the entire clan brought gifts to congratulate her. After all, Liang Qingqing was the future queen, and there were countless people who wanted to get close to her.

Jin Shu held the door and walked out, sat directly at the banquet and filled her stomach. After her weak body finally recovered some strength, Jin Shu came to a remote corner of the backyard of the Hou Mansion according to the memory of the original owner.

The door was locked and extremely heavy, but this thing was just a decoration in Jin Shu's eyes. She pulled out the only red hairpin on her head and fiddled with the lock core twice.

With a "click", the heavy lock fell down.

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