Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 258 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Emperor Zha (4)

There were two officers and soldiers guarding each end of the long team. These people were going to Northern Xinjiang together. Naturally, they would not be polite to these prisoners if they were in the same negative mood.

Jin Shu walked at the end of the team. The shackles on her feet looked hollow, but they were light and weightless.

Next to her were a merchant couple, Liang Qingzhou and Liang Liu, as well as a seven or eight-year-old twin brother and sister.

The two little cubs don't know the meaning of exile yet, but they have already suffered a lot.

The eldest brother Liang Zhaozhao and the younger sister Liang Mumu clung to their mother nervously and fearfully, with heavy shackles on their slender ankles.

Jin Shu saw it, so when she took a break, she took out another white jade hairpin and stuffed it behind the back of the leading officer and soldier.

The leader glanced at Jin Shu, then winked at his men, so the Liang family was taken to the back of the grass. After a while, they came out again. They walked much more relaxedly.

Mrs. Liang Liu glanced at Jin Shu with a grateful face, and then asked in a low voice.

"Mother...mother knows that you are carrying some soft things with you, but you'd better be careful and don't make it public. There are many places where you need money when you go to northern Xinjiang, so there is no need to waste money on us."

They arrived patiently, and it would be good to keep the money and spend it in Northern Xinjiang later. After all, Jin Shu had been pampered and raised in a boudoir in the South for the past eighteen years. If she suddenly arrived in such an extremely cold place in Northern Xinjiang, her body would be afraid. It will be unbearable.

As for them, they are just merchants who travel all over the world, so this hardship is nothing to them.

Jin Shu reassured.

"It's okay. We'll talk about the rest later. Let's get through this first."

The road to Northern Xinjiang is thousands of miles long, and it takes at least half a year to walk on two legs at this speed.

If you endure hardships along the way, even if you are lucky enough to survive to Northern Xinjiang, you will have to suffer from illness and pain for the rest of your life.

Because of this incident, the family's impression of Jin Shu has changed a lot. They originally thought that she would look down on the merchant family and deliberately keep a distance from them. Unexpectedly, she turned out to be so considerate and generous, and she could still remain calm even after being implicated. Calm.

Lu Ping secretly took out the pastries he had hidden long ago from his bag, broke them into small pieces and handed them to Jin Shu.

"Miss, eat some secretly. Although it's hard, it's better than the tooth-shattering pancake."

The entire team ate dry food brought by the officers and soldiers. The rough flour pancakes that had been stored for an unknown period of time were hard and bitter. The key point was that each person only had a small piece as big as the palm of his hand, and paired it with a bowl of cold dirty water.

Obviously, these officers and soldiers were ordered to make these people suffer more on the road and torture them to death. It is best to let them die on the road. Even if they are lucky enough to reach the border, they will not last long.

This shows how cold-blooded Huangfu Rong is.

These civil servants and generals of the previous dynasties had gone through life and death for the prosperity of their royal families. Now that the late emperor had passed away, they could not wait to clear the obstacles, but they were worried about being criticized by the people, so they came up with the idea of ​​being exiled to Northern Xinjiang, without having to worry about it. Being reviled also guarantees that these people will not live long.

Thinking of this, Jin Shu silently took a bite of the pastry.

At this time, a cry came from not far away. Everyone looked over and saw an officer and soldier kicking a gray-haired old man on the ground.

He was still cursing.

"You are lucky if I give you food! You are still picky! You corrupt officials and mediocre officials still think you are superior? Believe it or not, I can kick you to death right here!"

The old man who had been kicked and beaten huddled up in a ball, covered in dirt.

The one crying on the side was his wife, holding the officers and soldiers' legs and begging for mercy.

Some people stepped forward to stop them, but they were all suppressed with swords.

Listening to the painful moans and desperate cries, Jin Shu stood up silently and stepped forward regardless of the green screen.

"My lord, he is too old to bear such trouble. You can use the money to drink, and let him go."

Jin Shu took out a golden peanut. The angry officers and soldiers immediately calmed down, took the golden peanut and looked at it carefully, and then looked Jin Shu up and down.

"Are you a fake from Mr. Hou's family? Where did you get all this money?"

"I usually save it."

"Saved it? I'm afraid you stole it! According to the laws of our country, a person who steals will have his hands and feet cut off and thrown into a water prison! If you obediently hand over everything you have, I might consider keeping you. One hand and one foot.”

The people around him were filled with anger when they saw this, but they didn't dare to express it.

When Father Liang saw this, he immediately ran forward and said flatteringly with a smile.

"My girl is so thin that she has nowhere to hide her secrets. Sir, please be kind and let her go."

"Where did you come from to be so old and immortal?!"

As he spoke, the officer and soldier raised the stick in his hand and was about to swing it. Liang's father immediately protected Jin Shu behind him and stretched out his hand to block it.

The imagined pain from the stick did not come. He opened his eyes in panic, and suddenly saw the officers and soldiers who were arrogantly waving sticks lying on the ground at some point, clutching their stomachs with painful expressions, pointing at Jin Shu's voice. squeezed out from between the teeth.

"You actually... dare to sneak attack the officers and soldiers!"

The next second, the remaining three officers and soldiers raised their swords and directly surrounded Jin Shu.

They were strong and had weapons, but Jin Shu looked like she could be knocked down by the wind. No one present could see what she had done to knock such a burly man to the ground.

Lu Ping and Liang Liushi knelt down and begged for mercy, but Jin Shu just said calmly.

"We all went to Northern Xinjiang together. At first, I respected you as an official and gave you benefits and face. But you accepted the benefits but were shameless. Then I will consider another way to talk to you."

The leading officer and soldier sneered.

"Would you believe it? I will tear your arm off and use it to pick your teeth!"

Jin Shu looked at him, her expression unchanged.

"Come on, try it."

The leader came directly with a knife. Jin Shu stood there without even trying to dodge. When the knife almost fell on her neck, she bent over and kicked the opponent's ankle hard.

When the other person fell to his knees in pain, Jin Shu grabbed his wrist and twisted it hard.

In the next second, the leading officer and soldier's wrist was twisted 180 degrees, and the knife in his hand fell with his scream. Jin Shu quickly caught the handle of the knife with quick eyes and hands, and turned around smoothly to avoid being attacked by the officers and soldiers behind her. Taking the opportunity, he put the blade directly on the opponent's neck.

"Two soldiers died in the wilderness and the gods couldn't find them even if they came. Now I'll give you two choices.

One: Unshackle everyone.

Two: I'll put the shackles on your neck. "

The sword had no eyes, and the leading officer and soldier was trembling with fear, half-kneeling on the ground and nodding.

"Okay, okay, I'll untie it, I'll untie it.

But don't blame me for not reminding you, His Majesty has already arranged an army in northern Xinjiang. If you don't go there on time, Your Majesty will definitely know, and you will be beheaded by then. "

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