Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 260 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Scum Emperor (6)

While everyone looked at her with doubts, Jin Shu placed the homemade cutter on the ice. The bottom of the cutter had serrations. She only had to push the long-handled donkey around in a circle, and the saw teeth would embed into the ice. lock up.

Jin Shu pushed it easily, as if taking a leisurely stroll, and within a few turns, she made a circular hole in the deep ice.

Green Screen was stunned. Her simple mind couldn't figure out how this tool that looked like a grindstone could easily cut out such complete ice cubes.

After taking out the ice cubes, these people finally saw the water flowing under the ice after many days.

Everyone gathered around to watch and discussed.

“The reason why people cut the ice is because the river is too frozen and difficult to cut. Now with this tool, the ice can be cut easily, making it much easier to get water.

Green screen, go get the bucket and load a few more trucks of water back. "

Everyone helped to fetch water, and soon everyone's wooden wheelbarrow was filled with buckets of water.

During this period, Jin Shu was not in a hurry to fetch water, but continued to pour something in the shed next to her.

When everyone was about to go back, Jin Shu came over with a fishing rod in her hand.

The two little cubs, whose faces were red from the cold, stared curiously at the fishing rod in Jin Shu's hand and asked in a low voice.

"Sister, are there any fish in the water so cold?"

"The thicker the ice, the more fish there are. There are a lot of fish in this water."

After saying that, Jin Shu opened an ice hole under the shed. When everyone was worried about what she would do next, she had already caught fish with peace of mind.

Green Screen whispered.

"Miss, it's so cold. What a fish! Don't waste your time. Let's go back quickly. I heard that even the firewood for cooking was taken away by others if we went back late."

"Then you go back first."

Lu Ping thought it made sense. No matter what, she had to grab some firewood to go back, otherwise the temperature would be lower at night and there would be no firewood to light the fire, and she would definitely freeze to death.

In this way, everyone pushed the cart back. The couple from the Liang family gave Jin Shu a few words and then went back to do business.

Father Liang is still thinking about it.

"I'll come back two more times later to bring back Shushu's car. You take the two children to get firewood. Don't worry about your face. Just take as much as you can. No matter how much firewood you have in such a cold day, It’s not enough either.”

Liang's mother nodded repeatedly, and Liang Zhaozhao and Liang Mumu also reassured.

"Father, don't worry, we will definitely grab more! My sister is not in good health and needs firewood to keep warm!"

Mother Liang touched the heads of the two children happily.

"Yes, remember, my sister lived a good life before, and it was because of us that she came here to endure hardships, so you two should be sensible and obedient in the future, and help your sister with more work, understand?"

Brother Liang Zhaozhao nodded and clenched his little fists.

"Don't worry, mother, I will protect my sister and my younger sister."

The family walked towards the camp with difficulty in the cold wind.

When Father Liang came back, Jin Shu's figure was no longer visible on the ice.

He panicked, threw away the wheelbarrow and ran over to look for her, shouting Jin Shu's name loudly.

The cold wind howled, and the sound was quickly blown away by the cold wind. Just when Father Liang's eyes were so anxious that his eyes were red, Jin Shu's voice could be heard faintly from the other end of the wind.

He hurriedly ran over and took a detour behind the shed. At a glance, he saw Jin Shu squatting there, holding a pole in her hand and pulling out hard.

"Dad, you came just in time, come and help me."

Father Liang was stunned for a moment, but he quickly ran over and helped her catch the fishing rod without asking any questions.

There was a huge force inside the ice cave pulling the pole inward.

Father Liang’s eyes immediately lit up!

"There are big fish down here!"

"Do as I say, dad. Slowly loosen it a little, and then pull it up harder. The frequency is three slow and one quick. Take your time."


Father Liang gritted his teeth and held back his strength as he listened to Jin Shu's command. He pulled back and forth. From the beginning, he felt the power of the fish and was about to give up. Then the force in the water finally gradually became smaller, until Finally Jin Shu gave the order.

"Okay, bring it up."

The father and daughter worked hard together, and in the next second, an extremely fat fish was pulled out. Jin Shu took a glance and saw that it weighed almost thirty kilograms.

No wonder it requires so much strength. Logically speaking, it’s easier to catch fish in winter, because if you don’t eat for a long time and the water temperature drops, you won’t have the strength to struggle.

When it was warm, it would have been impossible to pull up such a big fish with the strength of two people and this broken pole.

There was a big fish in the bucket that was originally pushed to fill the water. Father Liang's mouth did not curl up all the way, because this harvest made his originally gloomy mood much better.

"It's good to have fish. As long as there are fish, we can survive."

There is no sure path, and Jin Shu can see it. The Liang family is optimistic and cheerful at heart. If the original owner had not died early in the original plot, they would never have been reduced to a state of ruin.

Thinking of this, Jin Shu became more determined to exercise well. No matter where she was, as long as she was alive, there was hope.

Father Liang pushed the wheelbarrow to the thatched huts outside the camp. This area was full of low thatched huts, specially used for exiled prisoners.

There are five people in a room, and there is only a hard couch made of mud in the room, and there is nothing else.

Jin Shu's family lived in one room, and the green screen was crowded together.

Seeing Father Liang dragging the bucket into the house mysteriously, Mother Liang was puzzled.

"This water is for delivery. Why are you dragging it home?"

"Keep your voice down! Quick, give me a hand!"

Mother Liang stepped forward in confusion, lowered her head and looked into the bucket. She saw the black back of the big fish rising from the water, and it flicked its tail so hard that Mother Liang shouted in surprise.

"Such a big fish?!"

"Keep your voice down! Shushu caught it, we're in for a treat tonight!"

If those soldiers knew this, the fish would definitely not be able to get into their stomachs, and maybe they wouldn't even be able to eat the fish bones!

Just like that, the couple hurriedly moved the big fish out. The water level of the originally full bucket dropped by half as soon as the fish came out of the water.

Liang's father quickly went to fill up the water and sent him to the military camp for business.

After doing the hard work, the next step is to get firewood.

Mother Liang was small but strong, and she and her two children each carried an arm full of firewood. They were happily preparing to go back and start cooking. Suddenly, a big man in fox fur walked out of the military camp, with a strong beard on his face. Like a brown bear.

"The one who beat my soldiers, stand up yourself, otherwise the rest will have to be punished with you!"

Mother Liang's heart trembled and she glanced at Father Liang subconsciously.

Looking at his daughter's emaciated body, the man was heartbroken and was about to rush out to confess, but a hand grabbed him directly.

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