Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 263 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Scum Emperor (9)

When she sat up, Mother Liang asked in a daze.

"Am I dreaming? Why is it so warm?"

Father Liang quickly lowered his head and glanced at the quilt on his body, then immediately turned his head and looked around. His whole body was stunned as if he had been hit on the head with a stick.

"It seems like a dream...how could we have the same dream?"

Mother Liang touched the soft cushion under her body and shrank inward unconsciously.

"It would be great if this were true. I would be willing to die here."

At this moment, Father Liang pinched his thigh hard.

"Ouch! It hurts! It's not a dream, it's real!"


At this time, the wooden door was pushed open, and Jin Shu walked in with a pile of vegetables in her arms.

"Father, mother, you are awake. Since you are awake, mother, please put away these dishes and have vegetable rice today."

The couple got out of bed in confusion, then stood there staring at the fire bed in front of them for a long time, and finally asked in a low voice.

"You said you did all this alone?"

"You must have been too tired yesterday, so I tidied up the house while you were sleeping."

Father Liang pointed to the fire on the ground.

“Where does the charcoal in this come from?”

"I found it outside in the snow. Don't worry about it. I have to go out and do some errands now."

Mother Liang took the vegetables and it took her a long time to finally believe that she was not dreaming.

Looking at the pile of coal and dry firewood in the corner, Mother Liang couldn't help covering her mouth and started crying.

"God bless, God bless! Our family can finally survive this winter!"

On the other side, Jin Shu went directly into the commander's tent. The temperature inside was not low, but it was far behind compared to her wooden house.

The acupuncture effect was very good yesterday. Commander Zhang Hu had a good sleep. He sent someone to call Jin Shu early this morning.

Jin Shu gave him a few more injections. While waiting, the commander looked her up and down.

"I didn't expect you to have such medical skills. Since you have some skills, you can stay in the camp and be our doctor from now on. We won't treat you badly when it comes to food and drink."

"No need, I still have family to take care of."

"I'm not discussing this with you. You're pretty smart and should know your current situation."

Jin Shu looked at him expressionlessly, then pulled her lips into a smile.

"I know my situation well, but I'm afraid you haven't figured it out yet."

The commander was about to get angry when he heard this. Just as he was about to stand up, he suddenly realized that his limbs were limp and he couldn't exert any strength! Not only that, but no sound came out when he opened his mouth.

There were only two of them in the tent, a weak woman and a great commander. It was impossible for the soldiers outside to think that the situation inside had been reversed.

Jin Shu stood up slowly, walked to him and took another injection.

"I have been studying medicine for decades. I can cure you or kill you. Do you see this needle in my hand? As long as I insert it into your forehead, I can kill you silently."

After finishing speaking, Jin Shu looked at the needle in her hand and got straight to the point.

"But you don't have to think that I'm here to harm you. With your current illness, you won't be able to survive the next winter if no one gives you the right medicine.

So Lord Commander, I am here to discuss cooperation with you.

You have been in northern Xinjiang for almost twenty years, right? What did the Huangfu family promise? Become an official or a noble? What about now? Twenty years have passed, do you think you can still go back?

In Northern Xinjiang, you cover the sky with your hands, but here there is no daylight in winter. No matter how small a person is in the capital, he or she will only be wearing fine clothes and eating fine things like warblers and swallows.

You want to go back but can't find a way, so I'm here to help you. "

After saying this, Jin Shu pulled out a needle.

"You can speak now. I have only two choices. One is to kill you and run away now, and the other is to treat you and help you return to the capital. Sir, which one do you think is better for me?"

Commander Zhang Hu stared at her, obviously able to speak but his throat seemed to be blocked by something and he didn't know what to say.

Finally he whispered.

"I don't have long to live?"

"Well, I believe you can feel this yourself. If you continue like this, you will soon suffocate to death one night. Although you die in your dream, the feeling is very painful, and you definitely don't want to feel it."

Zhang Hu frowned and stared at her coldly.

"Is there any way you can make me go back? This is Northern Xinjiang. Only those who come here cannot return!"

Even if he is an official! How many officials have died here?

Jin Shu smiled.

"Cooperate with me, I will help you treat your illness, and I will let you return to Beijing in glory within a year."

"I don't believe you."

"Let's take a gamble. You can survive and have hope. What a good deal."

After a while of silence.

"They say you are a fake goddess. Why do I think those people in the court are ignorant?"

Jin Shu pulled out the remaining needles and applied them to him again.

"I was the one who offended you just now, but with the general's temper, if I don't use this move, I'm afraid I'll be surrounded by your soldiers before I finish speaking."

"It's true. You girl looks young and the city is very deep. I always feel that it is dangerous to cooperate with you."

"Much safer than your current situation."

Zhang Hu obviously still didn't believe her, but now he couldn't help but not believe her anymore. After all, anyone who had one foot in the door of the Lord of Hell couldn't care about anything else.

After agreeing to cooperate, after the acupuncture was completed, Jin Shu left him a few more medicines.

"Once a day, eat the dregs of the medicine together. I'll come back at this time tomorrow."

"Wait a minute, I saw this morning that there was an extra chimney on top of the house you live in. Who made it?"

"I've been playful since I was a child and learned a lot of crafts, so I'm prepared."

Zhang Hu looked at her and smiled.

"You are quite capable. From now on, your family won't have to fetch ice cubes. You can just help us raise the horses if you have nothing to do."

"Now that we're talking about it, I made a little thing yesterday that can cut holes in the ice. With this, I can easily drill holes on the ice to get water, and there won't be so many people working hard to get ice every day. When it comes back and melts again, it only takes two or three people to walk a few more times.”

Zhang Hu nodded and looked at Jin Shu with a little more appreciation in his eyes.

"Since we have talked about cooperation, I will also show some sincerity. From now on, you will be responsible for such trivial matters. You can decide how to arrange it. Just finish the work."

"Well, thank you very much for your trust, Commander."

After leaving the tent, I happened to see the same group of people from yesterday pushing wheelbarrows to the river to get ice.

Jin Shu stepped forward directly.

"There is no need to go so much. From now on, each family will send one young and strong person to fetch ice. Five people can go there every day. In this way, we will rotate and the rest will follow me."

The leader, a middle-aged man who was once the governor of three continents, asked directly after hearing this.

"Do you mean what you say? How can five people get so much ice?"

"Just do as I say."

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