Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 266 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Scum Emperor (12)

After these people died, the atmosphere of the entire military camp changed a lot.

Those people before were all soldiers brought by the commander from the capital. Even though the commander was cruel, he would only give some words of reprimand, but he would not really punish them.

Now that all the brothers who had followed him through life and death were dead, how could Commander Zhang Hu not see the fishy nature inside.

He suspected Jin Shu, but when Jin Shu came to give him acupuncture, Zhang Hu did not dare to ask any more questions.

He saw Jin Shu's ability, so what if she admitted that she did everything? Your life is in the opponent's hands. If you want to survive, you can only pretend that you don't know what to do.

"The commander is in good health. You can move around more these days if you have nothing to do. He will be fully recovered in another month."

"Thank you girl."

Nowadays, everyone in this area calls her girl, and Zhang Hu gives Jin Shu enough face by calling her like this.

Because of this incident, the position of deputy commander in the military camp became vacant. Jin Shu took advantage of the acupuncture to recommend someone to him.

"Liu Lingzun, the former Three Cavalry General, was experienced in leading troops. He could command millions of soldiers and horses, let alone the thousand soldiers in the military camp."

"I will consider Miss Jin's suggestion."

"Don't think about it. The commander has worked so hard and some things can be done by others."

After saying that, Jin Shu clapped her hands, and Liu Lingzun, who had been waiting outside for a long time, walked in directly, first clasped his fists in salute, and then responded directly.

"Thank you for your appreciation, Commander. I will definitely not let you down."

What is this called negotiation? This is clearly forced.

But Zhang Hu didn't dare to say anything at this time. He pulled out a stiff smile and nodded.

"Okay, okay, I'll have to work hard for Vice President Liu from now on."

Liu Lingzun glanced at Jin Shu and continued.

"There are many young people who came here with my subordinates. Why don't I let my subordinates arrange the remaining vacant positions?"

Those who died were all close associates, and they also held important positions in the army such as supervising food and grass and training soldiers.

If these positions are occupied by Jin Shu's people, then he will have no say at all in this military camp from now on.

Before Zhang Hu could speak, Jin Shu answered.

"Then don't betray the commander's trust in you. Go down and make arrangements. It's getting late. Commander Zhang, please rest early. I'll come back tomorrow."

As soon as Jin Shu walked out of the tent, she heard a loud noise from inside.

She didn't stop and kept moving forward. She had no choice but to get some retribution for being domineering in Northern Xinjiang for so many years.

It snowed heavily that day, and the heavy snowflakes covered the sky and the sun. The snow was more violent than before.

After discussing the camp construction matters, everyone put on their clothes and went out. Jin Shu gave them instructions before leaving.

"The snow is thick tonight, don't sleep too hard."

"According to what you said, the places that should be reinforced have been reinforced. Now the house is strong and warm, so there is no need to worry."

"Nip it in the bud, everyone, please be careful. I think there's something wrong with the heavy snow tonight."

On the way back, there were still people whispering.

"I'm afraid Miss Jin is a bit unfounded. How could such a solid house be crushed by snow?"

Zhou Yinghuai, who was almost silent from beginning to end, rarely spoke.

"We are all from the south and have never seen heavy snow in the north. Since the girl has warned us, let's serve some snacks and keep someone on guard tonight."

The right minister nodded.

"Yes, take precautions before they happen. We are new here and there are many things to be in awe of."

As Jin Shu said, such heavy snow fell all night.

That night, the candles in Jin Shu's house were brightly lit, the fire was strong, and the earthen kang was already very warm. Jin Shu closed the curtains and took a comfortable hot bath.

Liang's mother left a portion of fried dumplings for her. Jin Shu thanked her and sat down to eat the dumplings while giving instructions.

"Tonight we will take turns to keep vigil. I will stay awake at midnight, and my father will stay at midnight. Zhaozhao and Mumu will sleep on the couch in the corner. No one should sleep in between."

Mother Liang knew what Jin Shu was capable of. Although she felt that the situation was not that serious in her heart, she still quickly carried the two sleeping children to the wall.

In the middle of the night, Father Liang, who was keeping watch, suddenly heard a cry and scream coming from outside the door. He was so startled that he lost all sleep immediately. When he was about to stand up, there was a slight cracking sound above his head. Before he could react, When I came over, I heard a loud "boom", and the heavy snow hit the fragile roof directly on the center of the kang.

The sleeping mother Liang and her two children were frightened out of their sleep and were dumbfounded when they saw the scene in front of them.

"It collapsed, it really collapsed!!"

The family worked hard until the next morning to repair the collapsed roof.

When I opened the door, the snow was already buried up to my waist.

Father Liang was frightened for a while.

"Fortunately, I listened to Shushu and made the two doors open inwards, otherwise we would be stuck in the house with snow now and unable to get out!"

If the roof leaks again in this weather, you will definitely freeze to death if you are trapped at home!

Jin Shu took out the shovels she had prepared in advance and handed one to each of them.

"Stop standing there and shovel it."

Jin Shu, who was familiar with the load-bearing structure of houses, had long realized that this house could not withstand such heavy snow.

She could have strengthened the roof during the night, but this would not have much educational effect on her family members. She might as well let them suffer a little. Whatever she said in the future, they would definitely obey and approve her from the bottom of their hearts.

So does everyone else.

Last night, the roofs of almost all the houses collapsed, but fortunately, only one roof collapsed, and the four walls were still quite stable in the heavy snow.

In addition, Jin Shu asked someone to keep watch at night, so most people quickly called someone out when something strange happened on the roof.

There were two houses in total that were completely crushed.

The cries for help heard at night came from the people in these two rooms.

At that time, Jin Shu asked each household to arrange for someone to learn carpentry, but the two families dismissed it and didn't take it seriously at all.

The house without a stable structure collapsed in an instant. By the time everyone worked together to dig out the snow, the people buried inside were dead and seriously injured.

After this incident, everyone's eyes changed when they looked at Jin Shu.

There is a sense of admiration and respect for the gods inside.

This is what Jin Shu wants.

"Miss Jin, thank you for reminding me, otherwise we might end up like them last night."

"Our lives were all saved by Miss Jin! From now on, Miss, you can take command! I, Wei Liang, swear to follow you to the death!"

Wei Liang, one of the last batch of exiled hussar generals, drank too much at the celebration banquet after his achievements, and offended the ancestors of the Huangfu family. After he sobered up, he was thrown here. (End of chapter)

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