Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 269 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Emperor (15)

She nodded silently.

Mu Han grabbed her, shook the reins hard and shouted in a low voice.


More than a hundred soldiers behind him all mounted their horses and turned around, facing the wind and snow and disappearing into the vast snow.

Watching the cavalry leave, You Xiang felt a chill in his heart.

The people in the camp rushed out impatiently and saw that only the right prime minister was standing there, feeling bad in their hearts.

Green Screen asked again and again.

"Where is our young lady? Why is the young lady missing?"

Father Liang and Mother Liang looked around in panic, their voices trembling.

"Where is Shushu? Right Prime Minister, please speak up. Where is our daughter?!"

The right minister took a deep breath, remembered Jin Shu's instructions before leaving, and forced himself to calm down.

"Miss Jin left with the Tatar army, but don't worry for the time being. Miss Jin is smart and will be fine."

The former commander in the military camp heard this and subconsciously asked.

"Isn't it the Tatar leader Mu Han who is here? Miss Jin was taken away by Mu Han?"


"It's broken! What you don't know is that leader Mu Han was vicious and cruel by nature. He killed his biological father and took the position of leader because his mother abandoned him when he was still young. When Mu Han The first thing he did after becoming the leader was to snatch his mother back from another camp, massacre everyone in the other camp, and even kill his mother in public!

Mu Han is inhumane! What's the difference between being captured by him and dying! "

The green screen immediately stunned me.

Father Liang asked the right minister with red eyes.

"What should we do now? We have to save her! She was taken away for everyone!"

The right prime minister looked solemn and remained silent for a long time.

Based on his understanding of Jin Shu, since she was willing to take the initiative to leave, she must have her own plan, but when he thought of Mu Han's cruelty, he couldn't help but think, what if something really happened?

At this time, on the way north.

The heavy snow whistled in my ears, and the cold moonlight cast a silvery white light on the snow.

Jin Shu sat on the horse and reached out to pat the horse's back. It was strong and powerful. You could feel the horse's strong muscles tightening with every step. At first glance, it looked like a fine horse that combined endurance and explosive power. .

This kind of horse Jinshu has only been seen here. Even if the snow underneath is so deep, the horse's hooves can still walk quickly.

After running continuously for nearly an hour, the horse didn't sweat at all. Obviously, this amount of exercise was not worth mentioning to the horse underneath him.

Jin Shu sighed a little. It was indeed a powerful horse from the grassland. She had never seen such a quality horse even in the most high-end modern horse farms.

She studied vigorously, but belatedly discovered that she did not feel the slightest chill along the way. She raised her head and took a look, and found that her entire body was wrapped up by the man's thick cloak. No wind can penetrate.

His nose was filled with the dry and warm smell of a strange man. It was not unpleasant at all, with some unique aroma of hay, very much like the smell of modern herbal perfume.

The man's hands were still locked on her waist. They were not very strong, but because of his broad palms, he was able to hold her steady even on such a bumpy horseback.

About an hour and a half later, the horse under her gradually stopped. Because she couldn't see Jin Shu, she could only rely on her feelings to know that she had entered a warm and bright place. The man behind her followed her and hugged her with one hand and got off the horse. At that moment, the other party took off his cloak, and only then did Jin Shu see clearly the situation she was in.

This is a quite spacious tent, with four stoves evenly placed around it. The bright light comes from the oil tables on both sides of the tent. White grease is burning on the tables. I don’t know what kind of material it is, and the light is extremely bright.

In the middle of the tent is an extremely tall bench. The chair is covered with thick black bear skin, including the thick bear skin that he is currently stepping on.

Behind the chair is a large bed, which is obviously where the man in front of him works and lives.

The right minister said that he was Mu Han, the leader of the Tatars. Jin Shu took a closer look at the man. The man took off his bearskin cloak, revealing a wide waist and narrow back. His legs were straight and slender. The iron boots under his feet looked extremely heavy, but he It was effortless when he lifted his feet. Various signs showed that the person of the opposite sex in front of him was very capable of fighting. It would not be a wise move to conflict with him.

The man took off his boots and sat on the bench, his dark green eyes staring intently at Jin Shu in front of him under the light.

His eyebrows are high, his eye sockets are deep, and his facial features are clear and firm. He looks like a European male model that Jin Shu often saw in shows in the world before.

Not only do they look similar, their bodies are similar, and they are even stronger, but overall they don't look bulky, and their every move is agile and sharp, like a wolf on the prairie.

"come over."

When Mu Han saw that Jin Shu was standing there blankly and not taking any initiative at all, he had no patience so he took the initiative to speak.

Jin Shu still stood still.

"We can talk."

"What qualifications do you have to talk to me?"

Seeing that she was not interested, the man simply stood up and approached slowly. His tall body pressed against her, and he reached out to hug Jin Shu's waist, but before he could touch her, he slipped away like a loach.

"I'm also good at raising horses. Is there a mare giving birth at the horse farm? It sounds like it's difficult for her to give birth to a pony on her own. I can help."

When Mu Han heard it, he felt that her words were incomprehensible.

He didn't even know what was going on in the racecourse, how could this Central Plains woman in front of him know?

Jin Shu talked too much nonsense, and he didn't have much patience, so he leaned forward with thin lips.

"I want you to come here, not to negotiate with me. If you really want to, we can negotiate in another way."

The light in the man's eyes showed that a ferocious beast was staring at its prey and was determined to win. He had never had such a strong possessive desire for a woman. Even though he knew that it was the best opportunity to occupy the camp, he still gave up the opportunity by mistake. Bring back such a woman.

He knew that the next step would be very troublesome, but with always strong execution ability, he would never give himself time to hesitate.

Where the candlelight flickered, the man's shadow reflected on the wall became more aggressive.

At this moment, an urgent voice suddenly came from outside the tent.

"Report to the king! Something happened in the stable. Five mares gave birth at the same time. Among them, Feiyun and Taxue have been unable to give birth..."

Before he could finish his words, the tent curtain was opened directly, and a man with cold clothes stood in front of his subordinates, his voice was cold.

"Where's the doctor?"

"There is nothing Dr. Yang can do. He specially asked his subordinates to report to you and come to see Feiyun and Taxue for the last time!"


Mu Han was about to rush to the stable, but then he suddenly remembered the woman in the tent, so he turned back and opened the curtain.

"You, come out!" (End of chapter)

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