Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 290 After being exiled, he expanded his territory and killed the Emperor Zha (36)

Who are the people here? !

Huangfu Rong was immediately furious and smashed the mirror in front of him with a punch, and then his whole body fell into endless uneasiness and panic.

He has completely believed what the old master said back then.

The goddess comes to the world to protect the people, and whoever wins the goddess wins the world.

At the beginning, he dismissed this sentence, but now that the facts are presented one after another in front of him, he can no longer believe it.

After leaving Jin Shu, his body was getting worse day by day, as if the backbone of his whole body had been taken away, and he was in a trance all day long.

Just then Liang Qingqing pushed the door open and came in.

She has been helping Huangfu Rong handle the government affairs these days. Strictly speaking, she is no longer helping, but directly listening to the affairs behind the curtain on his behalf.

Anyway, Huangfu Rong is in poor health now and looks like he can't wake up every day. Even if Liang Qingqing helps him handle one or two important affairs in the court, he won't be able to find out.

"Huangfu, do you really want to entertain the small neighboring countries? I think this is simply unnecessary. Why bother to test the other country's attitude? The Northern Kingdom is already so arrogant. As a big country in the Central Plains, it is not appropriate to directly send troops to teach her a lesson. What?"

"So? Fight directly? You think these things are too simple!"

Liang Qingqing was not convinced.

"You always look down on me, saying that I don't understand government affairs or the art of war, but have you ever thought about where we would be today without me?"

"Shut up!"

"Huangfu, you have changed. You have become unrecognizable to me. You are the lord of the world, and you will unify the world in the future! I am here to help you. Together, the two of us will definitely help Dazhou to pacify the world. ,You believe me."

When Huangfu Rong heard this, he couldn't help but sneered.

"Liang Qingqing, your medicine killed so many of my people and soldiers back then. Considering our past friendship, I didn't care about you. How can you find the confidence to continue to utter arrogant words here?!"

"You are still blaming me for this! Am I willing to cause all this? I said that if I could make up for all this, I would rather die! But what's the use of me dying? I can't save so many lives if I die. , so I have been in such pain these days, I have already been punished Huangfu! What else do you want me to do!"

Liang Qingqing didn't understand why he was holding on to this matter!

Obviously she didn't mean it, everything she did was just to help him stabilize his empire!

Huangfu Rong no longer wanted to hear this rhetoric.

He also knew that Liang Qingqing didn't mean it, but now that the matter had come to this, he no longer dared to believe her words.

"In the future, you should not interfere in the affairs of the court. Just do your duty as the master of your harem."

"Huangfu, you will regret it sooner or later."

"I already regret it now!"

It would have been better if Jin Shu had not been driven away in the first place! If he had kept her, he would still be the Huangfu Rong who was always victorious and invincible!

But it's too late to say this now.

Jin Shu has established himself as king, and the group of criminal ministers who were driven out of the Zhou Dynasty by him have now become his enemies!

Huangfu Rong regretted it. If he had known earlier, he should have killed those people directly! The gang of ambitious traitors from the province have now turned around and come back to bite him!

Full of annoyance and regret filled his heart, forcing Huangfu Rong to be breathless for a long time. In the end, he spurted out a mouthful of blood, his eyes went black and he fainted from anger.

Soon, the news that Dazhou had invited monarchs from surrounding countries to the palace for a banquet was sent to Jin Shu.

Before Zhou Yinghuai could tear up the letter, he was stopped by Jin Shu.

"There's no need to tear it up. They have good intentions and we can't live up to them."

"Your Majesty, are you planning to go to the Hongmen Banquet of the Great Zhou Dynasty?"

This time Da Zhou obviously came with bad intentions, and it must have been for demonstration. It was already clear who he was targeting.

Neither Zhou Yinghuai nor the right minister agreed with Jin Shu taking this risk.

But once you enter the palace of Zhou Dynasty, it is not easy to come out safe and sound.

"It's okay, go take a look. Don't worry, they won't be stupid enough to break up with us directly."

"What's the point of going?"

They don't understand. Is it possible that there is nothing left to miss in the Great Zhou Dynasty?

Not to mention that Jin Shu is not the kind of person who can't wait to show off everywhere after gaining power.

Compared with this, she prefers to lead her troops and horses directly to attack the foundation of the imperial city.

"There are many good things in the Great Zhou Palace."

"We don't lack those either."

There is no use coveting others, the most important thing is to seize the time to enhance your own national strength.

Jin Shu waved her hand.

With hundreds of years of history in the Zhou Dynasty and wealth accumulated by four generations of emperors, how much money have you made from that coal yard over the years? How many treasures have been collected by relying on the tribute from the subordinate countries in the world?

When she thought of this, Jin Shu couldn't wait.

In the end, Zhou Yinghuai and the Right Prime Minister discussed it and decided to leave one person to guard the affairs of the country. The last person left behind was the Right Prime Minister. After all, he knew the affairs of the Northern Kingdom better.

Zhou Yinghuai went with Jin Shu, accompanied by three thousand elite cavalry and hundreds of guards for protection.

Ying Huai was very quiet all the way. When the carriage entered Beijing, he opened the curtain and took a look outside.

"The capital has not changed at all."

When he was the top scorer in high school, he rode this road.

That year he was very high-spirited and vowed that he would devote his whole life to Dazhou in the future.

But I didn't expect that just how long had passed before I became a subject of another country.

"I heard that the monarchs of Mongolia and Jin from Northern Xinjiang are also coming this time."

Jin Shu nodded and looked at the street outside.

There was an indescribable sadness and loneliness in my heart.

These were some regrets left by the original owner. The foot of the capital was the place she was most familiar with when she was a child. The Marquis's Mansion was nearby. In order to facilitate her entry into the palace, the late emperor specially gave the most prosperous mansion on the edge of the imperial city to her. Mr. Hou.

The hatred hidden in her bones was suppressed by Jin Shu.

She could understand the unwillingness and despair of the original owner, so she had another purpose of coming here this time, which was to settle the regrets left by the original owner before his death.

This time they came to Beijing as a vassal country. When the carriages and horses from the North arrived, there were already many carriages and horses from other countries waiting on the road into the palace.

There were more than a dozen affiliated countries entering Beijing this time, so when they lined up to enter the palace gate, the scene was quite spectacular. Zhou Yinghuai, who was standing behind and waiting, looked at the tall palace gate and the deep wall in front of him. There was a flash of determination.

Jin Shu saw what he was thinking.

"You don't have to be under so much pressure. What you want will come true in a short time."

Zhou Yinghuai was always the first to respond to what Jin Shu said.

"With you here, I know it won't be too far away."

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