Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 309 The rich mistress disowns her relatives after opening the book (7)

Jin Shu glanced at her, and her eyes were unusually gentle.

"Let what happened in the past be in the past. Live the rest of your life happily. Let's go and buy clothes."

"You should have done this a long time ago!"

"Well, has the letter I asked you to send to my parents this morning arrived?"

Ayu nodded.

"Sent it, what are you going to do?"

Jin Shu smiled: "You will know later."

At this time, in the carriage following closely behind, the two cousin girls began to scold each other.

"What do Jin Shu mean? She thinks that she can ride on her aunt's head to show off her power as a housekeeper, right? Aunt, look at her attitude towards you just now! It's as if the Lu family belongs to her alone!"

"If you ask me, I should have taken back the power of the family right away! Why should the huge Lu family be managed by an outsider? Aunt, you can either be the mistress yourself, and we sisters can help you. Anyway, we are fine at ordinary times. .”

"Yes, yes, otherwise if this trend continues, Jin Shu will soon be rude to you!"

"If cousin Mingqian were here, let's see if she would dare to be so arrogant!"

The old lady's head hurt from the quarrel, so she stopped with a sullen face.

"What nonsense are you talking about? Does the mistress say she can just change?"

"Isn't it just a matter of your words to change things?"

The old lady frowned and waved her hands.

"Since I handed it over, there's no reason to get it back! I'm too old now to deal with this."

The two cousin girls naturally didn't understand that the position of a good mistress was given up for no reason. They would not let others take advantage of it!

And how could they guess what the old lady was thinking.

So when Ayu also asked the same question, Jin Shu said leisurely while drinking tea.

"Are you worried that the old lady will take back the position of mistress? Ayu, you have been with me for so many years, can't you see such a simple problem?"

"I know better. When the old lady gave up the position of mistress to you, it was all because she couldn't cope with the disputes between the big families and just wanted to enjoy one person's leisure.

But now that the Lu family has settled down and is not as struggling as before, why is she still willing to let you continue to be the mistress? "

"The current situation is not as simple as you think. Although she is not a mistress, she has gained much more benefits now than she did as a mistress."

Jin Shu had clearly investigated the tricks in the thirteen shops last night.

Basically, the manipulation is from the procurement aspect. After all, the original owner of things like profit will carefully check every month. This part is not easy to deal with.

As for the five grain and oil shops, three restaurant shops, two banks and three porcelain shops among the thirteen shops, almost half of the people responsible for purchasing there were arranged by the old lady when she was in charge.

The interests in the thirteen shops are intertwined. How could the original owner understand all the twists and turns? There are countless interests that can be pulled through.

And the original owner, who was already exhausted physically and mentally from other trivial matters in the house, was no match for the leisurely old lady.

The old guy didn't do anything, and all he could think about was how to make money for himself through the shop, so during the most difficult years in the Duke's Mansion, the original owner lost more than ten pounds, but the old lady and the nieces and nephews around her all lost weight one by one. They were all glowing and not affected in the slightest.

Thinking of this, Jin Shu drank all the tea in her hand.

"Let's go to the store and have a look."

Seeing Jin Shu coming, the shopkeeper of the grain and oil shop immediately came forward to greet her with a diligent attitude.

"Madam, why didn't you send someone to inform you before you came here? The store might be busy and you might be neglected."

"Close the shop in the afternoon and leave the backyard free. I have something to talk to you about in the afternoon."

Seeing that Jin Shu's face was calm and without any unnecessary expression, the shopkeeper felt a little confused and immediately arranged for someone to deliver the news to the old lady.

As a result, Jin Shu stared at him and said something lightly.

"There's no need to bother. I've sent people to block the front and back of the yard. Just sit down for me and drink tea in peace."

The shopkeeper obviously started to panic, and he picked up the teacup nervously with his heart high in the air.

After a while, the shopkeepers and buyers from the other twelve stores were also brought over.

The backyard of the grain and oil store was full of people. Everyone was obviously brought here suddenly. They all looked confused and had no idea what Jin Shu was going to do.

When everyone arrived, Jin Shu clapped her hands, and a heavy box was carried up. After opening it, there was a box full of account books.

“This is all the ledgers I’ve had for the past ten years since I took over the store, and they’re all here.

I've been doing some reading in the past two days..."

Jin Shu glanced over, and it was obvious that some people below were beginning to become unable to sit still.

"I used to think that you guys were just here to help me solve my problems. It wasn't until I read all the account books that I realized that you guys shouldn't be shopkeepers, you should be spies.

After all, the Duke's Mansion is a relative of the emperor. All the family property inside and outside is given by the emperor. If you steal things from the Duke's Mansion, what is the difference between that and stealing His Majesty's things? How is it different from a spy? !

Do you know what it is to be a spy in our country? Implicated nine tribes!

Now, while I am talking to you, stand up and admit how much money you have embezzled over the years! Otherwise, when I report this matter to Your Majesty and throw you all into Dali Temple to be treated as spies, it will be too late for you to speak again! "

Speaking of which, Jin Shu's expression was stern and her voice was cold. The aura of the person in charge was full of pressure. Her tone was neither fast nor slow, but every word was like a hammer hitting them hard.

The people below look at me and I look at you, but no one dares to stand up and admit it.

Jin Shu smiled.

Yes, this kind of people still have to defend themselves even when they are about to die. How can I just scare them now?

So Jin Shu stood up, holding thirteen notebooks in her hands, and walked over one by one.

"The owner of the East Street Grain and Oil Shop, Mr. Zhou, embezzled a total of 17,300 taels by falsely reporting prices and deducting grain and oil during the ten years."

"The shop owner of Beijie Grain and Oil Shop Liang began to conceal his profits and tampered with the amount of incoming and outgoing accounts since five years ago, embezzling a total of 9,844 taels."

"Chengnan Restaurant is the best-selling restaurant under my control. It opened eight years ago. During the eight years, it falsely reported purchase costs and concealed profit amounts, and embezzled a total of 69,900 taels."

"Finally, Boss Jiang of Lu's Bank, you have gone too far compared to the previous two banks, lending money at usurious rates. Now the city can no longer suppress the news. I have calculated the current loan interest rates on the market and found that you are greedy enough." There are 110,000 taels of silver!"

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