Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 313 The rich mistress disowns her relatives after opening the book (11)

"Jin Shu, if you think it's okay, just give me your palm print."

Jin Shu slowly took a sip of tea.

Then sighed.

"Mom, I have been in charge of the family for almost ten years, and I am very happy to hear these words from you.

You haven't been exposed to this in ten years. If all the power is handed over to you, you won't be able to handle it.

How about this, you take it one step at a time and hand over the power of the internal affairs of the family to you first. After you have taken care of these matters at home, I will slowly hand over the power of the outside world to you. "

The relaxation and smile on the old lady's face disappeared instantly.

These internal affairs powers at home are of no use. There are so many trivial matters and no benefit can be obtained.

What she wants is the management rights of those thirteen shops! When the management rights are given to her, won't it be easy for her to get back the money she made up before?

Jin Shu saw her thoughts clearly.

If this old guy was smart and useful, the Duke's Mansion wouldn't have been trampled on and ravaged all these years.

So now she was jumping in a hurry, she was like a monkey in Jin Shu's eyes.

"You kid, haven't you had enough control after so many years? If Ming Qian were here, would you be so disobedient to your elders!"

Moved Lu Mingqian out again.

She tried this trick repeatedly and found out the original owner's filial and infatuated character.

It's okay not to mention him, but as soon as he is mentioned, Jin Shu will have to put her son's debt on her mother-in-law's head.

"Mom, the world is not as good as before. Your Majesty will reward you with gold, silver and jewels every year.

Now I earn everything I eat and drink in the Duke's Mansion. If you want to take your rights back directly, you can. Then prove your ability to everyone first.

There are many things to do at the end of the year. Let me leave it to you to take care of the ancestors this year. If you can take care of the house, I, as your daughter-in-law, will definitely hand over the palm prints of those shops to you. "

Seeing Jin Shu's tough attitude, the old lady had nothing to do.

Then I thought about it, I might as well get the housekeeping seal first. Then the New Year expenses will be so huge, it won’t be a troublesome thing to deduct more for myself.

Jin Shu readily took out the internal affairs palm seal.

"Mom, this is the housekeeping account book. Take a good look at it. The mansion has a lot of expenses at the end of the year. Brothers and sisters in each house have to spend money. However, the share of New Year expenses is fixed every year. You still need to calculate it carefully. "

"I know, I know, when I took charge of the family, you were not married to our Ming Qian yet."

When the word "Ming Qian" was mentioned, the old lady's expression showed a hint of smile.

In fact, as long as the original owner had any doubts about the mother and son of this family, the original owner's intelligence could easily detect the clues from the old lady's expression.

That is, the old lady who loved her son as much as her life was only lonely and passive in the first year. After that, she suddenly seemed to think about it, let it go, and put a smile on her face again. Even if she occasionally mentioned Lu Mingqian, there was a smile in her eyes. Not sadness, but vague nostalgia.

All of this is actually telling the original owner the truth.

It's a pity that a shrewd and keen woman outside really treats her husband's family very well.

Old stuff.

Jin Shu smiled and looked at the smiling old lady, her eyes full of interest before a good show.

The bell rang at the end of the year, and the huge Hou Mansion was decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, and preparations for the new year began.

As a century-old family, every year after thirty, the whole family goes to the temple to pray for their ancestors. During this period, all members of the family, whether direct or collateral, or cousins, would go to the Buddhist Temple in the middle of the capital to offer incense.

The trip involved nearly a hundred people and lasted three days and three nights, during which all food and drink expenses required careful preparation.

The old lady was busy with these things and couldn't care about anything else. Jin Shu didn't have to eat with her these days, so she only took her three children to learn boxing and took the three of them out for shopping.

“After a person has had enough to eat and drink, the next thing is to maintain decency. Decentness is not vanity, but that you always keep spurring and motivating yourself.

When you put on the beautiful clothes and follow them, you will intuitively feel the rewards for your hard work.

You are the children of an aristocratic family, and you must maintain the honor of your family. Your every word and deed represents the face of the Duke's mansion, so whether you are in the mansion or out and about, you must always pay attention to your words and deeds.

Remember? "

The three children nodded repeatedly.

This was the first time Jin Shu had said these words to them.

Lu Gu was entangled in his heart, not knowing who was right.

His mother told him that in life, as long as he lives happily, he will be happy. The first thing is to be happy, and the second is everything else.

He used to feel that this sentence made sense, but now in the Duke's Mansion, looking at the woman in charge of the Duke's Mansion, something was about to burst out of his heart.

Jin Shu's eyes suddenly turned to him, her tone was gentle but every word was heard.

"Why should we restrain ourselves and not indulge in freedom?

Because you are the future heirs of the Duke's Mansion, if you break away from the glory of the Duke's Mansion and all the status brought to you here, then you can be free and unrestrained.

But if you are in it and are unwilling to escape and cannot be independent, then never talk about the word "freedom" in front of me. Remember? "

With a simple eye contact, Lu Gu suddenly felt that his cheeks were burning red, as if the darkness hidden in his heart had suddenly been exposed to the sun, and his whole person became restrained and nervous.

He didn't dare to look at Jin Shu and could only nod silently.

Lu Xu said solemnly on the side.

"I understand what mother means. We now rely on the Duke's Mansion for food and accommodation. Now we must work hard to become more powerful and help mother protect the Duke's Mansion in the future!"

Jin Shu rubbed his head and said with a smile.

"Yes, Ah Xu is still smart. If he enjoys the delicacies of the Duke's Mansion without thinking of anything in return, then such a person is really a wolf-hearted person, worse than a pig or a dog.

If you see people like this in the future, don't give them a good look. These are just moths clinging to the Duke's palace. Just crush them to death with one foot. "

"Yes! Trample him to death!"

Lu Xu stepped down hard, with such force that he almost shattered the bricks under his feet.

Lu Gu's heart almost skipped a beat, and he was a little absent-minded during the rest of the shopping process.

An inexplicable entanglement and struggle made him unable to feel at ease at all.

What Jin Shu said makes sense, and it should indeed be like this. Isn't this the most basic principle of being a human being?

Then why did his parents teach him before coming here that he doesn't need to think about anything or do anything. The Duke's Mansion belongs to him no matter what, and he only needs to inherit it as his legitimate grandson.

In the past, he took it for granted that this was the way it should be. After all, he was supposed to enjoy all this.

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