Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 364: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Male and Female Heroes (16)

The reason why Jin Shu said she liked Luopu's temperament was because the child always had a bold and cunning look in his eyes.

He looked dull, but he was actually the most sinister.

So Jin Shu chose him to be her maintainer. Even if she now came up with such a bold idea of ​​transforming the mecha, Luopu's first reaction was not fear, but excitement.

Of course, you still have to go through the cutscenes.

"This is the school's military mecha. I don't have a maintenance certificate. If we are caught secretly modifying it, we may be expelled from school."

After all, a military mecha is much more valuable than a student who has just entered school.

"Then don't be discovered and do it in a hidden way."

"I've dismantled a lot of obsolete military mechas at underground black merchants. I haven't dismantled this new one, but I can give it a try. Even if it doesn't change, I can guarantee its restoration."

Jin Shu nodded.

"Then hurry up, don't waste time."

The two hit it off immediately, and Jin Shu piloted the mecha and took Luopu to a remote training ground. Because it hadn't been built yet, almost no one would come here.

"How did you find this place?"

After all, Jin Shu seems to be a homebody with limited information.

"Why do you care so much? Stop talking nonsense."

The original owner grew up here since she was a child. Is there any place she can't find in the military academy training ground?

The moon was dark and the wind was high, and there was no one around. Luopu took out the equipment he brought and took a deep breath before starting to dismantle it.

"What is your request? In other words, what do you want to change it to?"

"I want to win the championship."

"How about being more specific?"

"Make its main lever lighter, it's too heavy now."

Luopu tried, but he couldn't push it.

"Such a heavy mecha can easily spin out of control, so the main joystick needs to have enough pulling force. If you make it lighter, problems can easily occur."

"It's okay, I have good skills."

"I hope you are not blindly confident in your skills."

Luopu didn't waste any time and directly adjusted the pulling force of the total joystick to below the standard value.

Jin Shu has been watching carefully from the side.

"Do you understand?"

"I don't understand yet."

"I don't understand what you're looking at? You're a warrior. You just need to drive your mecha. Just leave this kind of thing to me."

"There was once a person who trusted her maintenance technician so much, and then her mecha went out of control. She lost the honor and identity that a warrior cares about most."

Luopu raised his head and glanced at Jin Shu.

"Peiya, learn to trust your maintenance technician, and I will prove to you that I am an excellent partner."

Jin Shu smiled, said nothing, and continued to stand aside and watch.

In fact, there is another reason, because she is very interested in these things. She was also an excellent engineer back then, and she also invented the world's first agricultural mecha. Later, her mecha was used in war.

Maybe, looking at the chronicles, she is also the founder of interstellar mecha.

"Oh, by the way, do you know about magnetic ghosts?"

Luopu didn't even raise his head.

"I know. You'll know it when you enter the school. What's the name of Aster's special mecha? Have you ever seen a hero with a good horse?"

"I've seen it before. It's indeed a good horse."

Luopu looked back at her and sighed.

"Peiya, you are an extremely noble princess in Little Blue Star, but here, there are princesses everywhere. As long as there are people, there will be class. We don't need to envy everything.

At the very least, you still have Silver Wings. "

Luopu thought Jin Shu was unbalanced.

Jin Shu smiled and said nothing, looking down at the specific structure inside the wings.

Today's world is much more advanced than the one she has been in before. Some theories and designs that were shocking to the world at that time have now entered the homes of ordinary people.

Jin Shu knew that she had to live and learn, so she squatted down and followed Luo Pu to learn from the most basic level.

"You are a warrior, you don't need to waste your time learning this."

"You can't become the best warrior if you rely too much on others."

She doesn't like to rely on anyone.

Luopu glanced at her and stepped aside so that she could see more carefully.

"I have been following my dad since I was a child, illegally modifying mechas for gangsters. The underground gangsters run a mecha fighting gym. Illegal fighters drive illegal mechas for illegal fights. Rich people watch the excitement and place bets. Those fighters are no better than You guys, the extra day they live is the extra day they earn.

I saw many outstanding soldiers there. They were from poor backgrounds and had no chance of entering the Alliance Military Academy. But in terms of driving skills, I felt that they were no worse than anyone in the military academy.

If you want to improve your skills, go watch their games when you have time. "

After speaking, Luopu whispered.

"I have found out the address of the friendly match. It is at the junction of the two major galaxies, the planet Alos. We can go out of school openly then, and I will take you to see it then."

Two days later, all contestants were ready to go.

The school specially prepared a luxurious spaceship for everyone. Soldiers and maintenance engineers walked up in pairs and rested in the designated lounges.

The three teams participating this time are Aster, Ling Su and Jin Shu.

When Jin Shu got on the boat, Astor glanced at her one more time, with some cold dissatisfaction in his blue eyes. It was supposed to be a time for classmates to greet each other, but he had been sitting next to her while the instructor introduced them. When they got to know each other, they didn't even give Jin Shu a spare look.

Ling Su had a more lively personality. He deliberately took Astor's arm and walked to Jin Shu with a somewhat apologetic smile.

"I'm sorry Peiya, you've seen me before, Legere is a friend we've known since childhood. This time Legere missed the qualification for the competition, so he was a little unhappy.

Don't worry, he has always been like this, never hiding his emotions and thoughts, and he is not targeting you intentionally.

Even if it were another person this time, he would still be like this. "

Although every word of what he said was considering Jin Shu's feelings, every word poked a hole in his heart.

After she finished speaking, she still smiled sincerely, as if she didn't even realize what was wrong with what she just said.

Jin Shu nodded.

"Well, so he is angry because the instructor chose me to participate in the competition this time instead of his best friend, and it is not directed at me but because the instructor has a problem with his vision?"

Jin Shu briefly translated her words.

At this time, the instructor standing aside looked seriously at Astor.

"This decision was made by the principal. If you have any dissatisfaction, you can go directly to the principal to discuss it. There is no need to target your new classmates here."

Astor couldn't sit still now.

He didn't know how he ended up bullying his new classmates because he simply didn't want to talk.

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