Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 370: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines (22)

Jin Shu looked at the old acquaintance in front of her, suppressing the emotions deep in her heart, and smiled lightly.

"It doesn't matter who I am, but you said you are here to do business, okay. Where is the search warrant and arrest warrant? My boss is doing business here, but you came up and slapped me first, and now you threaten with violence, the Law Society Alliance for the Rule of Law Under my protection, there should be someone who knows how to do it, right?"

The woman sneered.

"Are you talking to me about the law in a place like this? If you want to stand up for others, take a look in the mirror and see how much you weigh. Get out of the way. Otherwise, I will treat you as an accomplice if you interfere with official duties!"

"Are you a public servant? Then don't you know that our Interstellar Alliance has a saying that the Interstellar Alliance will protect every inch of the place where the sun shines? Why, you don't even know this and you are still here talking to me about law enforcement?

Sister, again, where is your ID? Arresting people at will without documents is not right. You are planning to kill someone. This is illegal.

Or are you saying that you are not a public servant at all, and you are lying just because you are wearing a uniform? "

Jin Shu looked at his "old friend".

Ling Xiao, and the man standing next to her.

You can guess the identity of the man with just your toes. The male protagonist of this article is the strongest man in the galaxy, the super god-level mecha warrior Ares.

No wonder she met so many moths in the underground arena just now. It turned out to be a plot to accelerate the relationship between these two people.

Jin Shu's words directly made Ling Xiao feel completely cold and impatient.

She raised the corners of her lips, looked at the vivid, arrogant and stupid face in front of her, and spoke word by word.

"Law? Sorry, here, fists are law.

Since you eagerly come forward to die, then I will help you. "

After saying that, the muzzle of the gun pointed directly at Jin Shu's head.

Ling Xiao has never been sloppy in doing things. As long as she is blocking or threatening herself, she will get rid of them.

Especially the Jin Shu in front of her, although she looked different, gave her a familiar feeling of disgust.

She never ignores her sudden sense of crisis. As long as she senses a threat, she will immediately eliminate it without leaving any hidden dangers to herself.

Jin Shu stood calmly.

"So you plan to kill ordinary interstellar citizens at will?"

"You are a suspected accessory and deserve to die."

After saying that the gunfire sounded, Jin Shu opened the defensive shield and dodged. The extremely powerful bullet directly opened a big hole in the wall of the entire store.

Gunshots had been fired twice, and people outside had been alerted. The shop was quiet at the moment, and Jin Shu stood in the corner and dusted herself off.

"I am a student of the Alliance Military Academy. This is my student ID card, which is protected by the Star Alliance Legion. Which law enforcement unit are you from?

If I remember correctly, the only real law enforcement units are the Interstellar Court and Interstellar Peacekeeping. You are wearing a military uniform, do you have the power to enforce the law? "

"Military academy student...heh..."

Ling Xiao sneered, his eyes looking even more disdainful and indifferent than before.

“After so many years, I didn’t expect that the Alliance Military Academy would accept anything.

What happened to the cadets? Do you think I don’t dare to kill you? "

An ordinary student who is not even as good as the most basic army soldier still dares to show off here based on his status. It is really stupid and ridiculous.

"Then you try to move me?"

"Stupid stuff."

Ling Xiao threw away her gun and attacked with her bare hands. The moves she used were all the most deadly killing moves in the army, pointing directly at Jin Shu's life gate.

Jin Shu dodged sideways, flexibly dodged the opponent's attack, turned around, and used the corner of the wall to punch him hard.

Ling Xiao obviously didn't expect that an ordinary freshman in a military academy would have such quick reflexes and such terrifying strength. She quickly ducked away, looking a little embarrassed, and no longer had the ease she had just now.

Both of them were using their bare hands, but the sound of fierce punches echoed in the air. The ultimate fighting move used by Ling Xiao had no effect on Jin Shu at this moment. The opponent always seemed to be able to guess her moves. Not only could he dodge accurately, but he could also counterattack quickly. His boxing techniques were completely unpredictable, intensive and fierce. After three or two minutes of going back and forth, Ling Xiao had already faintly realized that he was about to lose.

At this moment when she was distracted, the other party accurately found the opportunity and landed a palm on her heart.

In an instant, a surge of blood surged in her chest, and her entire chest felt as if it had been severely run over by a giant mecha. The severe pain hit her and turned her face pale.

But at this time, she didn't dare to show it at all, but the man behind her was keenly aware that something was wrong. He slapped Jin Shu's back directly from the air. The strong and powerful mental power hit Jin Shu. He was quick to dodge immediately, but even so, there was still a burning pain in his back.

Ling Xiao took the opportunity to strike down crazily with her fists and kicks. Jin Shu gritted her teeth and endured the severe pain and struck back one by one.

Ares was a little surprised, surprised that Jin Shu's body contained such powerful energy.

He didn't want to intervene and let Ling Xiao teach this little person a lesson on his own.

Unexpectedly, after being attacked by her own mental power, she could still fight Ling Xiao back and forth without falling behind at all.

Thinking that this trip should not be too ostentatious, Ares planned to make a quick decision, but when he thought of Ling Xiao's unwillingness to admit defeat, he was worried that if he took action to deal with the person now, he would make Ling Xiao unhappy.

So he could only sit down and watch Jin Shu's fighting style. After staring for a while, he said.

"The main attack is on the lower left side. The opponent is right-handed and is accustomed to using the right side of his body, and his limbs are stronger. He doesn't use his left leg very much, so he seems to have an old injury."

After the man finished speaking, Ling Xiao immediately attacked Jin Shu's left leg.

In this hearty on-site teaching, the strong and gentle male protagonist, in order to let the woman he secretly likes in his heart thrive, did not choose to directly help but took a more advantageous approach to provide guidance.

It's so sweet and delicious.

Jin Shu couldn't help but cursed in her heart: You two are a couple of bitches.

Damn, are you using her as a humanoid simulation teaching aid?

Okay, let’s play like this, okay? I’ll have fun with you today!

Gradually, Ling Xiao found that the opponent's offensive was obviously weakening, his boxing skills were becoming messy, and his left leg was shaky as he was busy trying to avoid it.

She raised her lips slightly and attacked Jin Shu's left leg more and more fiercely. She only wanted to end this trouble as soon as possible.

Just when she realized that the opponent was defeated and only needed a fatal blow, Ling Xiao boldly raised her foot and kicked Jin Shu's left leg.

This one blow was enough to kick her legs into two pieces, including the skin, flesh and bones!

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