Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 373: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines (25)

That fluttering sentence wiped the smile off Ling Su's face.

Doesn't Jin Shu's words mean to satirize her low status? Even if she joins the army in the future, she will not be able to contact the top brass of the army!

How does she have the right to evaluate herself here?

Ling Su put away the warm smile on her face and looked at Jin Shu coldly.

"Then you should cherish this opportunity to fight him. Be careful and don't get killed. After all, it's not easy to get out of a small place."

When she's not smiling, she looks almost exactly like her sister Ling Xiao.

Jin Shu withdrew her gaze and replied lightly.

"It is better to die in battle than to die as a coward."


Without waiting for Ling Su to speak, Jin Shu stood up and left the conference room.

Astor stood up slowly and interrupted Ling Su's complaint.

"The competition is about to begin. Don't let her affect your mood. Your opponent is not weak either. Don't take it lightly."

"Is Zhang Qitian particularly cruel? I heard that he was thrown into a pile of humanoid armors by his teacher father when he was a child. It is a miracle that he survived since he was a child."

Aster suddenly laughed.

"Do you think it's easy to be the successor of the division commander? He's not strong. There are people below who want to kill him."

"If you really fight him, can you beat him?"

Astor shook his head.

"I don't know, I haven't played against him, but based on his star ranking, I can probably guess that his strength is definitely not inferior to mine.

In short, stay away from him when you see him in the future. "

When Ling Su heard this, he suddenly smiled.

"Don't Frant Peya want to die in battle? This time she will definitely be able to do it!"

Astor glanced at her, said nothing, looked at the time and then stretched.

"It's almost time. It's time for us to set off."

The competition venue is built on a suspended magnetic field. In order to create a 100% realistic battlefield for the players, the organizers specially prepared three asteroids and simulated three real-life battlefields on them.

A Zerg space.

A stormy sea.

There is also a ruined battlefield.

The main arena was already packed with people, mostly soldiers from the Alliance Army coming to watch the game. There were also some wealthy and powerful Star Lords who spent a lot of money to buy seats here early.

In the center of the viewing area is a virtual live broadcast screen that displays the battlefield at 360 degrees with no blind spots. The screen almost blocks out the sun and wraps the sky, giving all the viewers below an immersive feeling.

The Frant family from Little Blue Star also came. Mr. Frant Anlin specially spent tens of millions of interstellar coins to buy a seat in the stands. He sat nervously and excitedly in the middle of the crowd, looking up and slowly walking into the arena. Jin Shu.

The six players from the two major military academies are already in place, and the next step is to choose their opponents.

Because the Ertes Alliance Military Academy had the initiative, it took the lead in choosing its opponent.

The Icarus Alliance warriors occupying the left half of the seats roared with dissatisfaction upon hearing this arrangement.

After all, their much-anticipated seed player, a god-level warrior, was going to fight against a little-known figure. It seemed that the Ertes Military Academy had deliberately arranged to waste their genius with such disgusting tricks.

Because it was a real-time broadcast, the live screen was already filled with comments from all over the planet.

[Isn’t this just Tian Ji’s horse racing! The methods are disgusting! The fighting power of our Qitian God of War is wasted! 】

[If it were me, I would arrange it the same way. Who doesn’t want to win the game? The game is just a game, and we have to decide who is first and second. What’s wrong with using some strategy? 】

[Am I the only one who pays attention to the opponent who competes with Qitian God of War? Can you get out of the mecha alive? Light a candle for her online, Amen]

[I paid for the live broadcast just to watch the duel between God of War Qitian and God of War Aster, but this is the result? You just let me see this? 】

[This is not killing a chicken with a bull's knife, but killing an ant with a Heaven-Slaying Dragon Sword? 】

But the rules are the rules. After the opponents are selected, they will then drive their mechas to the real battlefield.

At this time, Luopu, who was sitting in the attached cockpit, turned pale.

"Peiya, there is a question I have always wanted to ask you."


Jin Shu calmly adjusted the data in the cabin, found the feeling from yesterday, and successfully connected her mental power.

"I have met you before. You may not remember it, but I remember it very clearly. My uncle and I sneaked in at the auction held at the Front Manor. It was the first time I met you."

Jin Shu looked forward and responded calmly.

"Well, what then?"

"You were completely different back then than you are now. To be honest, I was afraid of dying on the field today, so I have a bold question to ask you.

Are you Peiya? "

Jin Shu lowered her eyes and glanced at him, her red lips slightly curved into a beautiful curve.

"Who else could I be if I wasn't Peiya?"

"So who are you? You can say it if you want to, or if you don't want to. Anyway, the problem in my heart has been solved."

The person in front of me is definitely not Frant Peja, the arrogant and indifferent rich lady.

Although the woman in front of her was a little arrogant, she was so arrogant that it made people admire her.

"I'll tell you after the game is over."

"We will come back alive."

At this moment, Jin Shu fiercely pushed the joystick to the end, and the silver-wing mecha instantly flew into the sky, taking the lead in rushing towards the competition battlefield.

"Don't worry, if you follow me, it will be difficult for you to die."

At this time, a scene of six warriors heading to different arenas immediately appeared on the dome.

"Okay, now we can see that the six fighters have gone to the main battlefield. The finals will begin soon. We also ask the audience to keep quiet and not violate the order of the scene.

Next, I will explain this friendly match to you in real time.

According to the assigned competition teams, there are one group: Ling Su and Gao Minjing.

Group 2: Astor Bailey, Stibaan Gulen.

Group 3: Frant Peya, Zhang Qitian.

Now that the three groups of players are in place, the competition starts at a staggered time, with each group starting time half an hour apart.

Now look at the first group of competition scenes. You can see that contestant Ling Su drove a more conventional power mecha this time, while contestant Gao Minjing chose a relatively lighter and more flexible fighting mecha.

In this competition, the simulated real scene is an endless ruins. Players need to fight for the heart of the ocean on a hundred-story ruined building among the ruins. The one who gets the loot wins.

Now that the players are in place, the game begins immediately. "

Everyone was staring at the screen and looking at the two mechas that were already eager to take action.

When the countdown ended, Ling Su took the lead in driving the mecha and rushed out. However, due to his huge size, he could not run as fast as the opponent's lightweight fighting mecha. (End of chapter)

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