Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 375: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Male and Female Heroes (27)

Astor only needed twenty minutes to end the fight, so there were still ten minutes left before the last group came on stage.

Looking at Ling Su who lowered his head and said nothing, instructor Amai had a sullen face. After being silent for a while, he said in a deep voice.

"In a friendly match, just try your best. In the next few years, you should know the direction of your efforts."

Ling Su's eyes were red, and her body was trembling slightly because of shame and unwillingness.

"Instructor, give me another chance and I will perform well!"

"Give you another chance? Where did you get the chance?"

Ling Su raised her head and looked at him seriously.

"The last game hasn't started yet! The game rules and regulations don't say that temporary substitutions are not allowed..."

"Nonsense! Substitutions can only be used as a backup plan if a player is injured and unable to compete. Do you know what you are talking about?!"

Ling Su was confident.

"Do you really want to watch us fail?! No matter what, Peiya will definitely lose, so why waste a competition spot?

I know I can't do it, so let Astor take her place, and let her pretend to be sick and withdraw before the game starts! "

Instructor Amai's eyes were heavy, filled with anger.

"What do you want the entire galaxy to think of our Ertes Military Academy?! Doing whatever it takes to win?!

Ling Su, you really disappoint me! "

"But I do it all for the honor of our school..."

"Shut up! Stop talking! If you really thought about the honor of the school, you shouldn't have pressed the self-destruct button so early!"

After saying that, instructor Amai stood up angrily, his expression even uglier than when he saw Ling Su's defeat just now.

Ling Su looked aggrieved and looked at Aster with a puzzled expression.

"Is there something wrong with what I just said?"

Astor glanced at her and then said something.

"I think you need to see a doctor."

"Huh? Why should I see a doctor if I'm not injured?"

"Postwar ptsd."

After speaking, Astor patted her shoulder.

"In that case, you shouldn't press the self-destruct button directly. The bug just looks scary, and it won't be able to hurt you for a while."

Ling Su's face heated up.

She was unwilling to admit that her first reaction after being frightened was to surrender.

But isn't it human nature to be afraid of death? Besides, she didn't do it on purpose.

Why do these people come to accuse her one by one?

"Get up, get ready to pack your things and go back."

Astor didn't expect to lose to Icarus in this game, but now that the matter was over, it was better to return early to avoid being laughed at by the opponent.

Soon after, the countdown to Game 3 began.

Most of the people in the auditorium were already losing interest. If it weren't for the chance to see the heroic figure of Qitian War God, it is estimated that half of the seats in the auditorium would be empty at this time.

The live barrage is also surprisingly harmonious.

[Today we gather here to light a candle for a young man named Frante Peja, hoping that her death will not be so ugly]

[I think Qitian God of War might not kill a little girl. The disparity in strength is too great. There is no need for me to waste too much time on this game and just end the battle with one big move]

[This new student is really pitiful. As a contestant, he is definitely not weak, but if he just goes up against the strongest in the universe, even if he survives, he will be in trouble for the rest of his life.]

[Hey, you are all wrong! According to my understanding of Qitian War God, he will definitely stage a cat and mouse game for all of us today! So excited! So excited! ! 】

“The first two exciting duels are over, and our third game is about to begin.

The playing field, the insect star. The content of the game is to travel through the hole of ten thousand insects.

Next, you will see countless interstellar Zerg races that you may or may not know. They are lurking in the wormholes waiting to welcome our two warriors.

The player who travels through the wormhole first will be the winner of this game.

Okay, are you ready? The countdown to the competition starts now! "

The next second, the faces of the two contestants appeared on the huge screen, and the bright red countdown numbers jumped between them.

At this moment, Luopu could not see the reaction of the audience, nor did he know the content of the live barrage, but he could almost guess the reaction of those people below.

"Zhang Qitian, hey... I heard about him when I was in Little Blue Star. He was born with strong mental power. His father also believed in the law of the jungle and the strong, and raised him as a humanoid armor since he was a child.

I heard that he had an older brother who was beaten to death by his own hands...

Forget it, stop talking, the more I talk about it, the more I get scared. "

Luopu's face became paler as the countdown to the game began.

I don't know why, but the countdown in his ears sounded like the death knell before death, hitting his heart hard again and again.

What was in stark contrast to his performance was Jin Shu's calmness.

Luopu tried to see a hint of hidden fear on her face, but unfortunately, he couldn't see it at all.

She really didn't seem scared at all.

"Peiya, can you talk to me?"

"Well, sit tight."

The next second, the heavy silver-winged armor flew straight into the sky. Luopu truly felt what it means to fly in front while the soul is chasing behind.

He clutched the seat belt and his breath was stagnant. His face that was originally white with fear was now white with gray.

At this time, in the audience, the host's interest was obviously not as high as before. He even asked his assistant to arrange a return flight ticket for him in fifteen minutes during the intermission.

"Ahem...the competition has officially begun. From the big screen, you can see that the two players have rushed out. Here I need to introduce to you this year's rising star seed player of Icarus Military Academy, Zhang Qitian.

Although this young man is young, his mental strength, explosive power and concentration are quite perfect, especially his ability to control mechas, which he has few rivals.

So we can now see that Zhang Qitian has taken the lead. Let's take a look at the position of another player... Frant Peiya is also a very good mecha warrior. As her first I believe everyone is very tolerant of her during her first appearance.

So it can be seen that Frant Peja’s current position is... in front? ! "

The host's voice rose three degrees.

The hearts of all the viewers below also skipped a beat.

After checking, he saw that he was right. The unknown freshman was indeed rushing in front of Zhang Qitian. The distance between the two was not far, but the gap was widening at an obvious speed. (End of chapter)

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