Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 393: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines (45)

With a scream, the Zerg fell directly from the tree and hit the swamp hard.

Jin Shu lifted it up to prevent it from falling into the swamp.

A deep wound on the neck made the Zerg no longer able to move. Jin Shu turned on the searchlight and looked at it, and then noticed that its pupils were shrinking rapidly with the aperture.

"Did Ling Xiao send you here?"

The other party obviously understood what Jin Shu meant and struggled weakly.

Jin Shu smiled.

“The Thousand Mask is indeed very useful, but it has one drawback: it cannot change one’s pupils.

If I guessed correctly, you should be the Huang Mao following Ling Xiao, right?

Did she tell you that I was powerful before she sent you here? She herself is no match for me, so she sent you to die.

Don't worry, I won't kill you. After killing you, the three regiments will come to trouble me, but you are in trouble now too. "

After saying that, Jin Shu pressed the blade against the opponent's aorta again.

"Are you planning to die like this?"

After saying that, the Zerg's face slowly changed, and the original hideous mantis face quickly turned into a human appearance.

Jin Shu's guess was correct. It was indeed Huang Mao, following Ling Xiao step by step. Her heart and eyes were full of Ling Xiao, and her love was almost overflowing.

Ling Xiao is really good at using waste. Men who like him but don't like him will be sent directly to die.

If Jin Shu could be killed, that would definitely be the best outcome.

Even if he was killed by Jin Shu, the man happened to be wearing a surveillance camera, and the whole process of being killed would be recorded. Then Jin Shu would be held responsible for killing his comrades.

This crime is serious. To harm your comrades is a serious demerit in the Alliance Legion. Not only will your military rank be revoked and you will be stripped of your military status, you may even be punished with an electric shock, which will make it impossible for you to stand up again in your life.

In short, no matter what, Ling Xiao will achieve what she wants.

And the price is just a dispensable suitor.

Jin Shu leaned over, reached out and took away the surveillance lens from the man's eye, and then smashed it with one hand.

"You are not the only one who has this kind of thing. By coincidence, I also have it."

After speaking, Jin Shu pointed to her eyes and smiled softly.

"From the moment you sneak-attacked me to the moment you regained your true appearance in front of me, everything was captured on video.

What do you think would happen if I gave these to the teacher? "

Huang Mao, who was seriously injured, was obviously scared.

Not only was his life in someone's hands now, but his future and fate were also tightly controlled by someone.

Desperate, he slowly knelt down.

"What do you want from me, please, as long as you don't kill me."

"Don't worry, I won't kill you."

After saying that, Jin Shu raised her hand and struck the opponent's neck hard.

The next second the man collapsed and fainted.

Jin Shu hid the person in the tree, wiped the blood on her hands, turned around and returned to the swamp shore.

Anyway, there is no surveillance, and no one will notice what she does now.

At this moment, her still time began.

Okay, let’s get started.

Jin Shu walked ashore, took the lead in carrying Cress who was still on the shore, then turned around and walked towards the other side of the swamp.

In this way, in the next few hours, she went back and forth four times, moving all four members of the team to the other side of the swamp.

Of course, it's not enough to do this. You can't kill people during the still time, but it doesn't say you can't do other things.

Jin Shu had plenty of strength, and she had so much time to spare. She directly found Ling Xiao and others in the mist, and carried them back one by one, taking all the useful items in their backpacks. Take everything away.

Finally, of course, one cannot forget about the supports under their feet.

After taking it off, Jin Shu threw all the extra supports into the depths of the swamp.

After finishing her work, Jin Shu took out the small bottle in her arms and opened it to see that the insect eggs she collected two days ago had hatched successfully and turned into a dense nest of small colorful insects.

Sprinkle all these little bugs on these people. After sprinkling them, Jin Shu turned around and returned to the other side. Before the rest time ended, she lay down, closed her eyes, and began to rest.

When the still time was over, Huang Zheng was the first to open his eyes. There was a period of confused silence, followed by a horrified shout.

"What is this!"

This sound made Jin Shu shout "Wake up", and then she asked pretending to be surprised.

"Why am I sleeping here?"

Where is this place? Huang Zheng obviously hasn't figured out the situation yet.

He stood up and patted his team uniform frantically, then frowned and looked at the red and swollen wrist that had been bitten, as well as the colorful bugs on his body that hadn't had a chance to crawl off.

At this time, Harry, Cress and An Ning also woke up, and one or two colorful bugs were found on all of them, the size of a pinky finger, which looked a bit disgusting.

Huang Zheng was bitten several times, and there were several big bumps on his neck and face, but the bumps were not painful or itchy, so he felt relieved.

"What kind of bug is this?"

"Why are we here?"

"No, if I read correctly, are we at the end of the rain forest now?"

Cress hurriedly pushed aside the grass in front of her and looked forward, then rubbed her eyes in disbelief and took a closer look.

"What's going on? Am I dreaming? How did we get here?"

It doesn't matter if she sees the end point alone. If everyone sees it, that can only mean one thing.

"We're really at the finish line."

Everyone looked at each other, and finally looked at Jin Shu.

"Peiya, why are you here? Aren't you with the people from the Third Regiment?"

"I don't know, I wasn't very conscious after being bitten by the bug."

Huang Zheng picked up an insect and took a closer look.

"Why does this thing look so familiar?"

"Yeah, this looks like the one that the instructor taught us when we were in the Zerg class at the Alliance Military Academy...what's that one called...what's the scabbard..."

An Ning said something from the side.

"Colored Elytra, also known as hallucinogenic bugs, are low-level poisonous bugs. They have a short lifespan and are about three centimeters in size. Their mouthparts are poisonous. Those who are bitten will fall into a hallucination and lose all their memory after waking up.

Hallucinogenic bugs are afraid of high temperatures and like humidity and coldness. It is probably because we were bitten by the swamp before, so we came here inexplicably due to hallucinations. "

Cress silently gave him a thumbs up.

"As expected of being number one in the cultural class of the military academy. I have forgotten these things a long time ago. Just remembering how gaudy this thing is is quite disgusting."

After hearing what An Ning said, Huang Zheng tried his best to think about it, but he really couldn't think of anything at all.

"What happened yesterday? You can easily get over it if you are bitten by this bug?"

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