Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 402: Entering the Interstellar Crazy Volume of Heroes and Heroines (54)

After Ares locked the location of the Galaxy driven by Jin Shu, he ordered all the soldiers in this branch of the worm cave to retreat.

Soon, this branch was empty except for insect corpses all over the ground.

When Jin Shu realized that the surroundings were too quiet, a huge mecha that was twice the size of the Galaxy blocked her path.

Black mechas are quite rare in the entire alliance, and one can recognize the opponent's identity without asking.

Jin Shu leaned back and looked at the opposite side with an indifferent expression.

"Captain Ares is stuck here. Does he have any secrets that he wants to tell me?"

Ares had no intention of replying and directly turned on the combat mode. The mecha that was originally in flying state quickly changed into humanoid armor mode.

Jin Shu smiled and pressed the battle button.

Unexpectedly, Galaxy's first fighting opponent turned out to be the most powerful man in the galaxy.

At this time, the position of the cockpit also changed to a standing position, the mental system was connected, and every move of the mecha was synchronized with the movements of the warrior.

This mode cannot be activated by just any warrior. You must have at least S level of mental strength to use this function.

After all, this fighting mode consumes the most mental energy. If you don't have some strength, you may not even be able to lift your arms.

Ares said nothing, and he clenched his fist and punched Jin Shu hard. The punch weighed a thousand kilograms. Jin Shu turned over and jumped up, and the punch landed on the cave wall. , directly smashing a deep hole into the cave wall.

Obviously, he wanted to end the fight as soon as possible and kill Jin Shu as quickly as possible.

But he didn't expect that Jin Shu could dodge his explosive charge so easily and casually, and have such flexible control over the combat mode of the humanoid mecha.

But that doesn't matter. If the opponent has some counterattack ability, it will be a bit interesting to deal with it.

However, before he could take action again, Jin Shu, who had just flashed by, suddenly disappeared!

He looked around with a cold face, vaguely aware that this Jin Shu seemed to be a little more difficult to deal with than he thought.

Suddenly, he felt some movement above his head. He raised his head sharply, and a silver-white figure swooped down at a very fast speed. It was so fast that even he could hardly dodge it. He turned over in embarrassment and got out of the way. As a result, he was about to take the initiative again. When they attacked, Jin Shu disappeared again!

What the hell is she doing?


There was a loud noise, accompanied by severe pain in his waist. Ares' pupils shrank and his huge body hit the cave wall hard. A mouthful of blood spat out from his throat. He raised his head and looked at the white The figure rushed over again.

This time he hurriedly raised his hand to block it. As a result, the moment the two collided, the terrifying force was as powerful as an overwhelming force, which directly caused him to retreat continuously and finally became embedded in the cave wall.

Without giving him any time to react, Jin Shu pinched his neck with one hand, clenched the other hand into a fist, and hit Ares in the face fiercely one after another.

Ares was completely mad and furious, and used all his strength to kick Jin Shu away. When he was about to fight back with red eyes, Jin Shu disappeared again.

Angry and manic emotions spread in his heart, burning his eyes red.

When in his life had he experienced such humiliation? He was pinned down by a woman so hard that he almost lost the ability to fight back!

He really underestimated Jin Shu's abilities.

After not seeing each other for a few months, she actually rose to a level similar to his!

If he had known this, he should have directly ordered all the armors to trap her in the wormhole, and then use a bomb to smash her and the worm mother into powder!

Unable to find the target, Ares smashed against the cave wall like crazy!

Just before he could catch his breath, the silvery figure appeared again in his eyes. This time Ares didn't give her any chance to escape. His hands turned into two magnetic cannons and aimed at Jin Shu. Shooting in crazy directions.

For a moment, the entire insect cave shook violently, as if it would collapse in the next second.

However, just when he stopped to take a breath after venting his anger, he discovered that there was only a piece of rubble in the corner where he had just attacked crazily. Not to mention the remains of the mecha, there was not even a fragment of the mecha.

That woman is hiding again.

He took a deep breath, suppressed the fury and irritability in his heart, and observed the movement around him. At this moment, he felt a piece of gravel falling above his head. This time, he did not raise his head, but slowly raised the cannon and aimed it at it. A cannon shot directly from the heights.

In an instant, a piece of the cave wall collapsed directly, and falling rocks hit him messily. Ares suddenly raised his head. When he saw the empty space above his head, he was frightened. When he was about to escape, it was already too late. .

Jin Shu, who had already been hiding behind him, held two electric saws and fired left and right at Ares's chest. At the same time, the rubble above his head continued to fall. Jin Shu did not give him any chance to react, and gave everything he had to him. The mental power suppressed Ares tightly, and the chainsaw cut fiercely from the most vulnerable joints of the mecha.

In an instant, sparks flew.

Jin Shu squinted her eyes and saw Ares' face through the glass, covered in blood.

The huge mecha beast collapsed, and Ares still couldn't figure it out. As an SSS-level super warrior, Jin Shu could defeat him with overwhelming strength.

"Frant Peja, I admit defeat."

Winning or losing is already clear. Men are quite flexible and can choose to admit defeat directly.

"Captain Ares, this is not actual combat training. The game will be over as soon as you admit defeat.

You came to kill me. If you don’t succeed today, there will be tomorrow and the day after tomorrow..."

Ares was still calm at this time. His voice was calm and would not anger Jin Shu at all.

"I did come to kill you, but now it seems that you are a mecha genius that is rare in a century. I will not waste a genius. Moreover, didn't you also record all the evidence that I attacked you? You can give this evidence to the division commander and let him punish me.

If you kill me yourself, you will be in trouble, after all, I am the leader. "

What he said makes sense.

Seeing that Jin Shu didn't speak, he thought she was already weighing the pros and cons. In order to ease the tense atmosphere, he could even ask a relaxed question.

"I have a question, how did you just disappear in front of me for no reason?

The most advanced detectors have been installed on my mecha. Even if you wear a stealth suit, there is no way I can't detect you.

So, how do you do it? "

Jin Shu looked at him, the corners of her lips raised.

"Because the insect mother is helping me."

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