In the interstellar world, Jin Shu lived for more than 180 years, making him a truly longevity old man.

When he opened his eyes again, Arnold's voice sounded in his ears.

"Welcome back."

"I miss the sound of your voice."

Arnold chuckled in confusion.


"Because everything in my world is changing, only your voice remains unchanged."

Arnold seemed to be aware of her emotions.

"You're tired of it, aren't you?"

"Not really, every time a world ends, I feel an inexplicable sense of loss.

Maybe I’m already learning to blend into that world, and sometimes I even forget that I don’t belong to that world…”

Arnold smiled softly, his laughter a little soft.

"Well, I hope you can maintain this selfless state in the next world."

Jin Shu had a vague premonition.

But Arnold followed up with another sentence.

"But I believe in your strength. The next world may be a bit dangerous, so you can ask for skills."


"Is anything okay?"

"As long as it's within my ability, it's fine."

"Give me some spiritual power."

"The pendants and other items I gave you before can no longer be given away, so think about it for yourself and see if there are any other spiritual attachments?"

Jin Shu thought for a while, it had been too long, and she really couldn't remember what happened before.

But fortunately, she can still remember some good things.

"Are you sure this is what you want?"

Arnold looked at the coil with a copper coin and a copper-colored bell tied to it in Jin Shu's hand, but couldn't see anything worth remembering about it.

There are countless rare treasures in Jin Shu's fairy cave. She can't even remember them, but she still remembers this small bracelet.

"Um, yes, thank you."

"This doesn't look like it will be of much use."

"Well, it's just inconspicuous."

Jin Shu has lived for so many years, and there are indeed many rare treasures, but if you take out those glazed emeralds at random, anyone can tell that they are good things.

There was only this thing, which looked like a bracelet sold by workers on the roadside for nineteen yuan and one string.

A copper coin held in the mouth of an ancient emperor.

A bell that fell from the ankle of the Babel Fairy.

They are all left over from the barbaric period.

Jin Shu put it on her wrist and shook the bell, but there was no movement at all.

Arnold: Still a dumbbell.

"Okay, we can start."

"Well, get ready, the next world is opening."


"The mission is over.

Task evaluation result: Excellent++.

Tasker: Jin Shu.

Whether to proceed to the next task: Yes.

Mission is starting...

1, 2, 3, the task was started successfully, and the tasker Jin Shu was loaded successfully.

Forty-eight hours the system loaded successfully.

The time flow rate ratio between the real and virtual worlds: 1:1, the system is open for 48 hours. "


"Ding, ding, ding, ding, the tram is about to start. Please all passengers get on the train in an orderly manner. Please follow the principle of first getting off, then getting on. The door will close after one minute."

Jin Shu was grabbed by a hand and pulled into the tram.

When she first entered this world, she just picked up a flyer that fell on the ground, and her eyes just glanced at the title on the flyer.

"Line 4 tram derailed, causing five deaths and eighteen injuries"

As soon as she read the title, Jin Shu felt dizzy, and when she opened her eyes again, she found herself standing in front of an underground station.

There were already two rows of people standing in front of her, including office workers carrying briefcases, urban girls wearing heavy makeup, and pregnant women with swollen bellies looking down at their mobile phones...

Jin Shu glanced at it and looked down at herself.

She was wearing a white shirt, a plaid skirt, a pair of black leather shoes, and black stockings pulled up to her calf. Her knee seemed to have been broken, and there were some gravel on the wound.

She also had a black and white loose school uniform jacket tied around her waist. Just when she felt a little cold around her and was about to put on the jacket, a hand from the team beside her reached out and grabbed her.

"Hurry up, the tram is coming."

Jin Shu turned around and saw a girl in the same school uniform as herself, with a high ponytail and an ordinary appearance. She had no memorable features. The only impressive thing was a mole at the corner of her mouth.

In addition, there were several students in school uniforms in the queue.

After entering the tram, the door slowly closed and the announcement sounded again.

"The car door closes, the next...stop...the ocean...the world...

Please remember that once the tram starts, you are not allowed to get on or off before the terminal. If you need to get off, please contact the conductor.

Tram regulations:

Once on the bus, you cannot change seats at will.

You can't talk to people with four eyes.

Find the missing item and give it to the flight attendant.

Do not talk to the conductor after the tram has started.

Humans have only two eyes. "

"What the hell?! Damn it, I was chosen too!! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! so annoying!! Why were I chosen!!!"

The boy in school uniform is tall and strong, with short hair close to his scalp and a dark face, he really looks like a braised egg.

His real name is Zhang Zhuang, but everyone calls him Braised Egg.

"Brother Dan, stop shouting. I'm so scared. This tram looks spooky."

The boy standing next to the braised eggs is a bit short and thin, with dry, frizzy and slightly yellow hair. I also like to run around shirtless in gym class with a body of pork ribs exposed. Everyone calls him Xiaopai.

Xiao Pai looked extremely frightened and clung to Zhang Zhuang. Any movement when the tram whizzed by would make his hair stand on end. He was obviously in a trance.

"Hey, squad leader, the reason why we are here is because you insisted on organizing some class activities. Now, okay, we have also been dragged into the horror game. Tell me, what should we do now?"

Zhang Zhuang stared at the tall boy in a white shirt in front of him. He had short hair and bangs, fair skin and a straight nose. Under the dim light, his facial features were smooth. He looked like an idol group preparing to debut.

Gao Linjun was frowning with a solemn expression. After looking around quickly, he said seriously.

"It seems that we have indeed been selected to participate in the horror game. The current environment is like this. Someone will come in every three to five, and this person is beyond my control.

Now that it's here, let's make peace with it. All we have to do now is try our best to survive. "

After saying that, he looked at Rapunzel sitting next to him.

"Lexin, you're here too. I think we have a good chance of surviving."

The girl named Lexin nodded lightly. Compared with the panic of the people around her, she looked as calm as if she were on a spring outing.

"Uuuuuuuuuuah... I'm so scared. I don't want to stay here. I want to go home... Ouch, it smells so bad here. What's that sticky thing under my feet!"

The girl standing in front of the car door covering her face and crying was wearing a white skirt. She was not wearing a school uniform shirt but was wearing a school uniform jacket. She was obviously from the same school.

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