As the heroine of this article, in order to give her a legitimate and reasonable reason to kill, this group of people who followed her into the game have some problems.

Zhang Zhuang, the first to die, was a school bully who harassed Lexin more than once and deserved his death.

According to the original plot, the second person to die was Jin Shu. In this section of the carriage, the original owner was guided by Lexin to choose the soft sleeper area. When he arrived at the soft sleeper area, he saw that it was already eleven o'clock in the evening. This made The original owner directly violated the rule of not moving around the sleeping area at ten o'clock in the evening, and was finally nailed to the bed forever by the flight attendant.

As for why the original owner died, it was because the original owner was too ordinary, so ordinary that he had no sense of existence. Even if he died, it would not be worth mentioning.

In the next four days, Xiaopai, Wang Juanli, Shen Anan and others will be killed by the flight attendants one after another for violating the rules.

Only two people passed the level in the end.

Lexin and Gao Linjun.

The heroine is cold-blooded and ruthless and walks in the darkness, and the hero is warm, passionate and has a sense of justice.

"You have only one task, to clear the level. As for how to do it, it's all up to you."

Arnold then added another sentence.

"Your forty-eight hours of skills will not be of much use in this world. The game world is a virtual world, and the flow rate ratio with the outside world is 1:0.5, which just offsets the skill time.

Sorry, the world doesn't have extra time for you, but at the same time the rewards you can get in reality are double.

There is not much time left for you to think. Whether you can survive or not depends entirely on your choice. "

Jin Shu nodded calmly, not feeling dissatisfied or angry at all because his skills were missing.

What Arnold liked most was her calmness and indifference.

"Come on, I'm optimistic about you."


Arnold said very little and disappeared after telling him the key things.

Back to reality, Xiaopai was already chatting with a few people next to the hard seats.

Yes, they were not the only ones in the entire hard-seat area.

"We got here yesterday, one day earlier than you."

There were only three people left on the other side. Unlike them, the three looked like workers on a construction site. They were wearing blue jackets from a construction company. They were all between thirty and fifty years old.

Xiaopai is a good tactician.

"Brother, you have been here for a day, has anything happened?"

The three men smiled quite frankly.

"I've been sitting here all this time and nothing happened! We decided to just sit here for four days."

"Is this still possible?"

Xiaopai asked again.

"Brothers, how many of you were sent in?"


"It's also seven, so are we."

Worker 1: "Then there are quite a few of you who survived."

Worker 2: "Young children are smart, they must be better than uneducated people like us."

Worker 3: “Did you bring anything to eat when you came?”

Xiaopai, who was sitting opposite, shook his head.

"It came unexpectedly, so I brought a bottle of water."

When the three people opposite heard this, the third worker suddenly said something.

"Water? That's great. I'm dying of thirst. Little brother, please give me a sip of water!"

Xiao Pai generously handed over a bottle of mineral water in his backpack. After the man took it, he opened it and took a big sip. With this sip, the water in the bottle was reduced by half.

When he was about to continue drinking, the second worker next to him snatched the bottle and took a swig. The remaining workers saw that there was not much water, so they stood up and grabbed it.

Seeing the three people in front of him almost fighting over the bottle of water, Xiaopai, who had a smile on his face just now, obviously couldn't laugh anymore.

What should I do if he feels a little regretful?

"Brother...the three eldest there no water in the car?"

Worker Three wiped the corners of his mouth and resumed his honest smile.

"You guys are here late, don't you know. If you want to eat here, you have to go to the first-class seats in front. The food trucks and restaurants are all in the first-class section."

"Then why don't you go to eat? Aren't the first-class seats right in front?"

The third worker smiled helplessly.

"We don't have any money. A lunch box over there costs five yuan, but we don't have that."

"five yuan?"

Isn't this the extra five dollars in my pocket when I completed the first carriage task?

"Didn't you have any money when you came in from the first carriage?"

Worker 3 was silent for a while, and then Worker 1 answered.

“One person bought a bottle of water, but the money was not enough.”

What else did the small platoon want to ask, but suddenly the worker Er, who had few words, asked.

"Aren't you hungry?"

This sentence seemed to suddenly remind everyone present.

Suddenly, Xiaopai felt a strong sense of hunger, and his stomach contracted uncomfortably. His urgent desire to eat made him feel that he would starve to death in the next second if he didn't eat.

"I'm not the only one who feels like I'm going to starve to death, am I?"

He turned to look at the others around him.

Gao Linjun frowned and looked solemn.

"It's strange. I also suddenly felt very, very hungry. This feeling came too suddenly."

Shen An'an: "I'm even hungrier than when I was on a diet to lose weight. How could this happen? I'm so hungry! Let's go to the first-class carriage to buy something to eat?"

Everyone had the same feeling. Just as Gao Linjun was about to stand up, Lexin suddenly pulled him back silently.

Gao Linjun glanced at her doubtfully, Lexin smiled at him, and then said.

"Do you understand that ladies are given priority? There is only one flight attendant. We all went there in a swarm, and the people behind us still have to queue up."

Mr. Gao Lin is a gentleman, and upon hearing this, he could only hold back his hunger and sit down.

Wang Juanli was so hungry that she couldn't stand it anymore, so she took Jin Shu's hand and rushed forward.

"Jin Shu, let's go, hurry up, hurry up, I'm really going to starve to death."

"Take it with you."

Jin Shu pointed to the bag Wang Juanli placed on the seat.

"Why do I care about this at this time! If I can't do it, I'm going to starve to death. I really want to starve to death!"

The feeling of hunger was really fierce and irresistible. Wang Juanli almost lost her mind and rushed forward. Jin Shu couldn't hold her back at all.

At this moment, Wang Juanli, who was almost at the door, was suddenly grabbed by Shen Anan.

"I'll come first, I'll come first."

"Do you know that first come first serve?! Get out of the way!"

The two were pulling at the door.

Jin Shu raised her eyes and happened to see Lexin sitting in his seat, watching the two people fighting with interest.

In the end, the thin Shen Anan was no match for Wang Juanli, and she pushed her to the ground.

The carriage door was opened directly. In the first-class carriage, Wang Juanli rushed directly to the flight attendant who was distributing meals to the first-class passengers. At this time, she no longer cared about being afraid and stopped in front of the puppet flight attendant and shouted.

"Quick, give me a lunch box!"

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