When Xiaopai came back to his senses, he heard Jin Shu's words.

"Follow up."

Keep up?

Where to go?

Go inside that door?

Xiao Pai's head was full of questions, but his body was quite honest, he picked up the bag and hurriedly chased after him.

William frowned, thought for a moment, and then cursed.

"Fuck, who cares."

Then he followed.

Just like that, Jin Shu went straight through the door and came to another carriage.

It was pitch black inside without any light at all. Xiaopai nervously and fearfully picked up the corner of Jin Shu's clothes with his thumb and forefinger, and followed timidly.

"Jin Shu, I support everything you do, but I'm just a little curious. Didn't we come out from here? What does it mean to come back now?"

Jin Shu's voice came from the darkness.

"Because the car turned around."

This sentence was like a thunderous explosion in the air, waking up the small platoon!

He covered his mouth, widened his eyes, and muffled his voice in surprise.

"So the front of the car has become the rear, the front has become the back, the same door, this was the entrance, now it's the exit!! Right?!!"

Jin Shu said "hmm" and continued walking forward.

This section of the carriage was extremely quiet, and no sound could be heard. Jin Shu was still groping forward on her own at first, but suddenly she felt that there seemed to be an extra hand behind her grabbing the corner of her clothes. In addition, It was accompanied by periods of quiet sobs.

"Jin Shu, why do I feel so cold here?"

The voice of the small platoon is still behind.

And it's diagonally behind.

Then who is holding the corner of his clothes right behind him at this moment?

William would not do such a thing.

Jin Shu continued to walk forward without any unusual reaction.

There seemed to be a lot more footsteps around, and if you listened carefully, there was even a low rustling sound.

At this moment, Jin Shu suddenly turned around and grabbed the hand that was holding the corner of her clothes with one hand, and then swung it down hard!

Heartbreaking cries rang out, and the lights above her head lit up. Jin Shu squinted her eyes and stared at the thing in front of her. Then after a brief blur, she saw... the little girl who had been thrown to the ground by her.

The little girl lay on the ground and cried loudly, crying and shouting at the same time.

"Mom!! Mom!! Ooooh I want mommy!!"

Jin Shu frowned and stared at her expressionlessly.

At this time, several people walked out of the sleeper berths on both sides of the carriage.

They all stared at Jin Shu, and one of them looked at a boy about his own age and scolded him angrily.

"Why are you throwing such a young child?!"

Jin Shu said nothing, watching the boy in school uniform step forward and pick up the child, and then comforted him in a low voice.

"Speak carefully if you have anything to say, and don't use your violent tactics against us!"

Jin Shu looked around and found that she was standing on the narrow aisle of the carriage. There were windows next to her and separate cubicles on the other side. There were two beds on the left and right of each room. The space was extremely narrow. She looked at Like an urn.

At this time, there were people standing at the door of these cubicles.

There were men and women, and they all seemed to know each other, because they quickly gathered together and talked in low voices about Jin Shu and others.

After roughly counting, there were almost ten people including the little girl.

Seeing that the atmosphere was a bit tense, Xiaopai quickly stepped forward to help talk.

"We didn't do it on purpose. If she came to drag us in a dark place, anyone would think something was wrong.

Little girl, don't cry, don't cry, we are all in the same car, there is no need to get into a big fight over trivial matters. "

After speaking, he glanced at Jin Shu and motioned for Jin Shu to say a few words as well.

Then Jin Shu took a step forward.

"We are players, what about you?"

The boy frowned.

"I don't know what you mean, we were already on this train."

"Where are the others in the car?"

Jin Shu asked to the point.

How could there be only ten people in one train?

The boy pursed his lips and whispered.

"There is something wrong with this train. When we first arrived, we were told a lot of confusing rules. After that, people died one after another... What you see now are the ones who survived."

Jin Shu nodded, roughly understanding the current situation.

She, Xiao Pai William and others were all selected to join this train from the outside world.

So they start from the entrance.

But I didn't expect that there were actually passengers on this train.

These people are also selected players, but their gameplay is slightly different from theirs.

In short, no matter what, in the face of the rules, no one can escape.

"Then what are your rules here?"

No wonder I didn't hear the rules reminder before I came in. It turned out to have been played a long time ago.

The boys looked at them, obviously still a little wary.

"Where are you all from? What do you mean by player? How did you get on this train?"

The small platoon recounted their experiences in detail.

“I thought there would be some big monster on the third train, but I didn’t expect it to be a group of ordinary people.

You are lucky, at least you were on the train.

When we first came on board, there were four-eyed and paper puppet flight attendants. Each one of them could scare the little girl in your arms to death! "

The child in the boy's arms shrank, and then hugged the boy's neck tightly.

"Forget it, let's introduce ourselves first. You can just call me Xiaopai. This is my Sister Jin. You must know the person behind you, William, the son of the richest man!

And...hey, why did you come with me? The ghost is still there, isn’t it? "

Xiaopai turned around and saw Lexin.

She also came over.

So shameless.

Lexin was shamelessly silent now. No matter what Xiaopai said, she just kept her head down and moved forward.

Xiaopai didn't bother to care about her.

"Be careful about that, that bitch is bad, be careful she cheats you."

After hearing this, the boy finally let down his guard a little.

"My name is Chen Tan, a student from the Municipal Experimental Middle School. Three days ago, our whole class organized a study tour and got on this train together."

"The whole class? What about the others..."

The mouth is faster than the brain.

I regretted it after saying it.

Chen Tan lowered his eyes, as if recalling a terrible thing.

“On the first night, more than 20 people came.

On the second night, more than thirty people came.

I don't know if I can survive tonight. "

Xiaopai trembled all over when he heard this.

so much?

I believe this probability is higher than the previous two carriages!

"Are your carriage rules so difficult?"

What kind of rules would allow so many people to break them?

Chen Tan shook his head.

"We only have one rule."

"Find the passengers who are not on the train and remove them from the train."

Xiaopai: "So have you found it?"


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