This time when I came back, I packed an entire carriage full of stuff.

She had almost emptied everything in the church. If it weren't for the eight-legged doctor who was too big, Jin Shu would have wanted to carry him back whole.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Jin Shu returned to the lunatic asylum, took off all her equipment, sat in front of the mirror, and continued drinking.

The NPC doesn't feel full, which is good. No matter how much she drinks, she can keep drinking even if she has already drank nearly fifty bottles.

Seeing the blood bar above her head reaching 80,000, Jin Shu stopped.

Because her time was over, Sansan woke up and saw Jin Shu in front of the mirror and the blue bottles piled around her, and she screamed in fright.

"Jin Shu, what are you doing?"

Jin Shu turned around and looked at her.

"Come here and give you something good to drink."


"Don't talk nonsense. You'll know after you drink it."

Sansan, who was still confused at first, immediately shut up after drinking a bottle.

Looking at Sansan holding a bottle and drinking in front of her, Jin Shu didn't feel much distress.

After all, if you want to survive, you can't rely on her alone. Although Sansan is stupid, she is very obedient, which Jin Shu likes very much.

In this case, let her live together.

It also saves time to continue getting along with the new NPCs.

Jin Shu left twenty bottles for her.

Sansan stared at his health bar in disbelief, held his face in his hands and giggled in the mirror, more like a mental illness than a mental illness.

"Jin Shu, this is so powerful! Where did you get the potion? These things are very valuable. I heard that one bottle can be sold for more than 200,000 yuan!"

After all, this is not a simple blood replenisher, but a magic medicine that actually expands the blood bar and life value!

Sansan had heard players say it before, but that was only anecdotal. After all, such a good treasure must be in the later levels. How could she, an NPC from the first level, get in touch with it.

And today, not only did she see and touch it, but she also drank so much in one go!

"Jin Shu, I feel so happy. I have never felt such a happy moment since I became conscious.

This little sweet water is delicious. I heard players often talk about pearl milk tea. I guess it must have the same taste as pearl milk tea. "

Sansan held the bottle and laughed softly.

Jin Shu looked at her, then shook her head.

"I don't know what the milk tea you are talking about tastes like, but if you live, you will always have a chance to try it."

At this time, Jin Shu walked out, and Sansan quickly followed after seeing this.

"Where are you going? There might be that weirdo outside. If he sees us, he will kill us."

NPCs are also divided into strong and weak ones, and they will attack each other.

Especially a monster like Frankenstein that has completely lost human reason. Once out of control, it may be more dangerous than the player.

Jin Shu continued walking. She came to the yard, then jumped onto the carriage lightly, and moved another box of things out of it.

Sansan stepped forward to take a look curiously. When she saw what was in the box, her eyes widened suddenly and she reached out to take it, but Jin Shu slapped it open.

"This is not for you."

"You still have so many! Oh my God, where did you get these?!"

Looking at a box full of small blue medicine bottles, he licked his lips greedily.

Jin Shu stared at her.

"You don't have to drink anymore when you've had enough. Leave this for others."

"Leave it to whom?"

"The rest of the asylum."


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