Quick wear: I kill the male and female protagonists 48 hours a day

Chapter 83 The male and female protagonists were killed in the 1980s (9)

If someone in the village wants to write a letter, he usually asks the owner of a small shop to write it for him.

Looking at it this way, it seems that it was a letter written by Jin Baosheng and his wife to Jin Yin. Before he could send it, the careless Jin Baosheng lost it at home.

"Jin He, come here."

Jin He ran over obediently.

"This is my parents' thing. My sister puts it on the table and no one else is allowed to touch it. Do you understand?"


Jin Shu took the letter and walked into the house, opened it immediately, and saw a thick stack of money inside. She counted it and found it was more than twenty.

She remembered that this was also the case before. When the couple heard that their fake daughter was seriously ill in the city and needed money, they did not hesitate to send the money they had borrowed to send Jin Shu to school.

It seems that Jin Baosheng borrowed the money.

She held the money and raised the corners of her lips slightly.

Since Jin Yin is so short of money, let her come back and get it herself.

After saying that, she went back to the house and found an identical envelope. She took off the stamps on the original envelope and put it on the new one. She imitated the boss's notes and wrote the exact same name. She tore up some old newspapers and got the same thickness and feel. After that, stick it with glutinous rice paste and let it dry in the wind.

During this period, Jin Shu also handwritten a letter, also imitating the boss's handwriting, and stuffed it in together.

Around six o'clock, Jin Baosheng and Zhou Yanzhu hurried back, looking more anxious than if their house was on fire.

The first time he saw Jin He, he asked anxiously.

"Xiaohe, did you see an envelope while playing?"

"See, I put it on the table."

The couple hurried in to take a look. After seeing the complete envelopes placed on the table, they quickly picked them up and measured them. They were intact and there was no sign that they had been opened.

This is good, this is good.

"How about taking it apart and taking a look?"

"The glutinous rice is sticky and can only be torn apart. Can you not tell if it is torn apart?

Hurry, the mailboxes in town are going to be locked! "

The couple hurriedly borrowed a bicycle and rode for more than an hour before finally stuffing the envelope in the mailbox before it was locked.

When she got home, Jin Shu had already prepared the meal.

It’s not that it was specially prepared for the family. The main reason is that she has a big mouth and would rather starve than eat bad food. This time she bought some ingredients in the town, all of which she likes.

When the couple came home and saw the table full of food, they were shocked for dozens of seconds.


Zhou Yanzhu wanted to ask, but was too embarrassed to ask.

Jin Shu guessed what she wanted to say and said expressionlessly.

"I did some small business in the town today and made some money."

"Business? What business?"

"The fabric business."

Zhou Yanzhu actually heard someone talking in the afternoon about which girl was making money by sewing things by herself. When she vaguely heard Jin Shu's name, she thought she heard it wrong.

Unexpectedly, it was really Jin Shu.

Jin Baosheng on the side couldn't eat anymore.

The growing guilt made his eyes sore.

Jin Shu is a good child, obedient and sensible. As his biological father, he not only failed to let her continue to go to school, but now he is still eating the things his daughter earned money to buy, but secretly gave all the money to his former fake daughter.

Seeing Jin Shu's clueless look, Jin Baosheng felt very sad.

"Dad, Mom, what did you just send?"

"Oh...just, it's nothing, just a letter."

"Such a thick letter? Who is it addressed to? Next time you send a letter, you can contact me and I will write it for you. You can also save 20 cents."

Zhou Yanzhu nodded awkwardly, not daring to look into Jin Shu's eyes.

Jin Shu smiled and didn't ask any more questions. She just glanced outside in despair, and then looked at the book she placed next to her.

it is more than words.

This made the couple's already guilty and uneasy hearts feel like they had been struck by lightning.

After dinner, Jin Shu went back to the house with the book in hand.

Jin Baosheng put down his chopsticks heavily.

"Go to the village chief's house tomorrow to borrow money."

Zhou Yanzhu whispered.

"I've already borrowed more than ten yuan, can I borrow more?"

"It's been almost a month since school started. Several high school students in the village have already gone to school. It's not like Jin Shu didn't see it. She feels uncomfortable in her heart. How can we really pretend that our parents are invisible?"

For one semester, tuition, books, food, and meals cost at least twenty yuan.

But now all the money left at home is sent to Jin Yin.

When the couple was in trouble, the younger brother Jin He ran out again and came in carrying a bag of things.

"My sister bought this today. There's a lot of food and shampoo."

Zhou Yanzhu opened the bag and saw a bottle of shampoo and a pack of cigarettes inside.

In addition, there are also some peach cakes, toffee and the like that the children at home love to eat.

In an instant, tears were about to fall from her red eyes again.

She seemed to regret it a little.

Should that money be reserved for his real daughter?

"Hey! We parents deserved it! We deserve to die!"

They can't give them good food, drink and housing, but now they want their daughter to earn money for them to spend!

Zhou Yanzhu wiped away her tears and said seriously.

"Borrow! I'll borrow it tomorrow!"

In this way, a bag of less than five yuan won the hearts of a family.

Jin Shu didn't deliberately try to please her, she just saw some gadgets. In addition, she has a good memory and can always remember the things she has seen, so she can remember the preferences of these people in the family.

In the evening, she still embroidered lace and cloth stickers first, and then recited the English dictionary.

She made full use of her time, and Jin Shu didn't go to bed until her twenty-four hours were over.

The next day was the same, following the tractor to the town.

As soon as they arrived, there was a circle of people waiting there. The moment they saw Jin Shu and Xiao Wang, a dozen girls trotted over, targeting the bag she was holding.

"Don't crowd, don't rush, you came very early, we have a lot of goods, everyone has it, they have it!"

Xiao Wang continued to shout.

Although my voice was hoarse after a tiring day yesterday, all the fatigue disappeared the moment I saw the money.

Today's sales were even faster than yesterday. Four large packages were sold out in the morning. In the end, we even received a few large orders, with dozens of orders at a time.

When he went back and calculated the profits again, Xiao Wang was so excited that he was speechless.

“Fifty yuan more than yesterday! More than one hundred and twenty!

Oh my God, this money is coming like a strong wind, it’s so good! ! "

She even felt like she was dreaming. Otherwise, her previous salary was only fifteen yuan, how could she suddenly earn dozens a day!

And this income is still growing!

Jin Shu was much calmer. After all, compared to her first life, the money was not as much as what had slipped through her fingers.

In the last cent, Xiao Wang got nearly forty.

"It makes me not want to work as an accountant anymore, so I just want to work with you."

At this rate, she will be able to return to her hometown to buy land and build a house soon!

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