Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 2833 Chronology Control Group 35

Yes, although she didn't start her own business, Li Weiran still planned to make pastries, because the second and third bedrooms were selling snacks. She didn't dare to charge too high a price for fear that the second and third bedrooms would find out about her secret of making money. Come on, she can't make much money from the snacks she sold before, and this is naturally not what she wants to see. After all, she works hard not to serve the people cheaply, but to make money, so she plans to Stop making snacks and start making pastries.

The pastries are so expensive that even the second and third bedrooms cannot know the cost, because if she doesn't tell them how to make them, they won't know how to make them. If they don't know how to make them, how will they know the cost and how will they know her profit.

Not only did she not know the cost of two or three bedrooms, but she could also fool her cheap mother - although her mother knew how much the raw materials she bought cost, but when selling things, if her mother didn't charge money, she wouldn't know how much it cost. How much money can be earned? In this way, she can make some money by collecting the money.

It turned out that she said that the eldest aunt was old and couldn't do the math in her head, so she just hired a helper to help customers pack pastries. As for her, she bought a fanny pack and buckled it around her waist, and she was responsible for collecting money - although There are SMS transfers, but the popularity of mobile phones is not that great, so most of the income is still in cash.

You know, when Uncle Li was here before, when they were selling things, they didn't have such a pocket, but a small basket to put money in.

The reason why she got a pocket bag and put it on her waist now, Li Weiran also made an excuse, saying that her father was not here now, so she just put the money in the basket to collect the money. She was afraid that some landowners, gangsters, hooligans or thieves would steal the money and run away. She couldn't catch up, so she had to get a fanny pack and buckle it around her waist so that those people wouldn't be able to get her.

The eldest aunt was not suspicious, and felt that her daughter was right to be cautious, so she accepted the statement and asked her to get a pocket bag to put on her waist.

In this way, every time she goes to the toilet, she will count how much money she has received and then write some down.

In addition, she and her mother were the only two doing business, and the share of the share was not divided into two-thirds by her mother, but equally. In this way, plus her inheritance, she could basically get three-quarters. , her mother only got a quarter.

Even so, her mother had no doubts because her average income was similar to the previous one. Of course, the main reason was that her eldest aunt never thought that her daughter would be on guard against her.

The reason why Li Weiran has divided so much and the eldest aunt's income is still similar to the previous average income is because pastries require skills and not everyone can make them, so the price Li Weiran can sell is slightly higher than the profit of snacks. Still rich.

Looking at this income, Li Weiran couldn't help but feel happy, thinking that she would be able to buy a house soon. It seemed that it was right to let her cheap father go to jail, otherwise she would never have the chance to make so much money.

Not long ago, the second and third bedrooms also heard about Dafang making pastries. However, because they did not have the skills and had a stalemate with Dafang, they also knew that it was impossible to learn the skills from Dafang, so they did not follow Dafang and continued to make pastries. Set up a food stall. Food stalls are quite profitable anyway.

They did not change careers, which is normal, because food stalls will still make money, not to mention making money now, many years from now. As long as they can bear the hardship, this is a good business. Many couples rely on selling snacks to feed their children. I bought several apartments in the city.

Not to mention that Li Weiran was in a state of turmoil for a while after Uncle Li was imprisoned, but slowly stabilized again, and because less money was distributed, she earned more than before, which made her very happy, but An Ran said , three years later, Enron launched a color screen mobile phone with functions such as taking pictures, video recording, and listening to music as planned.

After the emergence of multi-functional mobile phones, Enron scheduled the emergence of smart phones three years later because smart phones were more complicated and more expensive.

It just so happens that people have gradually more money in their hands and should be able to afford it.

This time, the functions have been greatly upgraded. Ordinary people feel that mobile phones are becoming more and more powerful, with more and more functions, and everyone can no longer live without their mobile phones.

Li Weiran, who knows the future development trend of mobile phones, is not surprised at all by this development.

Knowing that mobile phones can be upgraded quickly, Li Weiran didn't plan to spend her hard-earned money on it. Anyway, the Li family's out-of-service mobile phone could also transfer money via SMS to meet her business needs, so that was fine.

When large-screen mobile phones appear in the future, it will not be too late for her to buy one.

Of course, the main reason is that they don’t want to buy a mobile phone and make Grandpa Li and Grandma Li doubt their income.

This is what Li Weiran thinks, and his aunt also agrees with this idea, but Li Nian and brother Li don't want to.

Li Nian and Brother Li, one wanted to talk to someone and the other was hanging out with some bad friends. Neither wanted to lose face, so they both clamored for new mobile phones and did not want the family to use an old mobile phone given to them by Grandma Li. Moreover, this old mobile phone was also used. Li Weiran was doing business with it and kept money in it. He was afraid that the money would be lost and could not be used by them. As a result, they would have no mobile phones and naturally wanted new mobile phones.

The two of them had been clamoring for it before, but they were still in the countryside at that time and brother Li had not yet seen the colorful world. Li Nian had just failed the college entrance examination and was blamed by his parents for not wanting it, so he could still bear it.

But until now, this new generation of mobile phones has appeared, with more functions and more attractive people. The friends around brother Li have tried their best to get one. The young men Li Nian befriended also have mobile phones. When she asked her, She didn't have her own mobile phone, but there was one at home, which made her feel humiliated, so she started clamoring for it now.

The eldest aunt thought the same as Li Weiran and didn't want to show off her wealth, so after hearing what her eldest daughter and youngest son said, she couldn't help but get angry and said: "If you want money, you can earn it yourself. This is what Weiran and I earned, and it's not much." , you have to buy a mobile phone, even two of them, how can you have so much money."

——They still say that they only have a profit of one yuan a day. In this way, they can only earn more than three hundred yuan even if they work all year round. What's more, it is impossible to work all year round, and sometimes it rains. For the stall owner, in this way, according to the figures they announced, it is more than 200 yuan.

It's a bit reluctant to spend so much money to buy one of the latest mobile phones. Where can I find the money to buy two of them? Besides, my aunt thinks the same as Li Weiran and is reluctant to spend so much money to buy two mobile phones that she thinks are useless. , especially when she thought that this was a mobile phone invented by Li Anran, she didn't want to buy it even more.

The work was hard, and Li Nian naturally didn't want to work, so he said unhappily: "Mom! I want to date a partner. How can I do it without a mobile phone? Now that my father is in prison, it will not be easy for me to get married. If other people have mobile phones, I But no, others must think that my family is very poor, who else is willing to marry me, and I have a mobile phone, which makes it easy to contact others."

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