In this way, Liu Shoufu was reluctant to give up the power to recommend people. After all, giving up this power would be a big loss for him - if people found out that Liu Shoufu did not intervene in the promotion, then who would flatter him and please him? This is not what Liu Shoufu wants to see. After all, why does he want to be the Shoufu? Isn't it just to dominate the world? If he can't dominate the world, what's the point?

Therefore, An Ran's combination of punches really confused Liu Shoufu, and he felt that no matter how he did it, it was inconvenient.

By now, no matter how stupid Liu Shoufu was, he knew that someone was messing with him. After all, if no one was messing with him, he wouldn't have had so many things happen to him. After all, there hadn't been so many troubles before.

Since he discovered that someone was messing with him, Liu Shoufu was not a vegetarian, so he naturally investigated it.

It was convenient to check, so he followed the subordinates who gave him suggestions or the female relatives who advised his wife.

Send someone to ask the subordinates or female relatives who encouraged them to recommend these people.

Then I discovered that most of the subordinates were suggested by their wives—after checking, they were also related to the woman in the backyard.

The reason why their wives suggested it was because they felt that the people they proposed would be good for their families once they went up.

The female relatives who advised Liu Shoufu's wife had the same idea.

Just like Mrs. Ding, who advised Mr. Gao, she felt that Mr. Gao would be promoted because Mrs. Gao and she were from the same hometown, which would be beneficial to her family.

And how did the family members of the recommended persons like Mrs. Gao think of talking to these people? They were reminded by the confidants around them, reminding them who they should talk to, saying that as far as they knew, these people might The wives of these people have natural interests as their wives or masters, who are of the same age, from the same hometown, or have the same surname. After all, in the officialdom, there are many alliances between the same age, the same hometown, or the same surname.

It would be impossible to investigate why these nuns reminded them like this, and whether they were instigated by someone, because Liu Shoufu found that they really knew this, so they reminded them.

And the reason why they knew it was because they heard so-and-so talk about it.

As for this so-and-so, they didn't know who it was. They heard it, and then saw that their wife or master was worried about being promoted. In order to claim credit, they told the story, and unexpectedly it helped their family. Madam or lord.

Through these investigations, Liu Shoufu has discovered that his suspicions are correct. These people do have problems. After all, if there are no problems, who will come to remind these nannies.

It's just that we can't find out anymore, because those who reminded us probably knew that they were doing things that couldn't be exposed, so none of them showed their faces. They were all overheard by the nuns, so they continued to investigate. Can't even find out.

Although I can't find it out, it's good to be able to confirm this.

At present, Liu Shoufu asked people not to leak the news of his investigation, and prepared to lure the snake out of its hole.

Soon another good position became available in the court. Liu Shoufu thought that the person who was secretly harming him might take action, so he immediately told the few people he was interested in if their aunt heard someone's suggestion. , whoever is using the back door to set up camp, immediately catch the person who said it and find out who is causing the trouble.

The people on Liu Shoufu's side naturally realized that something was wrong during this period. When Liu Shoufu said this, they knew that Liu Shoufu probably wanted to lure the snake out of the hole, so he nodded and agreed, and he was very active in doing things. After all, who wanted to secretly do this? Finding the troublemaker is a great achievement.

An Ran really didn't know that Liu Shoufu was acting quietly like this.

But don't be afraid. She had already thought of a foolproof plan when doing these things, so she didn't have to worry about the other party leaking her existence.

Soon, Liu Shoufu actually caught someone who deliberately said such things in places where the lady's confidants would pass by.

But...still nothing gained.

The other party turned out to be a dead soldier. He was captured by his people. He was not afraid of death at all and immediately committed suicide by taking poison.

Turns out to be a dead soldier? ! Liu Shoufu found it strange that an ordinary servant could be a dead soldier?

After further investigation, I found that they were not dead soldiers, but they were almost like dead soldiers - these people were terminally ill and could not live for a few days. In this case, if someone gave them a large sum of money to do such a thing, who wouldn't? I would like to, after all, this can leave some money for the family to spend.

And in a high-ranking official's house - most of the contenders for key positions in the imperial court are naturally high-ranking officials - there are many servants, and people with terminal illnesses can always be found.

Even if there is no one in the house, you can still send someone from outside the house who is close to you to go to this person's house by attending a banquet, running errands, etc., and tell these nannies.

This is Enron's insurance. Not only are they looking for terminally ill people, but they are also afraid that if these people are caught, they will not be able to bear the punishment and confess, so they also specially prepare poison for them so that they can commit suicide at the critical moment. , will not be caught and will be punished.

In this way, it will be difficult for Liu Shoufu to find out the follow-up.

What's even more troubling is that this action of Liu Shoufu let An Ran know that someone had been caught and committed suicide by taking poison. Knowing that Liu Shoufu found out, An Ran never did such a thing after that.

In fact, even if he knew it, it was okay for An Ran to continue recommending people to him because Liu Shoufu could not investigate further. After all, Liu Shoufu knew that something was wrong with the recommended person before he investigated, but he still couldn't escape An Ran's combination of punches. , and now I can continue to follow this routine.

But An Ran saw that Liu Shoufu's power was now almost weakened, so he stopped temporarily.

Although her arrangement was foolproof, what if Liu Shoufu acted quickly and the arranger failed and was caught by Liu Shoufu before he could commit suicide? Or maybe the arranger was afraid of death and did not want to commit suicide. But there was a danger of being exposed, so An Ran gave up temporarily knowing that Liu Shoufu had discovered the matter.

Therefore, Enron has ended this operation for the time being, and is ready to wait until there is an opportunity to use it again in the future.

Although Enron is temporarily over, the results of this operation are fruitful. At least three key positions are replaced by people other than Liu Shoufu, which is a huge blow to Liu Shoufu's power.

With this ebbing and flowing, the power of Liu Shoufu and his political opponents are now almost evenly matched.

There was no way around it. Originally, the power of Liu Shoufu and his political opponents were not much different. Now, more than three key positions have been taken away by Liu Shoufu's political opponents. The gap between the two is naturally narrowing rapidly.

So seeing this situation, Liu Shoufu felt that the person who caused the trouble was his political opponent. After all, except for his political opponent, who would do such a thing? He didn't expect it to be An Ran. After all, there was a hundred and eighty thousand years between them. Qianli was not in the same system at all, so Liu Shoufu naturally couldn't think of why An Ran wanted to harm him.

Therefore, although there is no evidence, Liu Shoufu has determined that the murderer is his political opponent.

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