Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3213 Cultivation of immortals and scholar 2

No one could tell that the Duke Chengen's Mansion, which was at its peak right now, would soon disappear from the capital.

Who is it that wants Chengen Palace to die? And he is so vicious, killing one person a year in such a cruel way.

An Ran thought while eating strawberries.

But no matter who wants everyone in the Chengen Palace to die, An Ran has a way to deal with it. Not to mention keeping the people in the Chengen Palace alive, at least he can try to save them until the truth is found.

The method is very simple, that is, put a safety charm on everyone in the family, so that when an accident occurs, they can be protected from death, and then she can slowly find out the truth.

Of course, the peace talisman in the space cannot be used by people in Chengen Palace, because according to the rules, she cannot use things that are not available in this world for people in this world.

So An Ran had to make this peace talisman by herself.

And if you want to make it yourself, you have to introduce Qi into your body, so for this, An Ran has to spend spiritual stones to cultivate yourself. There is no way, there is no spiritual energy in this world, and you can't do it directly.

Fortunately, this body's talent is not bad. It is estimated that it will be able to draw Qi into the body in a month or two, and then it will be able to draw talismans. There is no need to spend all the time practicing with spirit stones.

At that time, before Cheng En Gong died unexpectedly, she still had a chance to save him.

When An Ran was thinking about this, he asked Li Xia, "Li Xia, in this court, who are there who are at odds with our family?"

Perhaps, sometimes there is no need for a blood feud. After all, if a person is small-minded enough, just a simple confrontation can lead to murderous intent by the other party.

As the original maid, Li Xia often went to each room to do errands. She expected to hear a lot of news about this, so An Ran asked Li Xia this way.

When Li Xia heard his eldest lady asking this, he couldn't help but be confused and said, "Why do you ask about this?"

"I just want to know and be aware of it, so that if I come into contact with these people one day, they will regard our family as enemies and cause trouble for me. I don't know and I will be deceived."

When Li Xia heard what An Ran said, he felt that it made sense, so he immediately said: "There are no people who are openly hostile to our family, but there must be people who are secretly jealous of our family. After all, our family has been secretly jealous of us for many years." , it’s been so smooth, and there haven’t been many twists and turns since I became queen, who wouldn’t be envious and jealous.”

"for example?"

"Not to mention others, even the second wife is jealous of our family. She usually talks a little bit eccentrically. The Queen Mother doesn't like this about their family, so she doesn't like their family as much as ours, and she doesn't usually look for them. They went into the palace to talk.”

An Ran couldn't help but nodded after hearing this, secretly thinking that it was very good, but the suspicion of the second room became more serious.

Next, Li Xia mentioned several more houses, and An Ran wrote them down one by one, planning to check them one by one when he had time to see which one was the most suspicious.

Of course, An Ran would not just ask Li Xia alone. He also took the time to ask Cheng En Gong's wife, Cheng En Gong, his brother, his concubine, and others to collect information.

Through the investigation of these people, An Ran found that the second room's suspicion was quite high, because many people mentioned that the second room was at odds with their own family, and the reason was still the same - the second room's people were dissatisfied with the first room just because they were the boss, so they It was too unbalanced to get the title of Duke, but they only got ordinary official positions. They wanted the Queen Mother to also give their family a title.

But according to the system of this dynasty, the Queen Mother's family can only have one dukedom, and it is impossible for each brother to have one. Otherwise, knowing that each of the Queen Mother's brothers can get a dukedom, what should the Queen Mother's family deliberately give birth to many sons? This is not impossible, but it will happen. Just like a clan, just because they know that the next generation can get a title, many clans are crazy about giving birth to children, and many clans have dozens of sons.

Just imagine, the Queen Mother's family will do the same thing. When the new emperor comes to the throne, all the brothers of the Queen Mother's family will be granted the title of Duke. Then there will suddenly be dozens more Dukes in Beijing. Is that okay? So naturally there was only one dukedom, and the rest were given to some idle officials to see that the emperor was happy.

Although this is the truth, the second house is not convinced, so he often conflicts with the first house in words.

Of course, it was actually the second room that had a unilateral conflict with the first room, and the first room ignored them at all.

In this case, the second bedroom obviously had a deep prejudice against Dafang. If they killed Dafang and his family, they would have a strong motive. This is why the second bedroom became the biggest suspect after all three men in Chengen Palace died. The reason was investigated by the Queen Mother and Dali Temple.

But there is suspicion in this way. According to general suspense novels, the most likely person is often the least likely. The second bedroom does not seem to be suspicious, because doing this is too suspicious, so this kind of thing was done by the second bedroom, but not It's too possible. After all, they should know that once the big house dies, they will be the biggest suspects, so unless they can do it without leaving any trace, they may not dare to do such a thing, lest they be discovered and die. Without a burial place.

Looking at the results of such an investigation, An Ran could only decide to send a puppet to keep an eye on the second room first. Real gold is not afraid of fire. If there is no problem with the second room, even if he stares, there should be no problems.

The reason why they seem to be the most suspicious is that they were not the ones who did it. An Ran is still keeping an eye on them because what if they have the ability to kill without leaving any trace and will not be found out? You can't think that they can't do this and don't investigate them. After all, they are really the most motivated among these people.

Of course, the main reason why I stared at the second room first was because they were close to each other and would visit occasionally, so I could keep an eye on them now.

Like in the palace, you need to enter the palace safely to release the puppets, but now there is obviously no chance to release them.

When the people from the second room came to visit, An Ran discovered that the second room was indeed full of resentment towards Duke Cheng'en.

The reason why they are full of resentment and come to visit is because the people who come and go in Chengen Palace are people from the upper class circles in the capital. If they want their children to find a good marriage, they can only do it in Chengen Palace. During the banquet, come over and take advantage of the opportunity. After all, although their family is also the family of the Queen Mother's brother, they are not knighted, so the people who come and go are not from the upper circles of the capital.

Therefore, no matter how full of resentment and jealousy towards Duke Cheng'en's Mansion, for the sake of the children's marriage, he could only come to Duke Cheng'en's Mansion to visit him.

Even when visiting the house, the people An Ran sent to keep an eye on him would come back and tell An Ran that in private they were saying things like, "If our family is also the Duke's residence, then we don't have to come to the Duke's house full of shame every time." It would be great if all the people in the big house died, then our house would become the Duke's house" and other words full of resentment.

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