Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3447 The husband is a monster 15

Officials still have some experience in the research of high-dimensional creatures, and have also developed some defensive products based on the physical characteristics of some monsters.

However, all the official can do is scientific research. There is no official progress on why high-dimensional creatures have such high mental power and can pollute other people, and why monsters have various powerful skills.

There is nothing we can do about this. The official has not caught a living high-dimensional creature, so there is no communication. Without communication, how can we know how they obtain their abilities? Research alone cannot figure out why monsters have these abilities. Although Official scientists have studied the monster's brain, but they haven't found much success.

But do the authorities dare to catch the monster alive? Officials have indeed put forward this suggestion and want to know more about high-dimensional creatures, but more people are afraid to catch them, fearing that they are not dead and have powerful skills they don't know about. Don't eliminate them or contaminate them like multi-eyed monsters. got them.

Therefore, the capture of high-dimensional creatures is currently still controversial among the authorities. However, some brave foreigners have captured a living monster and developed some tricks.

Of course, just as the Jin Kingdom was worried, living monsters were dangerous, so although those researchers made some good research, something happened soon - I don’t know how the monsters did it, and the monsters polluted It killed them and turned them into madmen. The attack occurred only when the monster controlled them and encountered the leader. At that time, the opponent suddenly burst out and the leader was unprepared, so he was hit and died in the end.

This is the madness caused by looking directly at the monster, and it does not include the more terrifying consequences caused by the monster controlling those researchers - the monster controlled those researchers, destroyed all the data in the laboratory, and also activated the laboratory to prevent foreign invasion. The self-destruction system of the country blew up this specialized research institute in the country to rubble, causing heavy losses to the institute, and all research had to be restarted.

The money is okay, but the institute has lost a large number of researchers and there are not enough people to do research. It will be difficult to start over, and it lags behind other countries.

Therefore, Jin Guo was right to be more cautious, because if something happened, all the research institutes and researchers would be gone, and the losses would be heavy, which would be too troublesome.

The Kingdom of Jin also heard about this incident abroad. After all, the self-destruction was very loud at the time, and people from the Jin Kingdom’s Special Intelligence Bureau discovered it.

Therefore, the Kingdom of Jin became more cautious after that, lest it be taken over by monsters like its opponent. Not to mention the rapid development of research, don't be like others, who have nothing and will lag behind other countries.

Although the official is cautious and has not dared to catch a live monster for the time being, the official has always wanted to get a living monster to make research progress. Therefore, despite the fact that the official has not caught a live monster for the time being, An Ran estimates that sooner or later, they will do this, because The above want to see progress.

If you want to see progress, I'm afraid it won't work unless you catch live monsters, because those monsters can't learn anything by just studying dead objects. You must catch a living one and communicate "friendly" with them before you can know about high-dimensional creatures. Why are they so powerful? Can humans learn from them and become powerful in the end?

Regarding this issue, An Ran also asked 'Qin Zi', 'Qin Zi' said: "We have a physique that has evolved over thousands of years, and there are scientists who have randomly injected genes. Even if humans want to learn, they must at least have that." Physical fitness, otherwise how can we learn various skills? But you humans don’t have a physical constitution like ours, so you can’t learn them.”

But he said that after the "Sister Sun" monster was eliminated, the ordinary people in the company did not know the truth, but the senior management knew that something was wrong, because the people who came to him at that time were people from the Special Intelligence Bureau. After some arrangements, Sister Sun disappeared. , the senior officials naturally knew that something was wrong. Not only did they suspect that Sister Sun was a monster, they at least suspected that Sister Sun was a foreign spy. Otherwise, why would she disappear?

I just find it strange, thinking that their company does not deal with secrets, so why would someone become a spy? Is it using the cover of their company to collect information elsewhere?

As for the fact that 'Sister Sun' was killed by a missile, the higher-ups didn't know, because the news was blocked by the higher-ups, so the higher-ups naturally didn't understand.

In fact, the invasion of high-dimensional creatures is not an unforeseen disaster.

They had been living in high dimensions before, so how did they know that cracks would appear in the dimension, which would then cause them to be involved in this plane? According to 'Qin Zi', it was not that they wanted to invade this plane, but that the dimension appeared. They were involved in the cracks by the power of the dimensional cracks. They were also very unjust. After all, their original plane was quite good. In this low plane, they had to rely on the bodies of the natives to survive. How could they live with their true bodies? Convenient, in fact, he has been looking for a way to go back, and when he finds it, he will be ready to go back. After all, he prefers to live with his own body rather than with human beings.

And why there are cracks in the dimension, this is caused by their plane. After all, in the plane of 'Qin Zi', everyone pursues individual power, and technology has almost stopped. They will not cause this kind of thing to happen.

"Is it possible that there is a creature on your side that is too powerful and can tear apart the dimensional barrier?" An Ran asked.

After all, this is possible, because it is very similar to stepping through the void in cultivation.

It is necessary to be able to reach the level of breaking through the void. Not just any person can do it, it has to be very powerful.

Just like in the world of cultivation, only those who can survive the tribulation can step through the void and leave.

The reason An Ran had this suspicion was because she really couldn't believe that in such an ordinary plane, any laboratory could conduct experiments that could reach the level of breaking through the void. Although some countries were secretly developing some black technology, Such as black hole experiments, etc., but their power to tear apart dimensional barriers still made her unable to believe it.

'Qin Zi' listened to An Ran's inquiry and shook his head: "Absolutely not. Although many races over there are very powerful, we have never heard of anyone who can tear apart the dimensional barrier. Otherwise, others wouldn't have known about it earlier. Also, it’s so powerful that it has torn apart the dimensional space. It’s not long before it has been widely announced. After all, our side is pursuing personal power. Who doesn’t want all races to know that it is so powerful? How could it be hidden and hidden? explain?"

There is some truth to this.

"Then why do you think it was our side that caused the cracks in the dimensional barrier? Isn't it possible that something happened to the dimensional barrier itself?"

'Qin Zi' shook his head and said: "It's not like that. When I passed through the dimensional barrier, I could feel that the dimensional barrier was torn apart by external forces. It was not that something happened to the dimensional barrier itself, because the power of external forces still remained in the cracks in the dimensional barrier. .”

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