Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3493 The male cannon fodder wife in ancient novels 12

Something happened to the prince's wife's clan. Regardless of the circumstances, it was always okay to accuse the prince of indulging his wife's clan.

You say you don't know? If you don't even know about your family, how can you be an emperor and know about the world in the future? That means you are not capable enough to be a prince.

In short, no matter how much the prince argued, he couldn't explain it clearly with his mouth full of words.

As a result, he did not expect that Mr. Zhang would be so powerful. He could find out what happened and quickly handle it. He asked him to arrange for the person to file a lawsuit. Because he had received the disaster relief funds, he did not plan to file a lawsuit. It's also normal. Ordinary people, if they haven't been pushed to that level, who would go to sue the officials?

——Although the emperor arranged for someone to file an imperial complaint, he did not deliberately fabricate it, because he knew that if he deliberately fabricated it, it would be a false accusation, and the complainant would only be charged with false accusation and jailed, so he secretly asked someone to do it. When this happened, I said that we could only encourage those who really owed the disaster relief funds to come and complain, not fabricate them out of thin air, lest people find out that there was someone behind the scenes who was deliberately up to something, and then they would be alerted.

So now, the disaster relief funds have been distributed, and those people can't make a fuss about the disaster relief funds and file a lawsuit. Even if the disaster relief funds were released late, this matter happened before Mr. Zhang took office, and what was dealt with was just Former officials, on the contrary, Mr. Zhang discovered this matter quickly after he came to power and made up for the disaster relief funds. Not only would he not be punished, but he would also be rewarded for discovering it in time. The emperor would naturally not do such a stupid thing.

In other words, there is no way to make a fuss about this matter.

Thinking of this, the emperor couldn't help but regret that he had arranged such a marriage for the prince.

There was nothing he could do at that time. The emperor didn't want to point out anyone of the right age to the prince, either from a big family or from a higher rank, lest he would be more powerful than a tiger and it would be difficult to depose him when the time came.

He also made a lot of choices before choosing someone with the conditions of the Zhang family from the list of available personnel. Among those list of available personnel, the conditions of the Zhang family were the worst. He thought it was foolproof and would be easy to deal with in the future.

I just didn't expect that Mr. Zhang, who had no background and was not very high in rank, could be so powerful that his plan failed, which naturally made the emperor feel uncomfortable.

But no matter how uncomfortable it was, the emperor couldn't cause trouble for Mr. Zhang for no reason. Not only because Mr. Zhang was so powerful that he couldn't trouble him for no reason, but also because the man was now the prince's father-in-law. Although he had become the prince's helper, the prince also It became his help and gave Mr. Zhang, who had no background, a background. If nothing else, at least the Queen's natal family would become Mr. Zhang's background. It would be impossible to cause trouble for Mr. Zhang for no reason, and it would also alert the snake. , which made the queen and the prince suspicious.

When they become suspicious and wary, it will be difficult to deal with them, and this is naturally not what the emperor wants to see.

Because he didn't want to violently depose the prince unless he had to, as that would leave him with a bad reputation in history.

Not to mention, the emperor had double standards. He not only wanted to do something scandalous, but also wanted a good reputation.

It seems that there is no way to start from Mr. Zhang, and Mr. Zhang is too smart. The emperor feels that it is a bit difficult to deal with such a smart person, so he is ready to change his direction and deal with stupid people, find some stupid people to cooperate secretly, and look for opportunities to destroy Be the prince.

——This idea of ​​the emperor is probably the reason why he secretly cooperated with Qin Huanghou and others in his original world. He felt that Qin Huanghou and others were not smart, and then they made trouble for the prince, so he went along with the flow and went along with what they did. The plan was to destroy the prince.

He did not mention the emperor's plan, nor did he say that Mr. Zhang and the prince were currently preparing to fight back against the emperor. He only said that the second prince would be getting married soon.

After the second prince gets married, the third prince's marriage will also happen soon.

But the third prince naturally didn't want to marry the girl that the emperor had arranged for him. After all, he only wanted to marry Qin Honghou, and he didn't want to marry any other girl.

This Miss Li has a very strong background. Her family is one of the best in Beijing. At the same time, some members of the Li family are engaged in politics, ranging from officials to ministers. They have the highest official position among all the big families in Beijing.

But the third prince didn't want to be said that he had withdrawn from the bride's marriage without any reason, and had gained a bad reputation. He also didn't want his father to be unhappy when he saw him withdrawing from the marriage his father had arranged for him, so he wanted to do something to make it so. The woman's reputation has been ruined. Even if he does not break off the engagement, the woman will take the initiative to break off the engagement.

Of course, the main thing is that this marriage is not easy to withdraw from. If nothing else, his father, the emperor, mother and concubine will not agree to him withdrawing from this marriage. After all, Miss Li's family's conditions are so good, how can his mother and concubine want him to withdraw like this? What a good marriage.

Knowing that the marriage was not going to be good, he did not say anything about it, but he forced his way out, and his reputation would be damaged. This was obviously not what the third prince wanted to see - it must be said that the third prince had inherited the emperor's genes very well, and he had to do both. Do bad things and still want a good reputation.

But the wedding date is getting closer and closer. If you don't back out, you will really get married. It is not good to let the girl die of illness after getting married. Although this method is not bad, it is still married, which is not what he wants to see. He arrived because he just wanted to marry Qin Huanghou.

After meeting a girl like Qin Honghou who always has interesting ideas and is not vain, he really can't stand other girls. He thinks that other girls are vulgar and vulgar. Not only are they boring, they also want to climb high branches all day long. In his eyes, The flash of ambition is disgusting at first glance.

For the third prince, Qin Honghou must not be a vain person. After all, if she was a vain person, how could she run away from the prince? After all, he was the prince. She could leave the prince whenever she wanted. Not that What kind of person is he who does not love vanity?

——I have to say that apart from overturning the situation with the prince, Qin Hanhou was still stable with other people who did not love vanity.

Just like Qin Honghou said, good-looking skins are all the same, but interesting souls are unique.

In the eyes of the third prince, Qin Huanghou is the kind of person with an interesting soul that is unique among thousands of people. How could he not love him?

If he loves Qin Honghou so much, he naturally doesn't want Qin Honghou to be his concubine, but wants her to be his main concubine.

Before, if there hadn't been an accident, Hong Hou was frivolous with some rubbish and broke into the prince's arms. The prince remained silent and told his father that he wanted to accept Hong Hou as his concubine. When he found out, his father Having already agreed, it was impossible for him to prevent this from happening, otherwise he would have told his father that he was engaged to Konghou.

And cutting him off halfway also made him hate the prince deeply.

In the past, he wanted to fight for the throne under the instigation of his mother and concubine. After the hatred of seizing his wife appeared, he wanted to fight for the throne even more and wanted to deal with the prince.

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