Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3565 Bai Yueguang’s “substitute” 12

Since he bought a house, An Ran naturally told his parents about it.

Although An Ran said that he bought it with his own money, his parents obviously didn't believe it and thought it must have been money given by He Qiao. After all, in their opinion, their daughter was indeed excellent, but she was just average. It is impossible to earn 10 million and buy a house in city B in such a short period of time, so my daughter must be lying.

Not only did the original parents not believe it, but after the original parents told relatives and friends, the relatives and friends also didn’t believe it. Many people sent messages to An Ran, some congratulating her, others envious of her good life, and many others. I sigh with emotion. It is true that doing well is not as good as marrying well. Thinking about Lu Anran's grades back then, they are not the best among all the people I know. But, look at people, how long has it been since graduation? I have bought a house with enough money. Those who have good grades and good jobs are doing well, but they are still working hard. It is really annoying to compare people to each other. So, can the people I know not envy Enron's good life?

——This is the case in the original body's world. Many people in her hometown who know her situation envy the original body's good luck and being able to marry a rich man, but they don't know the true situation of the original body's marriage to He Qiao, because the original body and He Qiao are married. The agreement signed by He Qiao stipulated that the true situation could not be told outside. People outside only thought that they were a real couple.

An Ran saw what these people said. None of them believed that she had earned the money from stock trading, so she could only be speechless. After all, according to the agreement with He Qiao, she could not say that she and He Qiao had a fake marriage.

Since he couldn't explain it, An Ran had no choice but not to explain it.

Of course, the original parents went around bragging about how well their daughter married, and now they are showing off that their daughter has bought a house. There are also some sequelae of this matter - many friends and relatives who want to develop in city B want to leave Enron. I want to find a good job in city B.

He said he wanted to find a good job in City B, but actually he wanted An Ran to introduce their children to the He family.

But An Ran and He Qiao had a fake marriage, so naturally she couldn't do it.

When the original person encountered such a thing, she could only refuse. Of course, this way, she was criticized by many people in her hometown. They felt that she was a bit cold-blooded, living well and not supporting her relatives and friends.

So when it comes to An Ran, she agrees to everything, but adds that it depends on He Qiao whether He wants it or not, and she can't guarantee it.

The reason why An Ran agreed was very simple - didn't she want to take revenge on He Qiao and Lu Cha, so unlike her original self, she was embarrassed to come to He Qiao to talk about this matter, but she was embarrassed.

Of course, she would also emphasize to He Qiao that it was up to him to accept those people or not. After all, in the original world, if the original person did not help, he would be scolded. Those who scolded her, An Ran did not want to pack away Let them vote for it, anyway, it depends on their own destiny.

If they don't have the ability and are not selected, then if they scold him, they probably won't scold themselves, but He Qiao.

If she scolded He Qiao, that would be just fine. What she was doing was to take revenge on He Qiao. When he was scolded, just let him be scolded. Isn't that good?

Because An Ran agreed to help talk about this matter in front of He Qiao, she said that she had no guarantee that they would definitely be selected. Everyone understood and didn't say anything about her. After all, it would be good if An Ran could help them talk about it.

At that moment, An Ran mentioned the matter to He Qiao just like those who apologized. Of course, he also said that if he was unwilling to accept someone whose conditions were not good, he should not force it, and there was no need to take it out of her face. , must arrange things.

He Qiao couldn't help but be speechless after hearing An Ran's words, thinking where did you get the face? How could I arrange a job just for your sake?

But for him, unless those relatives and friends of An Ran are not pragmatic and do not work seriously, and just want to rely on their relatives to get high-paying and leisurely jobs, like the people in the He family, then it will be difficult to arrange.

Anyone who works seriously will have a place to arrange it. After all, whether it is He's or his own company, there are many positions. Whether they are capable people or incompetent people, he can arrange them. After all, Even a fifty-year-old incompetent person can still do the cleaning and door-keeping, right?

Facts have proved that many of An Ran's relatives and friends, like the He family, really wanted He Qiao to arrange a high-paying and leisurely job for them by virtue of their status as relatives, so some people saw that they were incompetent and arranged it for them. For some bad things, he would naturally look ugly and go to An Ran to ask for an explanation.

According to the original memory, An Ran knew what kind of person the person who asked for an explanation was. He secretly said to He Qiao that it was okay, and he was quite generous. Such a person who needed academic qualifications but not academic qualifications, and ability but not ability, was actually given a job. The position is really difficult for him.

As for An Ran, she was naturally not afraid of the man coming to ask for an explanation, and immediately said: "Since you think this job is not good, just don't do it. Although I am married to He Qiao, I am actually just a housewife, and I don't have the ability." Interfering with He Qiao's decision-making. If you talk too much, He Qiao will be unhappy. If he divorces me, won't I suffer a big loss? After all, he is a rich man, and what kind of wife he can't find. So I I can help you with work matters, but I can’t do anything extra. After all, I can’t help my relatives and friends without a bottom line and end up losing myself, right?”

When the man heard what An Ran said, he was naturally unhappy. When he went back, he told other relatives and friends that An Ran was not righteous, but... because some people were capable and got satisfactory jobs, and An Ran also told this truth to his father Lu. Mother said that when Father Lu and Mother Lu heard what An Ran said, saying too much would make He Qiao unhappy, so don't leave her then, and they immediately stood by An Ran. After all, they didn't want their daughter to lose such a thing. They have a good marriage relationship, so they also spread what An Ran said among their relatives and friends, saying that their daughter can help, but whether He Qiao is willing to give them the job they want depends on their ability, so as not to fail to achieve their goals. , just blame their daughter. After all, their daughter cannot offend He Qiao for them and be divorced by her uncle in the future.

Because this is true and everyone can understand it, it is hard for those people to say anything else.

In the end, relatives and friends didn't say that the original person was cold-blooded like they did in the original world.

An Ran sees that her reputation among her relatives and friends is not as bad as her original self. Thinking about this development, her original self should also be satisfied. After all, she did not help her relatives and friends at that time and was saddened by such a reputation. She should be happy now that she no longer has such a reputation.

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