Quick wear is not a cannon fodder

Chapter 3681 Ancient “Goddess” 41

If you don't want the safety of the town to be destroyed by the passing army after the chaos, you have to think of a way in advance.

This method is not difficult, because An Ran has so many ghosts and ghosts, and it should not be a problem to use them to create illusions and divert the army away.

It is necessary to give some benefits to those ghosts. Otherwise, if you just rely on verbal invitations, I am afraid that not many ghosts will be willing to participate in this matter. After all, they are already dead and they are too lazy to care about how the living people make trouble. If the number of ghosts is not enough, it will not be able to create a large number of ghosts. Those who are in the illusion of scale cannot drive away those armies.

Fortunately, the chaos hasn't started yet, so she still has time to prepare and find enough ghosts and monsters who are willing to help.

Although the world is not in chaos yet, there is already some chaos - news came from the capital that rebels had invaded the capital. The emperor took his concubines (mainly the two empresses) south, and the rebels chased them all the way. I heard that now Got into a ball.

After hearing the news, Xiaoya said: "Fortunately we walked quickly, otherwise the capital would be in chaos and it would be difficult for us to leave."

Xiaoya was right. Although An Ran had some cultivation skills now, it would be troublesome for her to leave if the capital was in chaos.

If she was alone, there would be no trouble, she could just leave invisibly.

But with Xiaoya, she couldn't leave invisibly. If she wanted to leave openly, the capital would be in chaos, which would naturally have an impact on her.

Naturally, An Ran heard this news from the merchants traveling from north to south in the town. The main transportation route was good and well-informed.

As soon as this news came out, many people in the town were worried that the emperor would pass through the town when he went south and cause trouble to the town. After all, the emperor was followed by many rebels. When the army passed through, would they still have a good life?

Just when everyone was worried, new news came, saying that the rebels were stopped by the imperial army after burning, killing and looting all the way. The two sides are currently in a stalemate.

But the emperor did not stop and continued to flee south, fearing that the imperial army would catch up if he could not stop him.

Everyone felt relieved when they heard that the rebels had been stopped and might not pursue them and affect the town.

Not only were they relieved, some people even had other ideas. For example, they felt that their town was a traffic artery and the emperor might pass by. In this case, some people thought that while the emperor was passing by, they could do something about the emperor and the southbound team. Business, make a fortune.

They are not worried that the emperor and ministers traveling south will not pay. Now that the chaos is like this, the emperor or ministers should not dare to plunder along the way, so as not to arouse the anger of the people and create more rebel troops along the way.

Some people even want to offer beautiful women and so on.

Although there are two beloved concubines in the palace, what if my daughter can succeed? Wouldn’t that be developed?

As for the world being in chaos, maybe the emperor will not be able to survive, and betting on the emperor will be wasted... No one would think so, anyway, the daughter is worthless, so forget it if the investment fails, but what if the investment succeeds? ? That's it.

With these ideas in mind, the people in the town got ready, preparing rare items and preparing beauties.

However, An Ran felt that their preparations were all in vain, because she would not let the emperor pass by and bring uncontrollable danger to the town.

Because the emperor doesn't pass by, the possibility of something happening in the town is much smaller, but when the emperor passes by, something might happen in the town, because you can't bet that the rebels won't follow.

And why gamble if it can be safer.

In addition, An Ran didn't like the emperor who caused chaos in the world, so he didn't want to see the emperor here.

Because An Ran let the ghosts create an illusion, the residents of the town soon heard new news - the emperor did not pass by them, but went to the next door house to rest temporarily.

I heard that because the emperor took a temporary break, many people in that mansion made a lot of money by selling good things to the emperor, his beloved concubines, and those ministers.

This disappoints many people.

After all, they have prepared a lot of rare things and beauties. If the emperor doesn't come, won't the things they prepare be wasted? They were naturally disappointed that money was wasted.

But after only half a month of disappointment, they were no longer disappointed, because then they heard another news, saying that other rebels heard that the emperor was resting in a neighboring mansion and fought over.

After hearing this, the emperor and ministers were frightened and ran away.

They ran away, but the neighboring houses suffered disaster. They were burned, killed, and looted by the rebels. Not to mention the money they had made before, many people's homes were directly confiscated by the rebels. How could they make a fortune.

When they heard that such a thing happened in the neighboring house, everyone was no longer disappointed. On the contrary, they were glad that the emperor did not come to this town. Otherwise, wouldn't it be bad luck? So the emperor didn't come. This was the blessing of our ancestors! They have a Feng Shui treasure here! Otherwise, would we be so lucky? After all, their place is a traffic artery, but the emperor didn't come to them and went to a neighboring mansion. Isn't this the blessing of his ancestors? Otherwise they would definitely come to them!

After this incident, various places no longer wanted to receive the emperor and his entourage, for fear of following in the footsteps of their neighbors - this is the benefit of transportation thoroughfares. What happened was soon spread to other places through merchants traveling from north to south. place to let people in other places know the latest situation.

Although he did not want to receive him, ordinary people could not control where the emperor wanted to go, so the emperor continued to go south. Wherever he passed, people were panicked, for fear that the emperor would bring disaster to their hometown.

This is not what everyone thinks, but a fact - wherever the emperor goes, if the rebels find out and are able to attack, they will attack and destroy the life of that place.

The more places the emperor caused harm, the more places did not want to receive the emperor, for fear that they would also be targeted by the rebels.

From the beginning, many places did not dare to refuse the emperor's arrival, for fear of losing their black gauze hat. Gradually, they became a slave to the emperor. When the emperor thought of a place, that place began to resist and refused to let the emperor enter.

Local officials were indeed afraid of rejecting the emperor's arrival and losing their black hats, but they were also afraid of offending local forces and being killed by local forces. In such troubled times, life was more important than black hats, so some officials thought twice, plus the local forces The threat was so vain and submissive.

Since the emperor is a mediocre person, he naturally does not know the changes in mentality when he comes. He thinks that he is a popular person. Wherever he goes, the local people will rush to send rare treasures and beauties, so he will go there. Where to rest, he treated it as a gift, but he didn't know that no one anywhere wanted him to come.

However, those ministers were smart people, and they could see that the initial welcome in various places had turned into unwelcome. However, even if they knew about it, no one would tell the emperor, lest the emperor would be unhappy after hearing it and implicate them.

Because no one told the emperor about this, the emperor was kept in the dark and did not know that he was becoming more and more annoying.

It may take two more days to visit relatives before I can resume updating two chapters a day.

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