The two of them were in a state of panic, and the two of them were in a state of panic.

Huangfu Hao tried hard to calm the chaotic Yuanli in his meridians. Seeing that he didn't say anything, Lin Zixuan was sweating coldly, and then he realized that something was wrong.

He put his hand on Huangfu Hao's shoulder and carefully input a trace of spiritual power to help Huangfu Hao sort out the chaotic Yuanli in his meridians, fearing that he would burst him accidentally.

The spiritual power of the Jindan period is not something that an ancient warrior who is not even innate can bear.

After a while, the Yuanli in Huangfu Hao's body returned to normal. Seeing this, Lin Zixuan was about to take back this trace of spiritual power, as if he thought of something, leaving a trace of weak spiritual power in his Dantian.

Huangfu Hao's heart trembled. Dongfang Qiubai was indeed stronger than him in terms of realm and combat power, but he still had fighting spirit and wanted to defeat him by practicing hard. Facing the middle-aged man in front of him, he could not even raise a trace of resistance.

He clearly felt that the spiritual power of this senior was extremely strong, like the ocean, and of extremely high quality.

He could almost conclude that this senior was a strong man above the heavenly level.

"Greetings, senior, I wonder what you want to tell me?" Huangfu Hao said respectfully, he did not dare to complain at all.

"You are welcome, Commander Huangfu. I am a practitioner of Daxia. I came to you today because I want to ask you for help with an important matter."

Seeing that he was hesitant to speak, Lin Zixuan added: "Don't worry, it will never endanger national security, but will benefit the country."

Huangfu Hao was relieved. As a member of Xia country, he did not want to do anything that would endanger the country.

After a conversation, Huangfu Hao finally understood that the senior was here to support his disciple.

The assassin disciple that Dongfang Qiubai secretly recruited provoked the senior's disciple, and Dongfang Qiubai actually handed over part of the power of the Dragon Group to this disciple.

You must know that the Dragon Group belongs to a special national institution, not to an individual, even if it is the leader.

Dongfang Qiubai's behavior is obviously abusing public power for personal gain? This is something Huangfu Hao cannot tolerate.

Even if it is Dongfang Qiubai, the leader of the Dragon Group, he cannot hand over the Dragon Group to others so unscrupulously, not to mention that this person has not made any contribution to the country and is a foreign assassin.

And the purpose of the senior looking for him is to make him the new leader of the Dragon Group and set things right.

"Senior, I am only a high-level Heavenly Rank cultivator now, I am afraid I am not the opponent of Dongfang Qiubai." Huangfu Hao said worriedly.

"Don't worry, I have a good technique and some elixirs here. As long as you practice well, you will become an innate in the future." Lin Zixuan's voice was full of confidence.

This technique is a master-level technique, which he obtained from a martial arts master in the world of immortal cultivation.

This world has been without traces of innate masters for a hundred years, and people firmly believe that there is no innate in the world.

Even the genius of Dongfang Qiubai could not break through the innate, but Huangfu Hao did not doubt that the senior was bragging. He clearly felt the gap between the two.

Huangfu Hao excitedly took the technique and elixir handed over. This was his hope to advance to the innate level, and he couldn't help but be excited.

He curiously opened the porcelain bottle, and saw a wisp of elixir fragrance wafting out. He actually felt that his realm had improved a little. This low-level elixir was still a panacea for them.

"I left a trace of spiritual power in your Dantian, which contains a trace of truth. As long as you understand it, it will not be difficult to break through the Grandmaster level. It can also be regarded as an apology for disturbing your practice just now!!"


Huangfu Hao couldn't believe his ears. Such a casual statement from the mouth of the senior made people who didn't know think that the Grandmaster level was so easy to reach.

He had reason to suspect that this senior was a Grandmaster, or even a strong man above the Grandmaster.

"Senior, are you a Grandmaster?"

As everyone knows, there is no innate in the world, let alone a Grandmaster.

This world has not seen the figure of a Grandmaster for half a century.

In historical records, the closest Grandmaster to the present is Grandmaster Zhang Sanfeng, who lived for more than 200 years. Grandmaster Zhang was a man in the Ming Dynasty, and it has been 600 years since now.

The senior in front of him is likely to be a Grandmaster, which he dared not imagine... His thoughts were a little messy.

"Grandmaster? Haha, just treat me as one!"

The disdainful tone sent waves through Huangfu Hao's heart. Above the Grandmaster is the Grandmaster. Could it be that this senior... He didn't dare to think any further.


"The senior's request is reasonable. I will do my best to manage the affairs of the Dragon Group."

There was no sound for a long time. When Huangfu Hao looked at him again, he had disappeared.

If he hadn't had a bottle of elixir in his hand, he would have thought it was a dream.

Lin Zixuan, who had just left, had a flash of inspiration and came up with an idea. As the protagonist, he was naturally protected by luck, and it was common to turn danger into safety. But he was an alien and an anomaly in this world. What would happen if he killed the male protagonist directly?

"Ding, host, it is impossible to kill the male and female protagonists when their luck is not completely suppressed. Please don't do it, otherwise it will attract the attention of the world consciousness, and the host is likely to be suppressed, which will lead to the failure of the mission."

"Hey, system, you haven't sent a message for eight hundred years, why are you talking now?" Lin Zixuan said unhappily.

But he didn't realize that his tone was full of resentment, and he was obviously full of resentment for the system's reckless behavior.

"Ahem, this is not important. What's important is that the host must not commit suicide." The system reminded again.

"I know, I just want to do an experiment." Lin Zixuan rolled his eyes at the system.

In the bathroom of Tang Yubing's villa, Ye Cang looked at the naked Tang Yubing greedily, and he gently wiped the snow-white body with a towel.

"Ah, I'm going to get a stye."

"This male protagonist is such a stinky hooligan. He actually took advantage of the female protagonist's drunkenness to do such a thing. He is really shameless."

For some reason, he actually heard a hint of excitement from the system's words.

Lin Zixuan glanced at the wine bottle in the living room, and combined with the scene in front of him, he knew what was going on.

He has read many novels, and there are such plots in them, just to promote the relationship between the male and female protagonists to a step closer.

"This plot is really cliché." Lin Zixuan couldn't help but complained directly.


Ye Cang suddenly stood up and looked in the direction where Lin Zixuan was invisible.

A spiritual force attacked, and the sealed heavenly elemental force in Ye Cang's body took the initiative to form a shield, but it could not block the spiritual force at all, and Ye Cang was also seriously injured by this spiritual force.

With Lin Zixuan as the center, huge dark clouds quickly gathered in the sky, and rumbling sounds came from the dark clouds, and a terrifying pressure was brewing in it.

"It's over, it's over, this is a warning from the world consciousness. If you attack the male protagonist again, I'm afraid it will be a punishment from heaven, turning into ashes, and the host will pray for good luck."

The voice of the system made Lin Zixuan feel noisy.

But he did not dare to attack again, he felt the threat of death from the rolling dark clouds.

"System, observe the male protagonist's luck, what changes have there been?"

"Host, the male protagonist's luck is fluctuating violently, but it has not decreased at all at present. How about the host give him another shot?"

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