The first time, the first time.

A month later, the provincial examination has begun.

Lin Zixuan did not expect Shen Yuankai to participate in this provincial examination.

He looked at Shen Yuankai from afar. Who would have thought that he was a bastard from the side branch of the Shen family?

He was even more impressive than the legitimate son of the main family of the Shen family.

In the examination room.

Lin Zixuan knew where Shen Yuankai was in the examination room with a glance of his mind.

He was moved: "Although we have no hatred now, you killed the original body in the plot, and my mission is to make you die a miserable death. This is not my fault."

"I'll give you a small dish first and ask you to collect some interest." Lin Zixuan hummed in his heart.

He took out a talisman from the system space, and while there were no inspectors around, he moved his mind, and the talisman turned into a faint light and flew towards Shen Yuankai.

In a blink of an eye, it sank into Shen Yuankai's body and disappeared.

"Hehe, now there will be a good show to watch." Lin Zixuan laughed in his heart.


Nine days later.

This provincial examination was finally over.

In the past few days, everyone has also heard of a rare thing. It is said that at noon on the second day of the exam, a candidate fell into the pit while using the toilet.

If the inspector had not endured the stench and the nausea in his heart and pulled the person out of the pit, the candidate would probably have drowned in it.

But even if he was rescued, it would probably be worse than death.

The scene was so disgusting, and some people saw that the man was covered in filth, dripping and sticking to his body, and even had a lot of yellow sticky substances in his mouth and face, and fat white worms crawling everywhere.

But because of this, no one saw the specific identity of that person.

The scene was so shocking, the stench was so overwhelming that the candidates and invigilators on the scene covered their noses, their faces turned pale, and some even vomited directly.

Their sanity values ​​dropped wildly.

After cleaning up, the examination room was still filled with a disgusting stench. The candidates and invigilators covered their noses, their faces turned pale, and some even vomited directly. Many candidates could not concentrate on the exam.

This test was a bit too big for them.

Hiccup... I almost vomited.

There were even several candidates who imagined and described the situation vividly.

Ugh... It's so disgusting.

Everyone was talking about it, but there was no news about which hero it was, otherwise the title of "Shit-eating God of War" would have a master.

However, it should be the Wang family who blocked the news, but some of it still spread out, after all, there were indeed a lot of people involved, and the matter was too explosive.

Fortunately, the people outside don't know who the protagonist is.

But although the high-level officials in Jizhou City have some guesses, they dare not make a big fuss.

The Wang family and the Shen family want to cry. No one can bear such a thing.

If this matter is exposed, it will not be a trivial matter. The people of Jizhou City will talk about it endlessly, which will greatly affect the reputation of the two families.

I am afraid that they will be laughed at by other families for a hundred years.


"Brother, do you know who fell in? It's so unlucky. I have lived for more than 20 years. This is the first time I have heard such an explosive thing."

Lin Zixuan looked at his eldest brother speechlessly.

That curious face, a typical spectator.

"Brother, I don't know."

Lin Zixuan shook his head and said speechlessly.

This is the first time he knows that his eldest brother is so curious and is a good spectator.

But he was also very surprised. He only got him a low-level bad luck charm, which could only be used on mortals. He didn't expect that he would directly put Shen Yuankai into the toilet.

This is a pleasant surprise.

He probably won't pass the provincial examination this time, and the sequelae of falling into the toilet may accompany him for the rest of his life.

Well, I feel sick when I think of the toilet, haha.

Back to the inn.

Lin Zixuan turned around and told Lin Yi to spread the news.

It turned out that Lin Yi came out to finish the affairs of the secret gang and came back to protect him in secret, although he didn't need protection.

So, on the second day, only a few people knew the secret.

On the third day, the news had spread all over the streets and alleys.

On the fourth day, almost all the people in Jizhou knew that the future son-in-law of the Wang family fell into the toilet during the provincial examination.

"Hey, do you know that the person who fell into the toilet last time was Shen Yuankai from the Shen family!"

"I know the Shen family, but who is Shen Yuankai?" Some

Not knowing who he was talking about, he asked directly.

"It's the branch of the Shen family that the third daughter of the Wang family is going to marry."

"I heard that Shen Yuankai swallowed a few times. Is it true?"

"How could it be false? Otherwise, the Shen and Wang families would have come out to refute the rumor."

"Alas, I heard that Shen Yuankai is good-looking and talented, so he was favored by the third daughter of the Wang family. I wonder if the two will get married now?"

"The Wang family will definitely cancel the engagement, otherwise this matter will be blamed on the Wang family for the rest of their lives."

"Maybe not. After all, the third daughter of the Wang family and Shen Yuankai love each other and may have already decided to spend their lives together."

"I just don't know if the third daughter of the Wang family can still get close to Shen Yuankai. I feel sick when I think of him now."


Shen Yuankai was very upset. Although there were many small problems with his seat on the first day of entering the examination room, he could still tolerate them. He just thought he was unlucky.

But he never expected such a thing to happen. His life should be to pass the imperial examination, marry a beautiful and rich woman, and reach the pinnacle of life.

He felt that his life had taken a huge turn, but he didn't know what was going on. He felt like crying but couldn't.

He was just using the toilet, but his feet suddenly slipped and he fell into the pit, and he rushed in headfirst. He was originally quite good at swimming, but he didn't have any room to play. After swallowing a few mouthfuls, he fainted.

Now he was too embarrassed to go out, and he stayed in the room all day long and let the servants bring him food.

Every time he went to the toilet, he was terrified, afraid that it would happen again.

The discussion of the crowd did not reach Shen Yuankai's ears, but he often saw the servants of the Shen family pointing fingers at him.

He vaguely heard that the matter had spread to the streets and alleys, and everyone knew that he, Shen Yuankai, fell into the pit.

He knew that the moment this matter was known to others, he was finished.

In this era, personal reputation is very important. Some people are even recommended as local officials because of their good reputation.

Although he is only a minor official, it also shows the importance of reputation.

This is why he worked so hard to manage his reputation before, but now he knows that his previous efforts were in vain.

Even if he passed the imperial examination, he might not be able to become an official smoothly with his reputation.

Moreover, in the past few days, the third daughter of the Wang family, who had been sticking to him before, has not come to see him.

A feeling of uneasiness surged in his heart.

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