Quick Wear System: Don’t Worry, the Hero!

Chapter 731: What should I do if my brother loves me too much? 【31】

Not to mention that there is no bottom line, it is a bummer.

In the hacker world, this kind of person is the target of everyone shouting, but this person is extremely cunning.

Just like why he is a rogue, it is that this person goes to the black home computer from time to time, and that's fine, and he also carries the information inside to sell it everywhere. This makes everyone intolerable, and they all go to the forum to report.

However, I don't know why, as long as this person's report letter is thrown out, it must be like a stone sinking into the ocean, and there is no news at all.

After several tossings, everyone can only swallow it by themselves.

Now that everyone sees the appearance of this discussion, they immediately understand why it has fallen to the sea.

This is a person!

They immediately became angry, and they all blamed this post one by one.

That's why I said that I have complained so many times that the rogue has no results. It turns out that the host of the altar is him!

Unexpectedly, it is so hidden!

Haha, if the emotional history comes out, then we will go to human flesh. I used to threaten to ask for money, but now the feng shui takes turns, Altar Master, you have your tickets ready!

Of course, there are some people who do not believe it.

Is this really the host himself? How come it suddenly appeared.

Yes, I don't believe it either.

There are different opinions, and this post has reached the most replied one in the forum with an astonishing speed.

At this time, in a community, the highest floor of a building.

There is an ordinary household here.

It's just that it's very noisy now, and weeping sounds come from time to time.

"Heizi, I just want to say don't mess with this guy!" One of them was wearing sportswear, with a bat on his head, with a tender face, and a lollipop in his mouth.

"I don't know. You showed me the process of hacking our forum. I felt that this kind of good thing should not be watched by me alone, and that good things should be shared by everyone." It was the old man, now his face was aggrieved.

"Bah!" There was a girl in the group of people nearby. She wore a very non-mainstream style. She had a key tattoo on her chin. Her eyes were mocking, "Heizi, what you said is nice, don't you just think the forum? Now it’s yours, and then you’ve been hacked. Brother taught you a bit, and you’re unbalanced in your heart and sent out the process that your eldest brother gave you to pretend to be coerced."

"You kid, is there a place for you to speak here?" The old man was in a bad mood when he was being taught, but at this time he was taught by such a young ghost again, and the anger appeared on his face.

"Huh, if it wasn't for me to be the next host of the forum, do you think I would be willing to come to your poor place?" The girl didn't feel scared because of the man's anger.

"You!" The old man still wanted to curse.

The boy who started talking looked impatient, "Well, is it time for you to fight?"

"Brother, it's something you do yourself, so you should let him take it on your own. We don't need to intervene at all." The girl pouted and leaned to the boy's side. She looked at the code flashing quickly on the screen and curled her lips in disdain.

"This forum has been in our hands for a long time, you let him do it? Don't you know that sharks have coveted this piece of fat for a long time?" The boy moved his hands on the keyboard quickly.


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