Quick Wear: The Host is a Fox

Chapter 485: Time and Space Dialogue: I am waiting for you in the future (31)

Chapter 492 Time and Space Dialogue: I will wait for you in the future (20)


The basketball in Bai Zhen's hand smashed straight into the boy's face!

Everyone was stunned.

I didn't expect such a frail, seemingly reticent girl to fight back so neatly!

The person who was beaten was dumbfounded and froze in place.

He didn't raise his hand until he felt two slightly sticky warmth trickle down his nostrils.

Eyes are bright red.

The boy's expression changed.

"Damn, you are courting death! You dare to beat me!"

The man raised his fist, wanting to fight back.

The girl raised her small face, her heavy bangs were slightly spread out, and her dark eyes behind the lenses were clear and peaceful.

"Hit someone? Are you out of your mind? Who told you to stand in the wrong place, you deserve to be beaten."

She returned what he had just said.

He also raised his chin specially, as if 'you can fight if you have a seed, whoever is afraid of whoever'.

The boy's mouth twitched furiously at her arrogant appearance, he stepped forward, and his fist fell towards her face.

A few people behind him grabbed him, "Okay, okay, the teacher is nearby, and he was caught and had no good fruit to eat!"

The man covered his nose and spat on the ground, "Fuck! I can't take this breath!"

"Let's go, the teacher is looking this way! A gentleman takes revenge, it's not too late for ten years, withdraw first!"

Several boys pulled the man, picked up the ball, and went back to the court.

Bai Zhen glanced over there lightly, then sat back under the shade of the tree.

Not far away, there was another crisp sound of basketball hitting the ground.

The girl rubbed her head, stretched her waist, listening to the cicadas and birds, blowing the refreshing breeze, looking at the blue sky and white clouds, squinting her eyes comfortably—

The light in front of him was suddenly blocked by a shadow.

The refreshing mint fragrance poured into the nasal cavity, dispelling the irritating sultry heat of summer, and smelling refreshing.

The pure white school uniform shirt fluttered in front of her eyes.

Looking up, you can also see the slightly open neckline, the graceful collarbone, and the slightly raised Adam's apple on the white neck.

It looks a little... sexy.

A muffled sound.

The basketball that smashed over was firmly caught in his hand.

As he moved back, the light was projected back to Bai Zhen's eyes.

She blinked, watching the basketball swirl around the boy's slender fingertips.

Immediately, a magnetic voice sounded, "Bullying girls like this is disgusting."

He raised his hand and threw the basketball back.

"Next time, credits will be deducted."

As he said that, he lowered his eyes slightly, and Bai Zhen was startled by the dark and deep eyes.

"the same as you."

After dropping such a sentence, he stretched his long legs and turned around.

The short hair fluttered a little with his movements, looking fluffy and soft.

He was still holding a book in one hand, Bai Zhen glanced at the big words "Calculus" written on it.

Did you start learning this in high school?

She remembered that this was a university course...

Seeing that the boy was leaving, Bai Zhen didn't think about these messes anymore.

He reached out and grabbed a corner of his shirt.

The young man stopped in his footsteps and turned around.

The heroic introverted brows furrowed, and he glanced at the corner of the shirt that was wrinkled by someone.

His eyes were slightly cold.

In Bai Zhen's mind, countless words of chatting up and affectionate words flashed in an instant.

But the last thing that blurted out was: "Cough, thank you... thank you."

The boy didn't answer, but shifted his gaze from her face to the little hand that was clutching the corner of his shirt.

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