The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next few days.

"Ding... Captured souls with a 100% match. I am Xingchen Fast Transmigration Childbirth System 88688. I have detected that you have a strong desire to have children. Are you willing to bind with me?"

"System? Or childbirth system?" Qiao Yanyan asked uncertainly after ten minutes.

Childbirth system? What is a system?

"I am nothing, I am the Starry Sky Fast Transmigration Childbearing System 88688, I can take you through various small worlds..."

I said I am nothing...

This system doesn't seem to have a very high IQ...

The system was completely stimulated to the point of breaking down, and roared loudly:

"Qiao Yanyan..., you said I am nothing, and you also said I have a low IQ!"

It's not even bound yet, and I feel angry.

If it weren't for this 100% soul matching, this system would have given up long ago.

The system endured for 5 seconds, took a deep breath and said:

"When you were dying, this system detected that you had a strong desire to have children, and your soul suddenly burst out with powerful power, which was captured by me. Do you want to bind to me?"

"Xiao Huahua, what's the benefit of binding with you?" Qiao Yanyan said lazily.

"Little Flower? What little flower? Are you calling me? Is this leader going crazy? Ah... I'm such a handsome leader, I'm a male leader, you call me Little Flower?"

The system gnashed its teeth and said.

"Little Flower, your name is really not nice, I think Little Flower suits you very well!"

A ball of light suddenly popped out of Qiao Yanyan's mind and turned into a pure white kitten.

The kitten jumped up and down non-stop, and said fiercely while jumping:

"You are Little Flower, your whole family is Little Flower..."

"Oh my, who is this, what a cute kitten!"

Qiao Yanyan wanted to raise a soft and cute little animal before the end of the world.

Later, the end of the world came, and the little animals became mutant animals, each more than 2 meters tall, fierce and ferocious, fighting to the death at any time, and there was no desire to raise little animals anymore.

I didn't expect to encounter a legendary system, and the real image is actually a soft and cute little cat, which really satisfies my girlish heart.

"Xiaohuahua, accept the binding!" Qiao Yanyan suddenly said lightly.

The system was going crazy, and suddenly heard:

"System binding... Binding successful! Please give the system a name..."

After binding the system, Qiao Yanyan's figure instantly appeared in the system space.

"Oh, the host gave a name, no wonder I can't call you Xiaohuahua!"

The matter is done, the system crashed and cried:

"Host... Host... I don't want to be called Xiaohuahua... This name is too rustic, and I am a male leader, woo woo... woo woo..."

"Okay, okay..., instead of Xiaohuahua, how about Xiaoxingxing? Your name is too long, I can't remember it!"

After that, Qiao Yanyan smiled and picked up the system, and stroked the soft fur of the system kitten, which felt really good!

"I want to be called Long Aotian..." The system wanted to fight for itself again.

"Haha, your aesthetics are really hard to describe! I can't call you Aotian anyway, so you should just call yourself Xiaohuahua!"

"No, no... I don't want it... Just call me Xiaoxingxing, I like this name!" The system said anxiously.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, host!"

An electronic sound came, and the system was changing its name, and the name change was successful.

At this time, the system noticed Qiao Yanyan's appearance. Her eyes were like deep lakes, her lips were as tempting as cherries, her skin was white as snow, smooth and delicate, and the whole person was as beautiful as a seductive fox. Every move was full of mystery and attraction.

The system was a little confused. Why did it feel that the host's soul looked different from her physical appearance in the end times?

Qiao Yanyan looked around the system space.

It was found that there was only a white chair like a throne, and there was a table of the same style in front of it. There was a large row of buttons on the table, and nothing else.

It's so empty! Little Star is a little poor...

The system was distracted by Qiao Yanyan's voice.

Looking at the empty system space, her face suddenly turned red, but fortunately it was blocked by the white hair on her face, so her blushing could not be seen.

Qiao Yanyan slowly walked to the throne and sat down.

With one hand supporting her chin and the other holding the system, she stroked the soft hair of the system and said:

"Little Star, let me introduce you.

Introduce yourself. "

The system sat up straight in Qiao Yanyan's arms, proudly puffed out its chest and said:

"Okay, host, I am the most advanced child-bearing system. With me, your wish to have a child can be realized.

Our main task is to go to each small world to give birth to little buns for the male protagonist of Jueshi.

There are various pills in the system mall, painless baby-bearing pills, girl-bearing pills, son-bearing pills, twin pills, multiple-birth pills, postpartum recovery pills, genius cute baby pills, etc. Not only can you give birth to babies painlessly, but also single, twin, and multiple births are not a dream. You can give birth to as many babies as you want, and you can choose whether to give birth to boys or girls.

After giving birth, your body can be instantly restored to its original state, and you can also get a genius cute baby! "

"Really? So good? Are they all free to use?"

The system said speechlessly:

"Host, you think too much. These pills need points to buy. As long as you complete a novice task and have points, you can open the system mall for free. ”

Qiao Yanyan raised her eyebrows and said, "You didn't lie to me?"

"Why would I lie to you? If you lie to the host, you will violate the system manual and will be punished by the main system..."

The system suddenly realized what it had said and covered its mouth fiercely.

"Oh... So you can't lie to me! It's not that you won't lie to me, but there will be punishment for lying to me..."

The system's two little paws suddenly hugged Qiao Yanyan's fingers and said flatteringly:

"Host, let's talk about the mission, hehe..."

"Go on! Go on!" Qiao Yanyan hooked the soft flesh under the system's chin with her fingers and said.

"There are many male protagonists in the small world, who are resentful because of the extinction of their descendants, which affects the normal operation of the small world, and even destroys the world in serious cases.

The main system created our child-bearing system to go to the small world to solve the problem of the male protagonist's extinction.

In this way, the small world can operate normally, and they will not be destroyed! After all, destroying the world will destroy all your descendants."

"Small Thousand Worlds? Is there a Big Thousand World? The end of the world I am in is also a small thousand world?"

"Yes, my level is not enough for the Big Thousand World, so I can only do tasks in the small thousand world.

The world where the host is is one of the thousands of small thousand worlds.

When you died, I don't know why you suddenly burst out with a very strong soul power, which happened to be captured by me.

I found that your soul matching degree is 100%. I have never seen a host with a soul matching degree of 100% in the main system. The highest soul matching degree is 99%!"

"Really?" Qiao Yanyan squinted and thought.

Big Thousand World... Small Thousand World... Interesting...

"Host, although the male protagonists in the small thousand worlds have no descendants, they are all handsome and are the best men in the small world.

Think about it, your best man has only you from beginning to end.

I can only do this with you... that with you... hehehe... I can completely satisfy any of your fantasies...

Think about it again, the children born with them have good genes, high looks, high IQ, and a high starting point.

Host, do you feel that you have reached the peak of your life in an instant?" The system said meanly.

"Little Star, am I really your first host? You know a lot!"

"Host, don't doubt me, I am the most advanced artificial intelligence.

After being produced by the main system, you will automatically possess almost all the knowledge in the field of science and technology, in all aspects... hehehe...

And I have carefully studied many novels... "The Little Childhood Sweetheart of the Domineering Boss"... "The Domineering President Loves Me"... "The Domineering Boss Is on Top and I Am on the Bottom"...

There are so many... I have downloaded more than 10,000 books here!

Do you want to take a look and learn? You don't even have a man in the end times..."

The system said with an expression that said, "Don't look down on me, I despise you at the same time."

Qiao Yanyan said helplessly:

"Xiao Xingxing, you should read these novels by yourself. Although I don't have a man, I still have a lot of theoretical knowledge. Haven't you seen pigs run before?

I'm still a newcomer and a new leader. It's better to be low-key... low-key..."

"Isn't your ultimate dream to have a man and a little bun? If you keep a low profile, can you have a little bun?"

"Okay, you really understand me!"

Qiao Yanyan pinched the system's kitten face, squinted her eyes and asked with a little curiosity:

"What if the male protagonist in the small world is a eunuch? If the most basic hardware conditions are gone, can you still have a little bun?"

"What are you afraid of? Who am I? I am an omnipotent child-bearing system.

There are body defect repair pills in the mall, which are aimed at these disabled male protagonists.

Even if the male protagonist does not have the basic hardware conditions, I can also re-create them for him.

It is not a dream for eunuchs to have children. "The system said confidently.

The system said slowly with a charming electronic voice:

"Think about it again, those peerless tyrants, the charming little wolfdogs, the cold school bullies...

There are all kinds of men, all of whom only love you...

Only you can give birth to his little bun. It is not the end of the world yet, there are no zombies, and you can enjoy a sweet love.

There is a man who loves you, a cute genius little bun, the peak of life!!!"

Qiao Yanyan pouted, shook her head gently and said:

"You are really..., you know so many kinds of men? Are you going to the small world now?"

"Of course, my novel is not read in vain, go to the small world immediately, update the host information, please receive it. ”

On the wall of the system space, a high-tech electronic screen suddenly appeared, and the soft electronic sound of the system instantly became rigid.

Qiao Yanyan looked at the information on the electronic screen, and the status display showed that the update had been synchronized.

Host: Qiao Yanyan

Age: Unknown

Points: 0 points

Merit value: 999999999999999999+/(full score 100 million points)

Superpowers: Water, Healing, Thunder, Space

Skills: None

Locker: None

“Hmm? Ah? What? Superpowers of water, healing, thunder, and space? 4 superpowers?

Host, didn’t you blow yourself up? Where did your superpowers come from?

And the merit value... such a large row of 999...+

Weren’t you 28 years old when you died? Why is your age displayed as unknown? ? ? ? "The system asked in a panic.

Qiao Yanyan looked at the system with a smile:

"I don't know about this either. Isn't it your system showing an error?"

"This is impossible? How could I make such an error? And I am bound to your soul. Your superpower crystal core is broken. How can you have superpowers?

No! No! Something is wrong... I have to report to the main system. "

The system jumped up and down incoherently, and then hurriedly went to report to the main system.

Looking at this jumping up and down small system, it was a bit lively and felt good...

Go to the small world to enjoy it, life with a man and a little bun is not bad...

Anyway, I don’t want to come back in this apocalypse!

Qiao Yanyan has no memory before the age of 18. Since she can remember, she has been alone, and she doesn’t know who she is.

At that time, she only hoped to have ordinary happiness.

Have a home, find a handsome man, and give birth to a cute little bun...

As a result... the apocalypse has come...

She is not the first batch of superpowers to awaken superpowers, but in the apocalypse In the first year of her life, she followed her team out to look for supplies. In order to save a teammate, she was accidentally scratched by a zombie. Unexpectedly, she was abandoned by her teammates.

She hid alone in the toilet of the mall, and survived the high fever period of awakening her superpowers. At the same time, she awakened her water, healing and lightning powers.

When she left the mall, she walked to a counter selling luxury goods, and she always felt that something was calling her.

When she walked in, she found a jade bracelet, which was emerald green and very beautiful.

She fell in love with it at first sight and put it on her hand. After all, jade and gold were worthless in the end times, and no one wanted them.

Because she was not one of the first batch of people to awaken superpowers As a superpower, his superpowers are also very low.

So in order to keep a low profile, he can only use the water superpower as his only awakened superpower, hiding his healing and lightning superpowers.

Once in a battle with zombies, he accidentally injured his arm, and the blood that flowed out was accidentally absorbed by the bracelet, opening up a space of more than 1,000 cubic meters.

In order to live better in the apocalypse, he kept collecting supplies and filled the space. It was no problem for him to eat for several lifetimes.

In the fifth year of the apocalypse, Qiao Yanyan killed zombies, took crystal cores, and upgraded superpowers without sleep. It was particularly difficult to upgrade the three superpowers.

Finally, in the sixth year of the apocalypse, the thunder and water superpowers reached level 9. Peak, healing ability reaches level 9.

From an unknown passerby to the first person with superpowers, he announced to the world that he was the strongest person with three superpowers and stood at the top of humanity.

At the beginning of the apocalypse, no one noticed that the cruel environment caused a large number of deaths of children.

Later, after people awakened their superpowers and had the ability to protect themselves, they found that there were almost no children in the world.

When humans had superpowers, their fertility was almost lost, and superpowers had no fertility.

Due to the difficulty of survival, the fertility of ordinary people is also at the limit, and there are few ordinary people left under the cruel competition of the apocalypse.

The apocalypse

After the beginning, no more children were born, and humans were facing the crisis of extinction.

Humans had no choice...

Only by eliminating zombies and providing humans with a good living environment can human fertility be stimulated and the crisis of human extinction be avoided.

So the world's largest bases joined forces with human superpowers to eliminate zombies.

As the only three-series superpower in the human race and the first superpower, Qiao Yanyan participated in the task of exterminating zombies.

After much difficulty, the zombies were driven back to the southernmost tip of the world, the last battle between humans and zombies.

Qiao Yanyan thought that after defeating the zombie king, she could finally find a man to have a baby to play with...

As a result...

The zombie king turned out to be a level 10 thunder superpower, and the intelligence clearly said it was a level 9 thunder superpower...

This zombie king is a little stronger than imagined...

Qiao Yanyan shattered the three-series crystal core in her brain, releasing her ultimate superpower to die with the zombie king.

Just like that...

The 9th level healing power crystal core exploded, and the earth was instantly healed, and it was reborn, and mankind was saved...

This is completely self-sacrifice for the benefit of everyone...

Qiao Yanyan was unwilling to die, and was still thinking:

"Damn, I haven't even held a man's hand, not even a little bun, I'm unwilling..."

At this time, Qiao Yanyan didn't notice that at the moment of her body collapse.

The jasper bracelet on her hand suddenly burst out with a strong green light, quickly absorbing the blood splashed by Qiao Yanyan's self-explosion, and finally turned into a beam of light and drilled into her forehead.

At the same time, it carried a part of her three-series power fragments and merged with her soul.

When Qiao Yanyan woke up, she found that her jasper space bracelet had been bound to her soul.

Although there was still only about 1,000 cubic meters in the space, there was an extra spiritual spring.

The spiritual spring is in the middle of the space, about the size of a washbasin.

His three-series abilities did not disappear, but merged with his soul.

This is probably the reward for saving all mankind...

When he was about to observe the space of the jasper bracelet again, he suddenly heard an electronic sound in his ear:

"Ding... Capturing souls with a 100% match, I am the Star Quick Transmigration Childbirth System 88688, and I have detected that you have a strong desire to have children. Are you willing to bind with me?"

Qiao Yanyan paused for a moment. Yes, he had already self-destructed, and his body was gone, so he didn't want to be a lonely ghost...

It's enough to be alone, it's not bad to have a noisy little system...

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