After staying in Lingshan Temple for a few days, Qiao Yanyan prayed for the safety of the relatives of the Duke of Zhenguo Mansion, and prepared to take Yuxia back to the Duke of Zhenguo Mansion.

Yuxia asked Guard Ling to send someone to notify the Duke of Zhenguo Mansion in advance.

When Qiao Yanyan and his group arrived at the gate of the Duke of Zhenguo Mansion, the original owner's mother was already waiting at the gate.

"Yanyan, you are finally back. Have you been well in Lingshan Temple these days?"

"Mother, I am fine. Life in Lingshan Temple makes me feel peaceful. I have prayed for everyone and asked for amulets."

Mother Qiao looked at Qiao Yanyan with a distressed look and said:

"That's good, that's good! Look at your pale face. You have lost a lot of weight after staying in Lingshan Temple for a few days. Come in and have a rest."

"Okay, mother, let's go in together! Let's go see grandma first! Is grandma's health okay these days?"

"Okay, okay, everyone is fine!" Mother Qiao smiled and patted Qiao Yanyan's hand.

Qiao Yanyan took Mother Qiao's hand and talked to her as they entered the Zhenguo Mansion and headed towards Madam Ming's Defuyuan.

As soon as they arrived at Defuyuan, Madam Qian came out to greet them and said excitedly:

"Oh, my little lady, you are finally back! The old lady was so happy when she got the news of your return yesterday, and she is waiting for you inside now!"

Madam Qian quickly led Qiao's mother and Qiao Yanyan to the main hall. Qiao Yanyan's aunts were all there, chatting with the old lady.

Before they reached the main hall, the old lady and the others heard Madam Qian's voice:

"Old lady, ladies, the young lady is back..."

The old lady and Qiao Yanyan's aunts all stood up excitedly. After seeing Qiao Yanyan's figure, they all came forward. The wife of the prince grabbed her hand and said:

"Yanyan is finally back. I heard from your grandmother just now that you went to Lingshan Temple? How was it? Are you tired now?"

Several aunts came forward to greet them, their eyes full of joy, and asked about her recent situation with concern.

"Aunt, second aunt, third aunt, Yanyan is doing well. She feels much better after staying at Lingshan Temple for a few days. I also asked for amulets for my family.

Yuxia, come on, take out the amulets for my grandmother, aunts and mother!"

Yuxia hurried forward and took out the amulet that Qiao Yanyan asked for from the bag she carried with her, and handed it to the old lady, several ladies and Qiao's mother. Everyone happily wore the amulet on their bodies.

Several aunts praised Yanyan for being filial. The eldest aunt said:

"Yanyan is really filial. She went to Lingshan Temple and asked for a peace charm for each of us. Unlike those boys in my family, they don't even remember us!"

"Aunt, don't say that. I still remember that when Yuxia and I went shopping some time ago, we happened to meet my eldest cousin.

My eldest cousin was queuing up at Zuixianlou to buy cakes for you, but he waited in line for more than an hour before buying them. You still said he was unfilial, but I feel sorry for him!!"

When the eldest aunt heard Qiao Yanyan praising her eldest son, she laughed so hard that she couldn't close her mouth and joked:

"You kid..."

"Okay, okay, Yanyan just came back from Lingshan Temple, she must be tired, let her rest first, and continue the conversation later." Old Lady Ming said with a smile.

"Okay, grandma, I'll go back to your Yanyun Pavilion first."

Qiao Yanyan bowed to the old lady, several aunts and Qiao's mother, and then took Yuxia back to Yanyun Pavilion to rest.

At lunch, Madam Ming asked Madam Qian to invite Qiao Yanyan to have lunch together in Defu Garden.

After having lunch with Madam Ming, Qiao's mother and several aunts, Qiao Yanyan said to Madam Ming:

"Grandma, I want to go back to Lu Mansion tomorrow."

"What's wrong? Why don't you stay a few more days? Are you uncomfortable living in the Zhenguo Mansion?" Madam Ming asked.

Qiao Yanyan explained:

"No, grandma, Yanyan is very happy living in the Duke of Zhenguo Mansion, but Yanyan is married after all, and has been away from the Lu Mansion for several days. It is indeed time for her to go back to the Lu Mansion."

"What are you afraid of? What else can the Lu Mansion say?" Old Madam Ming said nonchalantly.

"Grandma, Yanyan knows that you love me the most and will not make things difficult for me. Yanyan will definitely not stay away from you for so long in the future. I will definitely come back to bother you often. Please let me go back, grandma..." Qiao Yanyan said coquettishly to Old Madam Ming.

"Okay, okay, Yanyan promised to come back to see grandma often, but I have to

Keep your word, or your grandmother will not agree!

You must remember that you are the daughter of the Duke of Zhenguo Mansion. If the Lu family dares to bully you, you must tell your grandmother, and the Duke of Zhenguo Mansion will definitely stand up for you. "Old Madam Ming took Qiao Yanyan's hand and said kindly.

"Okay, grandmother, Yanyan will remember it. "

After talking about going back to the Lu Mansion tomorrow, Qiao Yanyan accompanied Old Lady Ming, Qiao's mother and several aunts to stroll in the garden of the Duke of Zhenguo Mansion.

Then she took Yuxia back to Yanyun Pavilion to pack up and prepare to go back to the Lu Mansion tomorrow.

During dinner, Duke Ming, his uncle, and several cousins ​​came back, and the family gathered together.

Several cousins ​​surrounded her, chattering non-stop, and the room was full of laughter.

Qiao Yanyan took the initiative to pick up dishes for her family. Everyone enjoyed the delicious food while chatting and laughing, and they were happy.

After dinner, Duke Ming called Qiao Yanyan to the study alone. Duke Ming sat on the armchair, pondered for a moment, and said with a serious face:

"Yanyan, the thief is Ling Yuan."

"Ling Yuan? Ling Yun's younger brother? How could it be? "Qiao Yanyan said in surprise.

"Yes, on the day you went to Lingshan Temple, Ling Yuan sneaked into the study and was about to put the dragon robe in my study when he was caught by Mingyi and others. "

"What about Ling Yun? Is there any problem?" Qiao Yanyan asked hesitantly.

"Ling Yun has no problem, Ling Yuan was also calculated by someone.

He owed one thousand taels of silver to Zhiyuan Casino. The people in the casino asked him to put this package in my study, and he didn't have to pay back the one thousand taels of silver.

He didn't know that there was a dragon robe in the package. The boss behind the Zhiyuan Casino was the princess. "Ming Guogong explained to Qiao Yanyan.

"What about this dragon robe now?"

"Now this dragon robe, I have sent someone to put it in the study of the princess's mansion. Since the princess wants to do it on the first day, don't blame us for doing it on the fifteenth. "Ming Guogong said with a sharp and vicious look.

Qiao Yanyan really wanted to applaud the original owner's grandfather. This was really great. Give him a taste of his own medicine. Since the Princess's Mansion likes to wrongly accuse others of treason, then you should bear the crime of treason yourself!

"Grandfather, the emperor should have returned to the palace by now."

Qiao Yanyan hesitated for a long time and decided to tell the original owner's grandfather.

"Yanyan, how did you know?" Ming Guogong looked at Qiao Yanyan and said.

"I saved the emperor! If the emperor didn't lose his memory, then Bai Shaohua would never be able to ascend the throne again, and the subsequent events would be different."

"You? The last time the secret guard said you were missing for half a day, was it that time?"

"Yes, Grandfather, just lead the matter of the dragon robe to the princess. We want the princess to suffer the consequences.

I saved the emperor. Although the emperor doesn't know who I am now, we now have a golden ticket to avoid death. At worst, I can just tell the emperor that I saved him and repay the favor! "

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