Quick Wear: When the Male Supporting Character Awakens

Chapter 171 The heroine's control group brother 20

On the day Zhang Qiang was discharged from the hospital, Zhang Youyou and Sun Tao came to pick him up.

Zhang Youyou and Sun Tao have had many conflicts in the past few years, and have broken up several times, but after all, they have never broken up, and the two have separated and reunited until now.

When Zhang Qiang had an accident, Liu Yuxiang took care of him in the hospital, and Zhang Youyou and Sun Tao would visit him from time to time.

After the discharge procedures were completed, when Zhang Youyou walked to the ward, Zhang Qiang had already packed up. She walked to Zhang Qiang and supported him, saying, "Dad, I will help you walk."

Zhang Qiang glanced at her, said hello, and the two of them slowly walked out the door.

Sun Tao helped Liu Yuxiang carry her luggage, and the four of them took the elevator to the first floor and found Sun Tao's car.

Seeing that Zhang Youyou was struggling to support Zhang Qiang, Sun Tao stepped forward and opened the car door, and the two of them helped Zhang Qiang sit in.

Zhang Youyou told Zhang Qiang about Zhang Youyou and Sun Tao's relationship two years ago. At that time, Zhang Qiang was dissatisfied with his daughter for choosing a boyfriend who had not even graduated from high school. Since his accident, Sun Tao came to visit from time to time, which made him feel dissatisfied with this matter. My daughter’s boyfriend’s attitude has changed a lot.

When she got home, Liu Yuxiang put her things away and then cleaned.

During the month they were in the hospital, Zhang Youyou didn't live at home at all. She moved out and lived with Sun Tao. This room that had been unoccupied for a month had some dust.

Liu Yuxiang mopped the floor carefully and listened to the vague conversation in the living room. They seemed to have mentioned Wen Yan's name. Liu Yuxiang felt strange, but when she listened carefully again, they had changed the topic and talked about other things. .

Liu Yuxiang saw that they did not continue to mention Wen Yan, so she started cleaning seriously again.

In the afternoon, Zhang Youyou and Sun Tao went to buy a lot of vegetables to celebrate Zhang Qiang's discharge from the hospital. For dinner, Liu Yuxiang cooked several dishes.

At the dining table, four people sat opposite each other. Zhang Youyou picked up food for Zhang Qiang and asked with concern: "Dad, if you become like this now, what will you do in the future?"

Zhang Qiang smiled bitterly upon hearing this, "What else can I do? This will be the only way from now on."

"Call Wen Yan back." Zhang Youyou suggested.

Hearing what Zhang Youyou said, Liu Yuxiang raised her head.

No one else paid attention to her, and Zhang Qiang asked in confusion: "Why did you ask him to come back?"

"You have worked so hard to support his education, and now that he has graduated from a prestigious university, it is time for him to repay you." Zhang Youyou said this confidently.

Zhang Qiang hesitated, "But he hasn't come back all these years, is he willing to come back now?"

"Now that you are like this, and he doesn't come back to take a look, what does that sound like?" Zhang Youyou continued.

"But..." Zhang Qiang was still hesitant.

"Oh, Dad, stop it. If he dares not to come back, I will go to Beijing to call him back in person. If he still doesn't want to, I will go to his work to make trouble and see if he comes back." Zhang Youyou said confidently said. .

Hearing Zhang Youyou's plan, Liu Yuxiang couldn't help but said: "Wen Yan has something to do in the capital, so he won't come back."

Zhang Youyou was a little unhappy when she heard Liu Yuxiang's words, and she retorted: "Aunt Liu, is there anything more important than my dad? My dad is injured like this and he doesn't care. He is really a white-eyed wolf! "

When Liu Yuxiang heard what Zhang Youyou said, her expression changed a few times and then she lowered her head and said nothing more.

She thought that her kindness to Wen Yan in the past few years must have been done with kindness and justice, but he was always indifferent, and now he has become alienated from them after leaving.

She has been thinking during this time, isn't it said that children are forgetful? How come he still remembers the beatings and scoldings he received in those two years?

Also, even if Wen Yan now is the situation she least wants to face, he is no longer his son, but has been possessed by some lonely ghost, but are her efforts over the years fake? How could he be so heartless?

In the final analysis, it is still the same as Zhang Youyou said, Wen Yan just has no heart.

At this time, Shi Qing and the system looked at the scene on the dining table. Seeing Zhang Youyou say this, the system asked Shi Qing, [Host, do you want to go back? 】

"No reply."

[What should I do if Zhang Youyou comes here to find you? 】

"There are many ways." Shi Qing said easily.

Zhang Youyou's plan was to destroy him without benefiting from him, and Shi Qing definitely couldn't let her cause trouble like this.

Now, there are countless ways to prevent her from coming over or causing trouble after coming over.

Zhang Youyou didn't know that Shi Qing knew everything about her plans. She called Shi Qing twice to ask him to go back, but Shi Qing refused both times. So, she and Sun Tao made a plan to come directly to Beijing. Find time to clear.

The reason why she is like this is that she hates Shi Qing. There is something going on at home, so how can Shi Qing stay out of it? Second, she felt that Wen Yan graduated from a prestigious university and should be able to earn a lot of money.

In her mind, Liu Yuxiang and Wen Yan had been eating and drinking from her family, and all the expenses were from her family. Now that something happened to his father, Wen Yan should come back to support the family and take on the responsibility of the family. everything.

Shi Qing didn't know that Zhang Youyou had such beautiful thoughts. After thinking about it, he decided not to let Zhang Youyou come over.

Therefore, every time Zhang Youyou and Sun Tao come to Beijing, various surprises will happen.

The two of them just thought it was a coincidence at first, and they still didn't believe it after a few accidents. As the number of incidents increased, they gradually felt that something was wrong, as if someone was stopping them from somewhere.

But the more this happens, the more they want to go, and their rebellious psychology is completely aroused.

Seeing how persistent the two were, Shi Qing had no choice but to give them a small lesson.

So, Zhang Youyou was pushed at the station and sprained her foot.

The piercing pain came from her ankle, and Zhang Youyou burst into tears on the spot. She looked in the direction where the person pushed her just now, but there was no one.

She thought of the accidents they encountered when they were going to Beijing City, such as stolen mobile phones, lost ID cards, or conflicts with people around them, and now she sprained her foot.

Moreover, she was pushed by an invisible force and her foot was sprained. Zhang Youyou finally felt creepy.

Why did so many strange things happen?

Zhang Youyou was puzzled, and suddenly, she remembered the purpose of their trip.

Go to Beijing City and find Wen Yan.

Yes, Wen Yan!

She remembered the weirdness of Wen Yan when he was a child.

When Wen Yan first came to her house, he was beaten and scolded, and he was a little pitiful, but one day, he suddenly seemed to have changed.

He suddenly became very powerful, even his father couldn't beat him. For a period of time at that time, she didn't dare to look at Wen Yan, fearing that he would beat her.

Later, Wen Yan gradually recovered, and the family returned to peace. In the past few years of peace, she gradually forgot about Wen Yan's weirdness.

Now all this must be his fault!

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