Quick Wear: When the Male Supporting Character Awakens

Chapter 174 The heroine's control group brother 23

Here, he also met a girl.

They met because of similar experiences. Later, he paid for the girl's high school tuition when she couldn't go to high school because of money.

When he said uncontrollably, "I'll find a way to pay for the tuition, you continue to study", Zhang Qiang did not feel his inner rejection.

He was also willing to support the girl. He saw his own shadow in the girl and inexplicably wanted her to live another life for him.

Everything was moving in a good direction. The girl worked hard and was optimistic. Because of her, he felt warmth in the long darkness and saw hope for the future.

But at this time, God gave him a blow.

The girl was ill with advanced gastric cancer.

She died in the end, a few months after the diagnosis.

Zhang Qiang felt uncomfortable in his heart, but with her encouragement, he did not lose confidence in the future. Instead, he was determined to leave that home, live a normal life outside, and see the beautiful mountains and rivers of the motherland.

After he turned 18, he returned home with full of hope to pack up his things. He decided to escape from this home, go outside, and never come back.

But when he was about to leave, he met Zhang Qiang who had returned. Seeing him like this, Zhang Qiang guessed something and tried to stop him.

The two quarreled and finally turned into fighting.

This time, he did not stand and take the beating obediently, but fought back, which also made Zhang Qiang very angry. He took a knife from the kitchen and came out.

In the end, he was stabbed by Zhang Qiang with a knife. Lying on the cold ground, looking at Zhang Qiang's unbelievable eyes, he knew that he just wanted to scare himself, not really want to kill him, but he was stabbed in the chest like that.

Unwilling! Very strong unwillingness! But at this time he could only feel the pain in his chest and gradually lost his breath.

When he woke up from the dream, the pain of being stabbed by the knife seemed to still be there. Zhang Qiang sat up and gasped.

This dream was too real. He had been Wen Yan for more than ten years and had truly experienced his life.

After a long time, Zhang Qiang calmed down his emotions a little and sat on the bed in a trance.

At this time, he noticed Liu Yuxiang's sobbing.

Liu Yuxiang was lying on the bed, and Zhang Qiang saw her crying with her mouth covered by the faint moonlight.

Zhang Qiang didn't say anything. He thought of the cowardly and incompetent Liu Yuxiang in his dream, and lay down again, turning his back to her.

He thought that Liu Yuxiang should have experienced Wen Yan's miserable life just like him.

At the same time, in Zhang Youyou's room, she woke up from her dream with a cry, waking up Sun Tao who was sleeping next to her.

"What's wrong?" Sun Tao didn't understand.

"It hurts, it hurts!" Zhang Youyou murmured.

When Sun Tao saw her turn on the light like this, he saw Zhang Youyou's face full of tears and sweat, and was immediately frightened.

"Youyou, what's wrong with you?" Sun Tao said, pulling Zhang Youyou up to check, but he still didn't find any problems after looking around.

Zhang Youyou didn't say a word, just shed tears. After a while, when Sun Tao was about to send her to the hospital, she said: "Nothing, I won't go to the hospital, I just had a nightmare."

"But you just said it hurts..."

"I was hurt in the dream." Zhang Youyou said.

Sun Tao was still a little worried after hearing this, but Zhang Youyou insisted that she was fine and didn't go to the hospital, so he had to compromise.

Zhang Youyou didn't fall asleep in the second half of the night. She got up before dawn the next day, packed up and went to her home.

Sun Tao frowned when he saw her rushing out so early and asked: "Where are you going so early?"

"Home." Zhang Youyou said, without waiting for Sun Tao to say anything else, and went out directly.

She took a taxi home. When she got home, it was just dawn. Seeing the light inside the door, she knocked on the door directly.

It was Liu Yuxiang who opened the door. Zhang Youyou glanced at her and saw that her eyes were red and swollen, and she was still a little confused, but she came here to confirm the dream this time, so she didn't ask much and went to the small room.

Zhang Youyou turned on the light and saw the room at a glance. In the dream, she became Wen Yan, who lived here.

This place is very different from the dream. Although Wen Yan lived here at the beginning, he later changed into a different person and moved to Zhang Qiang and his room. Zhang Qiang and Liu Yuxiang moved into this room. A few years ago, Wen Yan went to college and never came back, so they moved back.

After Zhang Qiang and his family moved in, they simply renovated the room. Now the windows are no longer leaking, and the room is no longer so depressing.

"Youyou, what are you looking at?"

Zhang Youyou was staring at the room in a daze, and suddenly heard Liu Yuxiang's voice, and she was startled.

"Aunt Liu, why are you walking without making any sound? I was scared to death." Zhang Youyou complained.

Liu Yuxiang was stunned when she heard this, "I'm sorry."

"Forget it, I'll go to my own room to rest for a while, and you can call me when my dad wakes up." Zhang Youyou said that she was about to leave, but was stopped by Liu Yuxiang.

"Youyou, did you dream too?" Liu Yuxiang asked.

Zhang Youyou paused as she was about to leave after hearing this, and asked, "What do you mean?"

"Your father and I both dreamed that we became Wen Yan, did you dream too?"

"You, you guys dreamed too?" Zhang Youyou was incredulous.


Hearing Liu Yuxiang's affirmative answer, Zhang Youyou's heart was filled with huge waves.

What's going on? Why did the three of them dream such a real dream at the same time.

Liu Yuxiang saw Zhang Youyou's puzzled look and told her the whole story.

Zhang Youyou's face changed again and again after hearing it. So, this dream was caused by Wen Yan, and the reason he dealt with them was that dream?

However, many things in the dream were not consistent with reality at all, and Wen Yan had never been treated like that. Zhang Youyou was puzzled.

Zhang Qiang soon came out of the room. She asked about this matter carefully, but the answer she got was the same as what Liu Yuxiang said.

So, all this was Wen Yan's trick.

His father worked from dawn to dusk every day for these years, and never touched Wen Yan again. How could he have such an experience?

The three sat together and discussed for a long time, and finally decided to call Wen Yan again to ask clearly and see what the dream meant.

So, in the morning, Shi Qing received another call from Liu Yuxiang while he was in the office.

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