Running all the way to the square, An Jing looked at the empty bench where Lu Jinyan sat yesterday, and her heart was also empty.

Looking at the heavy snow fluttering in the sky and thinking of Lu Jinyan's tattered clothes, An Jing was extremely anxious. She looked around but couldn't find any trace of Lu Jinyan.

Looking at the few people passing by, An Jing walked up and grabbed a man and asked, "Brother, have you seen a man with a missing right leg? He was at that position yesterday."

As he said, An Jing pointed to the bench where Lu Jinyan sat when he just met him.

The man who was grabbed by An Jing saw that her eyes were red, looked at the bench she pointed to, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I haven't seen it."

An Jing let go of the man and continued to ask the next person.

"Auntie, have you met a man with a missing right leg?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't pay attention."

After asking several people in a row, An Jing didn't get any news about Lu Jinyan.

Walking to the bench where she saw Lu Jinyan yesterday and sitting down, An Jing thought of the Lu Jinyan who was so kind to her in her dream, and the embarrassed Lu Jinyan she saw yesterday, and she couldn't hold back her tears anymore.

She sat there for a long time before slowly walking back.

When she got home, Chen Zimo had already gotten up by himself. Seeing her absent-minded look, he asked with concern, "Mom, what's wrong with you?"

An Jing saw his worried expression and forced a smile, "Mom is fine."

"But your eyes are swollen." Chen Zimo said.

An Jing touched her eyes and found that they were swollen. She said, "Mom was stared at by a bee. It will be fine in a while."

"Well, Mom has to get better soon."

An Jing accompanied Chen Zimo to have breakfast and sent him back to Chen's house.

When she came back, An Jing went to a detective agency.


As soon as An Jing entered, someone greeted her warmly.

"Hello, I want to find someone." An Jing got straight to the point.

"Excuse me, who are you looking for? Provide some information..."

An Jing was looking for Lu Jinyan. She provided Lu Jinyan's name and previous photos to the detective agency and came out after paying a deposit.

She was eager to see Lu Jinyan and wanted to know something.

During the few days of waiting at home, An Jing felt like she was living a year. She often thought of that dream, the days when she was with Lu Jinyan, and the sweet and warm feeling they had.

For this reason, she was restless every day and couldn't sleep well every night. This state continued until the detective agency received news.

After An Jing waited at home for a few days, the detective agency finally called.

"Ms. An, we found the person you are looking for, right at..."

After listening to the address mentioned by the other side, An Jing hung up the phone and took the car keys directly and went to that address.

An Jing was both excited and nervous. She followed the navigation prompts to a somewhat remote place.

An Jing got out of the car and looked around, and indeed saw a dilapidated house.

Walking to the door of the house, An Jing heard intermittent coughing. Without hesitation, she walked in directly.

"Who is it?"

The person in the room noticed someone coming in and asked in a hoarse voice.

When An Jing heard this voice, she was sure that the person inside was Lu Jinyan.

It was almost the same voice as in the dream, but it was more vicissitudes and hoarse.

"It's me, An Jing." An Jing strode to Lu Jinyan.

Lu Jinyan saw An Jing's eyes widened slightly, "You, why are you here?"

"I came to see you." An Jing's tone was very calm.

When she saw Lu Jinyan, she was eager to see him. Now seeing Lu Jinyan who was very different from the dream, she didn't know what to say or do.

Looking at Lu Jinyan's face, which was much older than his actual age, An Jing felt a dense pain in her heart.

"It's rare that you still remember me." Lu Jinyan said. After speaking, he covered his mouth and coughed again.

"Ahem... I've seen it now. This is not the place for you. Go back, ahem... "

"Are you trying to drive me away?"

An Jing looked at Lu Jinyan's face and her voice suddenly choked.

"I'm just doing this for your own good."

Looking at Lu Jinyan's legs covered by the worn quilt, An Jing asked, "What happened to your legs?"

Lu Jinyan said lightly, "I was hit by a car."

An Jing didn't miss his expression. She saw embarrassment in it.

"Does it hurt?" she asked.

"It hurt before, but not now." Lu Jinyan still said lightly.

Seeing Lu Jinyan like this, An Jing talked to him for a long time. Before leaving, she said, "Lu Jinyan, come with me."

Lu Jinyan, who was lying on the bed, was slightly startled when he heard this, and then smiled and said, "My life is pretty good now. I'm free. I'm curious why you came to me. Did you feel sorry for me?"

"I didn't!" An Jing retorted.

"Whether you have it or not, I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore, okay?"

An Jing was speechless for a long time after hearing him say this.

Finally, she went home alone.

After returning home, An Jing was entangled for a while. She didn't know how she felt about Lu Jinyan now. She liked the confident and calm Lu Jinyan in the past, and the Lu Jinyan who was devoted to her in her dreams, but she didn't know how to treat the Lu Jinyan who was covered in wounds now.

An Jing thought about it for several days but still didn't understand her feelings. She went to that place again a month later.

She thought she could see Lu Jinyan again, but she didn't expect that there was nothing inside.

Finally, An Jing had no choice but to go to the detective agency again.

This time the detective agency was very efficient and gave her a reply in just two days.

Lu Jinyan was dead.

Hearing this news, An Jing was stunned for a long time.

The person on the other end of the phone saw that she didn't speak and asked, "Ms. An, did you hear it?"

An Jing came back to her senses. She didn't answer the other party's question and asked, "What did you just say?

"I said, can you hear me talking?"

"The last sentence."

"The Mr. Lu Jinyan you entrusted us to investigate is dead..."

An Jing's phone slipped from her hand and her head was splitting.

She locked herself in the room for a day and came out a day later. She ate and drank as usual, as if nothing had happened.

In the days that followed, she was like nothing happened, except that she had a headache.

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