Quick Wear: When the Male Supporting Character Awakens

Chapter 204: The Reborn Heroine's Past Life Husband 2

Of course, if things ended like this, nothing would happen.

Although the original owner was angry, he did not feel resentful. He just thought that all the things he had given Lin Yan before were fed to the dogs.

After that, he also kept a distance from Lin Yan and no longer had any communication with her, let alone gave her anything.

Everyone in the family knew what happened between the original owner and Lin Yan. They were a little angry when they knew that Lin Yan was treating her brother/son like this, but they had no choice but to give up when they thought of Lin Yan's threat.

In order to let her son come out as soon as possible, Zhou's mother arranged a marriage for Yuan Zhangluo.

The woman is a very good girl. After the original owner and the other party met, they were quite satisfied with each other.

Just when everything was returning to calm and moving towards a better place, something unexpected happened.

A few days before the original owner was to get married, Lin Yan suddenly made an appointment to meet with the original owner and said that she would give him back the things she had taken from him.

The original owner didn't believe Lin Yan's words at all, but he went anyway. He wanted to see what tricks Lin Yan wanted to play.

Little did he know that this trip directly ruined the rest of his life.

The original owner went to the small forest in the back mountain where he had gone to deliver things to Lin Yan at noon at the time specified by Lin Yan. However, when he got there, he only saw Widow Zhang coming out of it and leaving in a hurry. Lin Yan was not seen at all. .

The original owner waited there for a few minutes. When he saw that there was no one around, he could only go home angrily.

I thought it was just a prank by Lin Yan, but I didn't expect it would have such a big impact on him.

Widow Zhang committed suicide that night.

Widow Zhang raised a daughter alone. After she committed suicide, she left only a five- or six-year-old daughter. No one could understand her.

At this time, someone said that they saw the original owner going to the small forest in the back mountain yesterday, and soon saw Widow Zhang running back disheveled, with tears on her face. It must have happened.

Some people said that they had long thought that the original owner looked at Widow Zhang in the wrong way.

Others said that he saw the original owner often entering Widow Zhang's home and staying there for a long time.

As a result, "the original owner had an affair with Widow Zhang, and Widow Zhang's death may have something to do with him." This story spread in the village inexplicably like it had wings.

The original owner was baffled by this matter. He was a young man and couldn't figure out why he wanted to have anything to do with the widow.

He and Widow Zhang only exchanged a few words, and those people had a good nose and eyes in spreading the rumors. If he hadn't really done it, he would have believed it.

Of course, the original owner did not take the blame. He came out to clarify everything and showed that Lin Yan asked him to go there. Widow Zhang had already come out when he arrived, but no one believed it.

Lin Yan was not willing to testify for him at all, and said that she was not familiar with him at all, so why should she let him go there.

When the original owner saw Lin Yan looking like that, he wanted to go up and beat her up.

It was obviously her who asked her to go, and it was obvious that he and Widow Zhang only met once.

But no matter what he said, everyone only believed what they saw and wanted to hear, and they still talked about it behind their backs.

Because of this incident, the original owner's marriage was ruined, and the woman directly cut off contact with his family.

The original owner has been troubled by this incident since then. He was isolated. To be precise, his family was isolated.

His father's status as captain was reported and his son's bad behavior was removed. Because of this incident, everyone felt more and more that this incident was true and pointed fingers at his family.

At the same time, Widow Zhang's daughter was adopted by his uncle's family and would often come to his door and stare at him fiercely.

The original owner was both wronged and aggrieved.

For a long time after that, he lived under the strange eyes of others.

He has been investigating why Widow Zhang committed suicide, but to no avail.

It wasn't until a few years later, when the policy was liberalized, that the original owner saw Lin Yan, who was decked out in jewels and made a lot of money from outside, and some of his doubts were solved.

Lin Yan sneered at him and said, "You are really worthless. If a person like you has a wife, he should be alone until he grows old."

"What do you mean?" The original owner rushed forward and wanted to punch her, but was stopped by the bodyguard beside her.

"I asked you what kind of wife you want to marry. Looking at your appearance now, it's a good thing Xue Lin didn't marry you."

Xue Lin was almost married to the original owner. The original owner could understand her approach, but he felt angry when he thought about what happened at that time.

"What does it have to do with you?"

"Why it's none of my business. Without me, Xue Lin would have suffered with you. Do you think she should thank me?" Lin Yan smiled and looked at the original owner with a proud smile.

She said in a very relaxed tone: "Oh, I forgot to tell you, I already knew that Widow Zhang would commit suicide that day, and I was the one who spread those rumors."

The original owner felt his ears ringing when he heard her words.

"Why? Why do you do this to me?"

Defrauding his feelings, defrauding him of food, and even harming him, what kind of hatred is this?

"Because you have no future."

Seeing the original owner's stupid expression, Lin Yan showed off the gold bracelet in her hand, slowly told the original owner about her rebirth, and finally concluded: "If God allows me to do it again, I will also consider other people. Think about the life you lived, which is simply not what a person should live, what a waste it is to be delayed by you."

When the original owner heard this ridiculous reason, he couldn't suppress the anger in his body. He had the idea of ​​hacking Lin Yan to death and dying with her. Seeing Lin Yan's self-righteous smile, he rushed forward and was beaten by the two bodyguards beside Lin Yan.

In the end, he could only watch Lin Yan swaggering away.

The original owner watched Lin Yan leave, watched her become a famous entrepreneur, watched her enjoy unlimited glory, and never knew what he had done wrong until he died.

Shi Qing also felt puzzled after reading the original owner's memory.

What is this weird about Lin Yan?

She looked down on the original owner and could stay away from him, but ruined her reputation. What was this idea?

"What is the original owner's wish?" Shi Qing asked the system.

[The original owner said that he didn't think he had done anything wrong to Lin Yan. Lin Yan treated him like this, and he wanted to retaliate. He wanted Lin Yan to live a more failed and miserable life than when she was with him, and she would live in pain forever. In addition, he wanted to be the pride of his family. ]

"Okay." Shi Qing responded.

Retracting his thoughts, Shi Qing looked at the crops in front of him and fell into silence.

He could only carry a hoe and turn the soil with Brother Zhou according to the original owner's memory.

Seeing that he did it well, the system teased: [Host, you are so amazing, you learn everything so quickly. 】

Shi Qing saw that the system was a bit mean and ignored it.

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