After Li Yumei left, Song's father looked at Shi Qing, "Master, thank you."

Song's mother also said: "Thank you, Master. If it weren't for you, we would have been fooled by Li Yumei. Thank you." At this point, Song's mother looked at Song Ziyi and choked up.

"Ziyi, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, Mom didn't recognize you, and you suffered so much, I'm sorry!"

Looking at the guilty expressions of her parents, Song Ziyi felt very aggrieved. During this period, she was regarded as a lunatic by everyone and suffered a lot. However, thinking of Li Yumei's every move that was similar to her in her body, it can't be blamed entirely on her parents.

"Mom, it's okay, I'm back now, everything is over."

"Ziyi, you suffered."

Song's mother hugged Song Ziyi and the mother and daughter hugged each other and cried bitterly.

Seeing his wife and daughter like this, Song's father's eyes were wet. After sorting out his emotions, he handed Shi Qing a check.

"Master, thank you for this, Ziyi. This is a small token of my appreciation. If you have anything I can help you with in the future, just call me."

"Okay." Shi Qing took the check without hesitation. Thinking of Li Yumei who had already left, he said, "I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

Hearing that Shi Qing was leaving, Song Ziyi hurriedly said, "Master, thank you. I really don't know how to thank you. Let's add each other's contact information. If you need any help in the future, just tell me. I will definitely help you. If you have nothing to do, you can come to me. I'll treat you to a meal."

This young master is really a benefactor she will remember for the rest of her life.

"Okay." Shi Qing added Song Ziyi's contact information and left the Song family.

After leaving the Song family, Shi Qing felt the spiritual power mark left in Li Yumei's body and went towards her.

After leaving the Song family, Li Yumei went straight to Old Sun who helped her with the soul exchange.

She was very unwilling, very unwilling!

She had lost her mother since she was a child, her father was an alcoholic, and she didn't care about her. After growing up with difficulty, she met a scumbag who cheated on her.

Finally, the person who accidentally rescued her some time ago said that he could help her, make her a white, rich and beautiful woman, let her have a loving father and mother, and have a rich life, but why, why is the time so short?

Thinking of the master that Song Ziyi brought back, Li Yumei gritted her teeth. It was all him, it was all him who ruined her good things. She couldn't just let it go, she wanted Mr. Sun to avenge her!

Dong Dong Dong!

In a shabby courtyard, Li Yumei stood at the door and knocked. However, after a long time since she knocked on the door, there was no response from inside.

Seeing that there was no movement inside, Li Yumei did not give up and knocked on the door again.

"Mr. Sun, are you home? I'm Li Yumei." Li Yumei shouted loudly.

After Li Yumei said this, there was a rustling noise from inside. After a while, an old man opened the door from inside.

"Old Sun." Seeing the old man behind the door, Li Yumei's heart was rekindled with hope.

"Come in and talk." The old man frowned when he saw Li Yumei, and said in a hoarse voice.

"Okay." Li Yumei quickly went inside, and the old man closed the door.

The two walked into the room and sat down. Old Sun looked at Li Yumei, whose soul had been changed back, and asked, "What's going on?"

Speaking of this issue, Li Yumei was full of resentment, "I don't know where Song Ziyi went to find someone and came back. That person easily made Song's father and mother believe that she was the real Song Ziyi, and tied me up. Later, I don't know what he did and I fainted. When I woke up, I was changed back."

After Li Yumei finished speaking, she looked at Old Sun opposite her with a resentful expression, "Old Sun, do you have any way to let me go back again? This time I won't go to Song Ziyi's body, let's change someone."

Listening to Li Yumei's words, Old Sun's face was extremely gloomy.

Did she think that exchanging souls was a simple matter? It was broken in such a short time, without any warning, causing his cultivation to regress. It was really a hopeless case.

Elder Sun did not speak, Li Yumei noticed something was wrong, and said cautiously: "Elder Sun, are you listening?"

"Don't even think about exchanging souls." Elder Sun said coldly.

"Why?" Li Yumei was anxious after hearing what Elder Sun said.

She had just been a rich and beautiful woman for a month, how could she be willing to go back to her original life?

She didn't want to go back to the past and be that ordinary Li Yumei.

"Why? Do you think soul swapping is easy? Do you know how much I paid to let you change your body?"

"You are so good, you didn't even tell me in advance when Song Ziyi asked someone to come back?"

"Didn't she come too suddenly? I didn't react at all."

"Didn't you tell me before that I could stay in Song Ziyi's body and enjoy her life. As long as I am a good Song Ziyi and don't show my flaws, no one will find out. Even if someone finds out, there is nothing we can do? The person Song Ziyi found was young, and we changed back in an instant."

Speaking of the latter, Li Yumei felt wronged and wronged.

"Are you blaming me?" Old Sun looked at Li Yumei and asked coldly.

After hearing what Old Sun said, Li Yumei realized that her tone just now was a bit of a blame to Old Sun, and hurriedly said: "No, I definitely didn't mean that."

"It was the person Li Yumei called, who was even more powerful than you, Old Sun."

Speaking of this, Old Sun narrowed his eyes, "Tell me in detail, what does that person look like?"

"He looks like he's about 17 or 18 years old, and he's clean and fair. You can't tell anything."

"He's only 17 or 18 years old?" Old Sun was a little surprised.

"He looks like him."

Hearing Li Yumei's affirmation again, Old Sun pondered for a while, "You go back first. You can't bear it if you exchange souls again. Don't think about it. I'll go meet that person then."

Dare to ruin his good deeds, and directly and simply and roughly destroy the spells on Li Yumei and Song Ziyi, so that he will be backfired. No matter who that person is, he will never let him go!

Shi Qing didn't let Old Sun come to find him, he went to the door himself.

After Li Yumei left, Old Sun heard a knock on the door and frowned. What else does this Li Yumei want?

He opened the door angrily and was about to curse a few words when he saw the boy standing at the door.

"Who are you?"

Looking at the vigilant expression of the old man inside the door, Shi Qing said, "I'm the one who broke your evil spell."

"You?" Old Sun was shocked.

"It's me."

"What are you doing here?" Old Sun had a bad feeling in his heart.

"I came to talk to you."

Shi Qing said, ignoring Old Sun's expression, and went straight in, slapping two talismans on him before he made a move.

This Old Sun, because Li Yumei saved his life by chance, and knew that Li Yumei was not living well, he wanted to help Li Yumei exchange souls with others. Although the original owner's death was not caused by him, he was also related to him!

Shi Qing still didn't know where the person who killed the original owner was. He asked Old Sun some information about that person and asked him to contact that person.

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