Shi Qing followed Qu's father back home.

Qu's mother was the only one at home. When Qu's father saw her, he said mysteriously: "Wife, I brought someone back. Guess who it is?"

Qu's mother was watching a TV series. When she heard this, she turned her head and looked at Qu's father, and saw Shi Qing.

"Mom." Shi Qing shouted when Qu's mother saw him.

"Changsheng!" Unexpectedly, the person Qu's father was talking about would be his youngest son whom he had not seen for a long time. Qu's mother stood up from the sofa excitedly and gave her son a big hug.

"Changsheng, why didn't you tell me when you came back? I'll pick you up."

"It's okay, mom, dad will pick me up."

"Your dad is the same. He didn't tell me when he knew you were coming back."

"Wife, when I received the call from my son, I didn't think so much. I hurried to pick him up. Isn't it rushing home after picking him up?" Qu's father hurriedly explained himself.

Mother Qu snorted upon hearing this. She had been married to Father Qu for more than 20 years. How could she not know what Father Qu was thinking? She ignored him and looked at her son and said, "Son, have you eaten? I'll ask Aunt Xu to make it for you."

"Mom, I'm not hungry."

"Then we'll eat later. Ask your dad to call your grandfather and your eldest brother and sister-in-law back."

"Mom, there's no need to call them specially."

"Everyone misses you, especially your grandfather. He went to play chess with the old man of the Zhou family today. If he knew we didn't call him when you came back, he would definitely be angry." Mother Qu said, and saw her husband with a smile on his face, "Tell Dad and Changming about Changsheng's return."

"Okay, I'll call them right away and pick up Xiaoyu. Xiaoyu keeps talking about his uncle every day, and now he can see him." Father Qu said and walked out.

Mother Qu smiled and said, "Xiaoyu does miss you. If you don't come back this year, your father and I are thinking of taking him to see you in a while. Let's see how he reacts when he sees you."

Shi Qing smiled and said, "Okay."

The Xiaoyu mentioned by Father Qu and Mother Qu is Qu Haoyu, the son of the original owner's brother Qu Changming.

Brother Qu got married six years ago, and Sister Qu gave birth to Qu Haoyu four years ago. Two years ago, Brother Qu and Sister Qu brought two-year-old Qu Haoyu to visit the original owner. The original owner liked the cute little nephew very much.

Many times, when the original owner and Brother Qu video chatted, Qu Haoyu would always come out to talk, calling him uncle, uncle, and was very well-behaved.

"Changsheng, are you tired? Mom will take you to your room. You were still young when you left home. I don't know if you still have any impressions."

"I'm not tired, Mom, I still have some impressions."

Shi Qing followed Mother Qu upstairs to the original owner's room. The original owner's room was very spacious, clean and tidy, and there was a wall full of various toys.

Seeing Shi Qing's eyes fall on the toy wall, Qu's mother explained: "These are bought for you because I saw other children have them. Xiaoyu always talks about you half because he likes your toys. We asked him to ask you for them after you come back."

"Thank you, Mom."

It must be said that the Qu family was really good to the original owner. The original owner did not feel strange with him after going to the Taoist temple. He would think of him when doing anything, and he would receive gifts on every holiday.

It's a pity that the original owner didn't go home later, and I don't know how sad they were.

After walking around the room with Qu's mother, Qu's mother pointed to some things and explained them to Shi Qing, and then they returned to the hall downstairs.

Grandpa Qu came back the fastest. When he saw Shi Qing, his wrinkled face was full of smiles, "Changsheng is back."

"I'm back, Grandpa."

"It's good to be back. How have you been there these years?"

"I'm doing very well. Master, uncle, and brothers are all very good to me."

"That's good. Now that you're back home, Grandpa will be relieved." Grandpa Qu said with a smile.

"Grandpa, don't worry. I've been living well."

The original owner was talented and sincere. Xuanxuzi, Xuanjizi and the brothers and sisters in the Taoist temple liked him very much. The Qu family often sent supplies. Everyone was grateful to him, so the original owner lived a really good life.

After talking to Grandpa Qu for a few words, Brother Qu and Sister Qu also came back. Seeing Shi Qing, Sister Qu smiled at Shi Qing, and Brother Qu said, "You're back."

Shi Qing smiled at them, "Yes, brother, sister-in-law."

Father Qu brought Qu Haoyu back behind Brother Qu and the others. Mother Qu saw her eldest grandson and said, "Xiaoyu is back. Come and see who this is?"

"Uncle, it's my uncle." Qu Haoyu ran to Mother Qu's side and looked in the direction she pointed. He recognized at a glance that this person he had never seen was his uncle who he often saw on his mobile phone.

"Xiaoyu is great!" Mother Qu touched her grandson's head.

"Xiaoyu has grown so big." Shi Qing looked at Qu Haoyu who came up to him and smiled.

"Yes, I'm four years old now, and I'm a little man." Qu Haoyu said as he sat next to Shi Qing and asked, "Uncle, are you feeling better?"


"Then you won't go out anymore, right? Great-grandfather, grandparents, mom, dad and I miss you so much, do you miss us?"

"I still have to go out, but I can go home more often. I miss you too."

"Can we go out together in the future? Shall we go to the amusement park?"


Seeing Shi Qing and Qu Haoyu talking, the people around couldn't help laughing.

Shi Qing stayed at the Qu family. The Qu family treated him like a little kid like Qu Haoyu. They took care of him in every possible way. After Shi Qing said it several times but nothing changed, he accepted it happily and found an opportunity to put high-level amulets on them.

Shi Qing didn't pay much attention to Wang Wenchang. He would come to him after he found the jade pendant useful.

Sure enough, a week later, Shi Qing received a call from Wang Wenchang.

Wang Wenchang said excitedly, "Master, I want to ask, did you make the jade pendant you gave me?"


Hearing the affirmative answer, Wang Wenchang knew that the person on the other side of the phone was really capable, and said a little embarrassedly, "Master, can we meet?"

Wang Wenchang didn't expect that the young man he met on the street would be such a powerful master. Since wearing the jade pendant he gave him, all the strange things around him have disappeared, and his health has been getting better and better.

He thought it was just his illusion or a flash of brilliance, but for a week, he felt better and better, and the noise he always heard at night disappeared, which was enough to prove the strength of that person.

Thinking that he was afraid of getting into trouble at that time and tried his best to refuse him, Wang Wenchang felt that he was a little ungrateful. Fortunately, he didn't care and gave him a jade pendant.

Shi Qing didn't know Wang Wenchang's psychological activities, he agreed very readily, "Okay, you make an appointment, I'll go there then."

"Is tomorrow afternoon okay?"


The next afternoon, when Shi Qing arrived at the designated box at the time agreed with Wang Wenchang, Wang Wenchang was already there.

"Master, you are here." Wang Wenchang said respectfully when he saw Shi Qing coming in.

Shi Qing glanced at him, seeing that his face was much better than before, and said directly: "Are you looking for me to solve the problem on your body?"

"Yes! Master, please help me."

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