Quick Wear: When the Male Supporting Character Awakens

Chapter 366: Green to the point of panic 6

Shi Qing didn't pay too much attention to Liu Xiaoxiao's affairs. He went back home.

Before, after the company's products were launched, he told Wu's father and mother about quitting his job and starting a business. Now that the company is on the right track, Wu's father and mother can resign and go with him.

When Shi Qing arrived at the door of his house, he met Liu's mother who was about to close the door and go out.

"Zhengyang, you're back." Liu's mother was a little surprised to see Shi Qing.

"Yes, Aunt Sun."

"I haven't seen you for a long time. Is there something going on?"

"Yes, there are some things. Are you going out?"

"Yes, there are some things. I have to go out. I'll leave first. I'll come to Aunt Sun's house when I have time."


Watching Liu's mother hurried away, Shi Qing opened the door and entered his own house.

Mother Wu was carrying a dish out of the kitchen. When she saw him, she said, "You're back."

"Yes, I'm back."

"Your father made you your favorite braised pork ribs. We can eat later."

"Okay, Mom."

"Did you run into the Liu family at the door just now?"

"I ran into Aunt Sun. She was just about to go out."

"Is that so..." Mother Wu sighed and said nothing more.

The Liu family kept their affairs a secret, but she knew everything after hearing their conversation that time. Seeing that Mother Liu was frowning and haggard every day, she couldn't help and could only pretend not to know.

Shi Qing knew that Mother Wu already knew about the Liu family. She didn't ask much about her vague words. After washing her hands, she went to the kitchen to serve the dishes. Soon, the family sat at the dining table.

"Come, try that dish and see if my cooking skills have deteriorated." Father Wu smiled and picked up a piece of braised pork ribs for Shi Qing.

"Thank you, Dad." Shi Qing took a bite and praised, "It's delicious."

"If it's delicious, eat more." Hearing that his son liked it, Father Wu smiled.

"Okay. Dad, Mom, I came back this time to ask you to go with me. I bought a house there."

"We won't go." Mother Wu said subconsciously.

"But I'm alone there, without any family, sometimes..." Shi Qing hesitated.

The original owner's wish emphasized taking good care of his parents. In the original plot, his parents took care of his adopted children, but later the grandchildren were not his own, and the original owner died early. The two of them were unhappy and had no good end.

Now, Shi Qing is fully capable of letting them live the rest of their lives well, as long as the two are willing to let go of everything here.

Hearing his hesitant words, Father and Mother Wu were shaken.

They didn't want to go there. First, they were reluctant to leave the place where they had lived for most of their lives. Second, they were afraid that if they went there, they would not be able to do anything and add burden to their son. But now that their son said this, they also felt it was inappropriate.

"We'll go with you." Wu's father said.

Wu's mother also said: "You must be busy now that you are a boss. It's really not possible to be there alone. Then your father and I will pack up and go with you."

"Okay, thank you, Mom and Dad. I know you are the best to me."

"What are you talking about? You are our only son. Who else can we treat well if not you?"

Shi Qing stayed at home for a week. Wu's father and mother went to the company to resign. Before leaving, they said hello to the neighbors who had a good relationship with them and gave them some things that they couldn't take away. As the closest neighbor of the Wu family, the Liu family also knew that they were moving away.

"Shufen, are you really moving away?" Liu's mother looked at Wu's mother who had been smiling since her son came back and asked.

"Yes, my son started a business and bought a house in Beijing. Thinking that he was working hard there alone and there was no one to take care of him, we might as well move there and help him." Wu's mother said.

"Is that so? Congratulations then."

"Oh, I don't know what's going on over there yet."

No matter what, it should be better than the current situation at home, Liu's mother thought.

After talking to Wu's mother for a few words, Liu's mother went to Liu Xiaoxiao's place.

When she arrived, she saw Liu Xiaoxiao sitting aside, not knowing what she was thinking, and the child was crying alone on the bed.

Liu's mother hurried forward to pick up the child and asked, "Xiaoxiao, what's wrong with you? The child keeps crying and you don't care. What if he gets into trouble?"

"Mom, he keeps crying, it's annoying." Liu Xiaoxiao frowned.

"You know you're annoying now, really, I don't know that you and Wu Zhengyang went to school together, and now he's doing business and buying a house in Beijing, why are you still like a child who can't grow up." Liu's mother felt sad when she thought of Wu's mother's bright smile.

The two families were obviously the same before, but now the son of the other person has made progress and her daughter has become a mother, but she still looks like she hasn't grown up.

"Mom, what did you say? Wu Zhengyang did business and bought a house?" Liu Xiaoxiao asked.

"Yes, the Zhou family is moving to Beijing today."

"How is it possible?"

Hasn't Wu Zhengyang always been silent, like an invisible man? The last time I met him, he was still working from nine to five every day in that company. In just one year, he actually bought a house in Beijing, where every inch of land is worth a lot of money?

"How is it impossible? Today your uncle Wu and his family are moving to Beijing."

Listening to her mother's words, Liu Xiaoxiao was still reluctant to believe that Wu Zhengyang would have such an ability, but she didn't say anything else.

No matter how good Wu Zhengyang is, can he be as good as Zhuang Shiwen? Wu Zhengyang will never have the temperament that has been raised from a life of luxury, the calm and restrained temperament.

So what if he buys a house in Beijing? He will never be as good as a man like Zhuang Shiwen.

Shi Qing learned from the system about Liu Xiaoxiao's reaction after knowing that he was no longer the same as before. He didn't care and took Wu's father and mother to a house he bought near the company.

After Wu's father and mother got off the car and looked at the large house with exquisite decoration, Wu's mother said: "Zhengyang, why did you buy such a big one?"

She knew something about her son's company and the drugs it produced, but even if he made money in such a short time, he couldn't be so lavish.

Knowing what Wu's mother was worried about, Shi Qing said, "Mom, I know my limits."

Hearing her son say this, Wu's mother realized that her son was no longer the child who relied on them before, "Okay, you are not young anymore, just work hard in the future, and leave the housework to me and your dad."

"Okay, Mom."

Shi Qing said this, and the next day, he asked someone to take the two of them out for a walk.

Father Wu and mother Wu followed their son here because they really wanted to help, but they didn't expect that they just came here to enjoy life. His son didn't need them to clean and cook, he had already invited people to come.

After confirming that their son really had the financial strength, the two were relieved and followed the people invited by Shi Qing to go out and play every day.

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