Shi Qing told Xu Weiwei and then told Hu Xiao and others about the news that the Huabao tribe would attack soon.

"What? The orcs from the Leopard Tribe are coming?" Hu Xiao looked worried.

Their tribe is just a small tribe. Although it is said that their animal shape is that of a tiger, they can fight alone as well as a leopard, but again, they have too few people. If a lot of people from the Leopard Tribe come, what will they do then?

"Don't worry, you have made a lot of progress during this time. They may not be able to beat you." Shi Qing said.

Hearing what Shi Qing said, Hu Xiao felt relieved. Yes, their tribe also has an envoy of the Beast God, a person favored by the Beast God. The Beast God also told Hu Ling in advance that the Leopard Tribe was coming to attack their tribe, and he would definitely not let anything happen to their tribe. He didn't have to worry at all.

"Okay, Hu Ling, what should we do?"

"When we go hunting tomorrow, we will all be together. I will tell you what to do. The orcs from the Leopard Tribe who attacked our salt team before can't let them go easily now."

"Okay, we all listen to you."

Shi Qing told the orcs the news after he went out with the hunting team the next day.

Like Hu Xiao, everyone is worried.

Although they did what Hu Ling said during this period and felt that they had become a lot stronger, there were so many orcs in the Leopard Tribe and their methods were cruel. They had no confidence in winning and could not afford to lose.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Hu Xiao knew that they were thinking the same thing as him before, "Don't worry, everyone. Hu Ling is the messenger of the Beast God. Since the Beast God told him the matter in advance, there must be a solution."

Hearing this, everyone calmed down and looked at Shi Qing.

"Don't be afraid, everyone. Next, I will tell you the method taught to me by the Beast God. All you have to do is follow it."


Shi Qing told the orcs about the plan and looked at the serious faces, feeling quite satisfied.

The orcs did not disappoint him. After returning, they performed their duties and followed his instructions outside the valley to learn to make various traps.

The people of the Huabao tribe didn't know that the White Tiger tribe was already preparing, so they were waiting for them to pass. They are still happy that they are about to capture a tribe and will soon have food and slaves.

"Clan leader, that White Tiger tribe, their salt exchange team only comes with ten orcs every year. It is said that there are only a few hundred orcs in the tribe. We should have an easy time this time."

Bao Shi hummed, fully agreeing with his younger brother's words. I think since he became the clan leader, every time he went to attack other tribes, he would inquire about the information in advance. He had never failed, and this time should be no exception.

He never thought that there would be no return this time.

The White Tiger tribe quickly dug all kinds of traps.

Seeing them complete the first step, Shi Qing taught them some tactics. Of course, they are all simple and practical.

Every orc kept the things of the Puritan Church in mind, and was more confident in defeating the Leopard Tribe so that they would never come back. They were sharpening their swords and waiting for the people from the Leopard Tribe to come over.

Bao Shi was very cautious in doing things. Before officially attacking the White Tiger Tribe, he even sent someone to inquire about it.

As a result, a thin and small wandering female orc appeared outside the White Tiger tribe.

"Hello, I am a wandering orc, what tribe are you from?"

Looking at the pitiful female orc in front of him, Hu Xiao showed sympathy in his eyes, "We are the White Tiger Tribe."

"White Tiger Tribe? Is it safe here for you? My tribe was beaten by people from other tribes. Can I join your tribe?"

"Did the Huabao tribe fight?" Huzhou asked.

Hearing the name of his tribe, Hu Jiu was stunned for a moment, "Yes."

"It is indeed the Leopard Tribe. There is not a single good orc in their tribe."

Hu Jiu's expression changed when he heard this, but he could only agree, "Yes, their tribe is very bad."

"You want to join our tribe?"

"Is that okay? I managed to escape here, and I have nowhere to go."

"May I have your name?"

"My name is Hu Jiu."

"Okay, then you can live in our tribe from now on."

"Okay, thank you."

Hu Jiu easily settled in the White Tiger Tribe and secretly inquired about the situation of the White Tiger Tribe.

"Our tribe can only get one piece of meat a day, so you have to save some." Hu Xiang handed a small piece of meat to Hu Jiu.

"The hunting team's harvest has been unstable these days. It would be great if we could catch prey every day like today."

Seeing Hu Xiang looking at the small piece of meat given to her with longing expression, Hu Jiu's eyes showed disgust, "Hu Xiang, what will we do in winter?"

"Don't worry, we have meat in stock. The winter may be a little tough, but we won't starve to death."

"Okay." Hu Jiu was quite satisfied after hearing the answer he wanted to hear.

They don't expect to survive the winter with the current supplies of the White Tiger Tribe. When they occupy the White Tiger Tribe, they can use these females and cubs to threaten the members of the hunting team and ask them to go hunting again.

Hu Jiu inquired for a few days and thought he had figured out the situation of the White Tiger Tribe. He found a reason to leave the tribe and went straight to the location of the Hua Leopard Tribe.

Sometimes Qingbu's formation didn't notice any difference between the White Tiger tribe and other tribes.

"There are not many people in the White Tiger tribe. They are just like the previous tribes, nothing special." In the Hua Leopard tribe, Hu Jiu smiled.

After hearing the news about Hu Jiu, Bao Shi was very satisfied and made a direct decision, "We will set off tomorrow."

"Okay." The beastmen of the Leopard Tribe were very excited.

The White Tiger Tribe was also very excited. Hu Xiang said, "That Hu Jiu didn't find the difference between our tribe at all."

"Well done." Shi Qing praised.

Now Shi Qing's status in the hearts of the beastmen of the White Tiger Tribe is getting higher and higher. Hu Xiang is very happy to be praised by the beast god messenger.

"Hu Ling, if you need me to do anything in the future, just tell me."

"Okay." Shi Qing was not polite.

Gathering the strong beastmen of the White Tiger Tribe, Shi Qing told them that the Leopard Tribe would attack in the next few days, and everyone was on high alert.

The next afternoon, the people patrolling outside found traces of the Leopard Tribe.

As soon as the news came back, Shi Qing said, "Let's set off."

Soon, all the strong male beastmen of the White Tiger Tribe quietly walked out of the valley. Those cubs, female beastmen and old beastmen all spontaneously went to the largest collective cave.

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