Quick Wear: When the Male Supporting Character Awakens

Chapter 66: The cannon fodder ex-boyfriend of the reborn heroine in the entertainment industry 2

This matter was widely spread in their university.

The original owner's reputation was ruined. As a person engaged in the industry of actors, this was undoubtedly a fatal blow.

This kind of domestic violence and cheating rumors are the most interesting to the public and the fastest spreading gossip.

For this information, some people will keep their rationality, listen to it and forget about it, and will not pay too much attention to the evaluation.

But more people are the opposite. They will not go into whether it is true or not, but will spread it as a joke and gossip to people around them.

The original owner was very confused about this sudden rumor. It was completely a rumor. He later learned from his friends that it came from Lin Luoxue's roommates. It was said that Lin Luoxue said it herself.

He was shocked by this. He and Lin Luoxue had been dating for half a year, and their relationship was relatively stable.

Love in student days is always pure and beautiful. They occasionally go out to date and watch movies, and hold hands in corners where no one pays attention. He believes that the two will go to the end.

But Lin Luoxue broke up with him without giving a reason.

He tried to keep her after being puzzled, but Lin Luoxue was firm.

Facing Lin Luoxue, who had cold eyes and a firm attitude to break up, he finally agreed. He thought that the two of them had broken up peacefully.

But now these sudden rumors point directly to Lin Luoxue, and he has no idea why she did this.

He ran to ask and tried to clarify the rumors, but Lin Luoxue avoided him.

Because of this rumor, the classmates around him looked at him with strange eyes. Later, someone spread these rumors to his crew, and the original owner's role was directly replaced halfway through filming.

He was already a junior at that time, and went out to find some small supporting roles. That play was a play in which he was recognized by the audience and noticed by the director in his previous life.

Of course, the original owner didn't know about these. The rumors had seriously affected him, and what he wanted to do most was to clarify those rumors.

This kind of thing is difficult to explain clearly when only one party comes forward to explain. After Lin Luoxue avoided him for a few days, she asked for leave to go home, and the original owner had no way to defend himself.

It takes only one mouth to spread rumors, but it takes a lot of effort to refute them.

He has been collecting evidence, but those evidences are as unconvincing as Lin Luoxue's slander.

After the original owner released the evidence, many people still didn't believe it, but the matter finally calmed down a little.

But this incident still seriously affected him, and his star journey became extremely bumpy.

Fortunately, because his family was relatively wealthy, his parents who knew his son's situation gave him money, and the original owner invested himself and filmed a small-scale web drama.

The original owner had a good vision, and the script, director and actors he chose were all good. The drama was broadcast a year later and became a small hit.

The original owner also made his first appearance, but as a result, those previous rumors were exposed by paparazzi as his black material, but he didn't mention anything about his clarification, so the original owner was scolded by many people.

Although the original owner was sad about this, he didn't take it to heart.

He had not done those things, and he had already clarified them. Time would eventually pass.

But he did not expect that Lin Luoxue would also become famous. In a costume drama, she played a female role that went viral and attracted a wave of fans.

Since she avoided him that time, the two of them had a falling out. After the original owner clarified the matter, he did not pay attention to her movements.

The next time he heard about her was in an interview video of Lin Luoxue about him.

In an interview, when asked by a reporter about the rumors about her and the original owner, Lin Luoxue looked sad, hesitant, and did not give a direct answer.

But her performance made everyone think that the rumors were true, and the original owner's hat of cheating and being a scumbag was completely confirmed.

The original owner was very angry about all this, but in the face of those fans who blindly obeyed and thought they were very righteous, his explanation seemed so pale.

Because of this interview, not only was his previous clarification treated as a joke, his efforts were denied, and the Su family company was also affected.

He never knew what he had done wrong to make Lin Luoxue deal with him, but the two never met again.

Until a few years later, the original owner played a supporting role in a crew, and accidentally met two people talking in the corner.

"Lin Luoxue, we don't seem to have any grudges, why have you been targeting me in the past few years?"

It was a somewhat puzzled female voice. Hearing this, the original owner stopped walking away.

"You think too much! Who would target you for no reason?"

This was Lin Luoxue's voice.

"Don't rush to deny it. All my resources finally became yours. You are quite resourceful."

The female voice was a little sarcastic.

"Since you know everything, why do you still ask me what I do? If you want to target me, just target me. I'm not happy with you."

Lin Luoxue changed the subject, and her voice was very contemptuous.

"It's impossible that there is no reason. You are not only targeting me, but also your ex-boyfriend Su Yang. What did he do to you? He made you suppress him again and again. I heard what you said to Actor Xie last time."

"Oh, you care about Su Yang so much. I am targeting you. So what if I want to suppress you? As expected, you two are really in love."

"What do you mean?"

The female voice was very confused. Not only was she confused, but the original owner who was eavesdropping on the side was also confused.

"It doesn't mean anything. Anyway, don't think about it like before."

Lin Luoxue said something inexplicably and walked towards the original owner, and met the original owner's eyes at the corner.

"Why?" The original owner was really puzzled. He thought about it for a long time and couldn't think of any way he had done anything wrong to Lin Luoxue.

"No reason."

Lin Luoxue looked at him with contempt, and then walked away.

The original owner did not stop him, but stood there and saw another person coming out.

Tang Yun!

He had an impression of her. She was from the same university as him, very beautiful, and had acted with him before.

When Tang Yun saw her, her face was a little embarrassed, and she nodded and left.

The original owner received fewer and fewer roles since that time, and later he chose to quit the circle directly.

After quitting the entertainment industry, the original owner returned home to inherit the family business.

But the Su family began to be targeted for no reason, and the Su family was eventually bankrupted.

He knew that all this was done by Lin Luoxue, but facing the men around her whose status and position far exceeded his, he was powerless.

Seeing Lin Luoxue become a movie queen, with both career and love flourishing, and himself being suppressed by her, hatred grew in the original owner's heart.

The original owner's life was not smooth. He really liked acting and wanted to be a good actor, so he chose the Film Academy in college. But since breaking up with Lin Luoxue, he was first slandered and then suppressed.

After returning home, he also caused his family to go bankrupt, and he felt very guilty, and finally died of depression.

Until he jumped out of the world after death, he saw the so-called rebirth story.

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