Chapter 23 - THE KING OF THE SEA
Still in the water, Kayleb and Aeres were surrounded by eight sharks. The speedster was fighting hard to prevent them from being torn to shreds. But unfortunately, their tanks ran out of Oxygen. Kayleb was still able to fight though as he had training in terms of breath holding but the same couldn't be said for Aeres. She then started sinking gradually and Kayleb couldn't let down his guard even for a moment because of the eight bloodthirsty sharks that surrounded them. He saw Aeres sinking and there was nothing he could do to save her because he was busy with the eight sharks. Without thinking, Kayleb was about to risk it all and go after Aeres when suddenly, the water started bubbling. Then with a great impact, a punch was landed on a shark so hard that it thrust it to another deep end of the Ocean far out of Kayleb's reach. The same punch was then consecutively landed on all other seven sharks; that they were forced to retreat. The action happened so swiftly that even Kayleb couldn't keep up with his speedster eye's. Then a form went down to were Aeres was drowning and picked her up; out of the waters. Kayleb then started swimming out of the water as well to behold this fast form that moved so swiftly that even he, could bȧrėly keep up with
"What was that?!" He thought as he now surfaced from the water and went straight for the shores. On coming out of the Ocean, Kayleb had a good look of what that form was. It was a man with blonde long hair and crimson eyes. He was buff and had on what seemed like an armour. He looked like a warrior king
"Could this be him....the Aqua Man we came to find?!" Kayleb thought
Just then, Aeres spat out water from her mouth as the man was reviving her; after he saved her in the water;
Kayleb: Aeres! (Running towards them) Are you okay?
Aeres: I'm fine now Kayleb; thanks to this....(Now spacing out)
"Is this him? The one we came to look for?!" Aeres thought as she now noticed the figure that revived her. The Man then spoke up;
Dylan: You both should be more careful! It's always dangerous like that in the ocean
Kayleb: Thank you for saving her. My name is....
Dylan: Kayleb Malone; also know as QuickBae! Apparently, Sterling City's Prodigy
Kayleb: (In shock) How do you know my secret identity?
Dylan: I guess I will start by introducing myself. I am King Arthur Dylan, Atlanta City's protector and King of course. I can tell by just looking into human irises; their true identity. That's just one of my many gifts
Kayleb: So my hunch was right!
Aeres: Well, thank you for saving me. We actually came to look for your kind...
Dylan: I know that as well
Aeres: What!
Kayleb: If you know why we are here, does that mean that you will be willing to help us?
Dylan: No!
Kayleb: What?!
Dylan: You both should head back home and never return. Normally, the Pacific realm shouldn't be visible to humans but for some reason, you both found our home
Aeres: Maybe it isn't coincidence that we found your home, don't you think?! Maybe it was always destined that we will find you and become allies
Kayleb: Yeah and if you know why we are here, then you should also be aware of what is at stake. The forces of evil, is planning a war to wipe us all out one by one. We are no match against them individually but if we join forces.....
Dylan: (Cutting in) Don't worry. I will handle the forces of evil on my own if the situation gets out of hand. I am leaving now. I followed you guys back here to the shore to ensure that you guys don't have any Intel about my city and it's affairs. But looking at you guys now, I'm certain you only found the realms and that's it. So I will forgive this intrusion now. The next time, I won't be so kindhearted
Kayleb: (Getting pissed) Is that suppose to be a threat?
Aeres: Calm down Kayleb!
Dylan was about jumping back into the water when Kayleb suddenly blurred out of his spot and halted in front of him;
Dylan: Move aside, Human!
Kayleb: The only way I will let you through is if you beat me. I'm trying to convince you to join forces with us and you are being a jerk...some king you are!
Dylan: (Frowning his face) I won't repeat myself. I said, move!
Kayleb: And I keep telling you, I won't!
Aeres: Please, both of you; stop it! That's enough!
Dylan: Then talk to him Aeres. You seem to be the sensible one
Aeres: And you are just being Oblivious, Dylan. I'm sure you know it too that the only way we stand a chance against the Forces of Evil, is if we work together. So why are you being hesitant?
Dylan: I work better alone
Dylan: Hmm, I see! You are right then. I will comply only for their sake. Come with me back to Atlanta City
Kayleb: (Feeling relieved) Thanks for understanding. But before we can go back with you, we will have to get more oxygen tanks. Our private Jet isn't far from here. Let me just quickly...
Dylan: That won't be necessary. Just pack your clothes over there and take them back to the Jet. Also, have your pilot go back home to Sterling City because you both are going to be here for a while. Keep all electronic gadgets too in the plane. Only pack a few swimming suits. I have an army but I will need more if we are really going to put a stop to this Brainstorm and the Forces of Evil. So we will have to train more troops and that will take months. Not just that, you will also have to train more to really stop what's coming; Kayleb. If our enemies are joining forces, then I can't even imagine how strong they will be combined. Normally, my foe alone is stronger than I am but I have managed somehow to prevent him from harming my city till date. And from the looks of it, you are not even half as strong as me....
Kayleb: Don't you think you are underestimating me a little?!
Dylan: I'm just stating facts; Malone. You are a speedster and you couldn't even keep up with me in the water. And I was only using 20 percent of my strength
Kayleb: No way!
"This guy must be at mach 100 then!" Kayleb thought
Dylan: I wouldn't exactly call it Mach though
Kayleb: Wait what! Did you just.....
Kayleb: I understand. I will do just that then!
Kayleb did as he was told. He ran back to the Jet, dropped the already used Air tanks and their clothes, packed more swimming suits and instructed the Pilot to head back to Sterling city; lying that they will call him after their vacation. The Pilot had a lot of questions but still obeyed Kayleb's instructions in the end. He took off; back to Sterling city and Kayleb swooshed back to Dylan and Aeres's position;
Kayleb: So, how are we even going to go down there again without Air tanks?
Dylan: You both will just have to breath under water
Aeres: Is that even possible?
Dylan: Yeah, I will ensure it. Come closer, both of you!
The two humans obeyed and Dylan looked into the eyes of both Humans. After about 10 seconds, his eyes started glowing sky blue and after a while, his eye reverted back to normal
Dylan: It's almost sunset...let's go!
Aeres: Wait is that it? You are sure we can breathe under water now?!
Dylan then jumped inside the water and the humans followed. To their greatest surprise, both Aeres and Kayleb could now breath under water. Not just that, the ocean no longer looked hazy to them. It was as clear as the blue sky on land. Their swimming also improved in it's efficiency and they could also speak under water;
Kayleb: This is absurd....How's this even possible?
Dylan: Long ago, a human and a mermaid fell in love with each other. The human was ordinary with no special ability and the mermaid, on the other hand, was extremely powerful. She was the ruler of the Pacific realms. The two were so in love so much so that, the mermaid got pregnant. Most of my powers I exhibited earlier is just a spec compared to this mermaid's. She also had the power to make legs for herself on land....that was how she met the human. After she found out she was pregnant, she accepted to give birth to the child. Nine months later, her heir was born. Surprisingly, he didn't have a tail like his mother but still had her genes. He could also breath under water. The other mermaids couldn't accept such an heir as their future ruler because they felt that the child was not one of them. So, the queen's people rebelled against her and tried to kill her son. But the Queen got furious and wiped out all her kind, making her the Last mermaid. The power she used to wipe out all her kind took a toll on her health and she only had a few more days to live. One day, when she was about dying, she went to the lands and entrusted her son to his father. He promised her that he was going to take care of him. She then went back into the water and she was no longer heard from again
Aeres: That's sad!
Dylan: Yeah. Anyways, the mermaid's son grew up and started realising his abilities day by day; as he loved surfing. One day, he confronted his dad and his dad told him the truth. But the heir wasn't interested in going back to the Pacific realms. He wanted to build a normal life on land. So he got married and started reproducing. But unfortunately, all his children and generation after them had his traits. The heir lived a long life and before he died, he had all his family move back to the Pacific realms; for he feared that it wasn't safe for them on land anymore. By this time, even his great grand children were already married and reproducing more of his kind. The only difference was, none of the offsprings had a tail. But asides that, they had all qualities of the Mermaid Queen. That was how they all moved back to the sea and took along with them some humans that were already married to some of the heir's generation. They granted those humans the ability to breath under water and thus, a civilization began in the Pacific realms of both our kind and humans
Kayleb: That explains how you are able to make us breath under water.....plus your other traits. So you are a generation of this heir?!
Dylan: Exactly. But all this happened centuries ago. After the heir and his kind moved into the Pacific realms, a ruler was needed. So the heir ȧssumed that position despite being so old. Time went by and he passed, but his children succeeded him. The ruler could only be of the Mermaid's direct descendant because they were the strongest of them all. That continued till date and I am one of the successors. Atlanta City is a city that was built in the Pacific realms but they are other cities as well. All other cities are friendly though except for where my enemy resides. That is in Oceana; the strongest city in the whole Pacific realms after Atlanta City. His name is King Terry J. and he is the ruler of Oceana. He is a selfish being who has the same abilities as me too beacuse he is also from my lineage but, he is stronger than I am. That is because he has unlocked more powers of our forefathers than myself. That is why he wants to rule Atlanta City; because he redeems himself the strongest Aquahuman. He has attacked my city so many times but I have managed to fight back against him. But now, if he is going to join forces with othe dangerous people, then I fear I might be defeated
Kayleb: That's why we are here. We will train harder and be prepared for them
Aeres: Exactly!
As they entered the Pacific realms, it was clearer this time. That is because both Kayleb and Aeres could behold it's beauty better now as Dylan gave them the ability to breath under water. The Pacific realm was so beautiful that it almost felt like a fairy tale. Just like before, the current of the water is still so light. In fact, the currents were so light that it almost felt to Kayleb and Aeres like they were still on land; the only difference was that they can now fly. You can walk on the soil of the ocean or swim, depending on your choice. But the three kept swimming and passing borders until they finally reached Atlanta city. The city was indeed beautiful and there were alot of Aquahumans there. They all seemed welcoming to Kayleb and Aeres especially because the King was with them. After a while, the three approached the palace. It definitely felt like a fantasy to Aeres and Kayleb. It was huge and had a lot of gold. Even the gates were made of gold. Some guards welcomed the king and he ordered them to take Kayleb and Aeres to a guest room where they can rest a bit. The guards obeyed and took the two to a huge room that had two sides. On each side was a cupboard and a bed for both Kayleb and Aeres. They settled in shortly and arranged the little suits they had packed. After a while, Dylan visited the two;
Dylan: How are you both feeling? Hope it's comfortable enough for you two?!
Kayleb: Yeah it's great, thanks King Arthur!
Dylan: Don't be so formal with me...we are allies now. Please, call me Dylan
Kayleb: (Smiling) Sure thing
Aeres: And it is beyond comfortable for us. I mean, it feels like we are still on land
Dylan: Yeah, the current in this region is so light; courtesy of our forefathers power. It's easier to move around on the ground and build a solid foundation here so that we can live like humans, since we have legs. So yeah...it will almost feel like you both are still on land
Kayleb: And this ability you gave us; to breath under water? How long will it last?!
Dylan: It's everlasting actually. But I can remove them, that is of course whenever you are ready!
Kayleb: Oh that's good. For a moment there, I was scared that it would just ware off at anytime and we might die
Dylan: (lauging) What! Don't be silly. We are not the same kind of species but I would never endanger humans. Afterall, we are family down here. Anyways, we begin training more troops A.S.A.P. Your training also starts as well, Kayleb. I noticed with the sharks that you were able to use your abilities with other parts of your limbs under water?!
Kayleb: Yeah, since I couldn't run in water back then, I had to improvise. My powers are limited under water. But I wonder about here though..
Dylan: That was smart and yes, you can run with superspeed here. It would be slightly different than what you are used to on land though. Just like how I am not as strong or fast on land, your powers are also limited in water. But in Atlanta city, everything here is almost similar to land. So it shouldn't be completely limited here. I will teach you how to use the waters along with your speed like you did with the water tornadoes. While training you, I will also be training more troops for the war and myself; by figuring out how to unlock more of my forefathers powers. It's my duty as one of the strongest Aquahuman and the king of Atlanta city!
Kayleb: That sounds great
Aeres: And me, what will I be doing?
Dylan: I've noticed something about you. Your spirit is very strong. Like when Kayleb faced Brainstorm; if it weren't for you, he might have been defeated. I can't put it in words yet but I know you are special. Not to mention that Smart brain of yours. We need someone with your moral on our side
Aeres: (Blushing) Thanks Dylan
Dylan: You are very welcome. By the way, I think your plan is genius. Let's be one step ahead of our enemies and take the war to them. Get more rest now.. We begin as soon as you both are rejuvenated. This is only the beginning!
"What was that?!" He thought as he now surfaced from the water and went straight for the shores. On coming out of the Ocean, Kayleb had a good look of what that form was. It was a man with blonde long hair and crimson eyes. He was buff and had on what seemed like an armour. He looked like a warrior king
"Could this be him....the Aqua Man we came to find?!" Kayleb thought
Just then, Aeres spat out water from her mouth as the man was reviving her; after he saved her in the water;
Kayleb: Aeres! (Running towards them) Are you okay?
Aeres: I'm fine now Kayleb; thanks to this....(Now spacing out)
"Is this him? The one we came to look for?!" Aeres thought as she now noticed the figure that revived her. The Man then spoke up;
Dylan: You both should be more careful! It's always dangerous like that in the ocean
Kayleb: Thank you for saving her. My name is....
Dylan: Kayleb Malone; also know as QuickBae! Apparently, Sterling City's Prodigy
Kayleb: (In shock) How do you know my secret identity?
Dylan: I guess I will start by introducing myself. I am King Arthur Dylan, Atlanta City's protector and King of course. I can tell by just looking into human irises; their true identity. That's just one of my many gifts
Kayleb: So my hunch was right!
Aeres: Well, thank you for saving me. We actually came to look for your kind...
Dylan: I know that as well
Aeres: What!
Kayleb: If you know why we are here, does that mean that you will be willing to help us?
Dylan: No!
Kayleb: What?!
Dylan: You both should head back home and never return. Normally, the Pacific realm shouldn't be visible to humans but for some reason, you both found our home
Aeres: Maybe it isn't coincidence that we found your home, don't you think?! Maybe it was always destined that we will find you and become allies
Kayleb: Yeah and if you know why we are here, then you should also be aware of what is at stake. The forces of evil, is planning a war to wipe us all out one by one. We are no match against them individually but if we join forces.....
Dylan: (Cutting in) Don't worry. I will handle the forces of evil on my own if the situation gets out of hand. I am leaving now. I followed you guys back here to the shore to ensure that you guys don't have any Intel about my city and it's affairs. But looking at you guys now, I'm certain you only found the realms and that's it. So I will forgive this intrusion now. The next time, I won't be so kindhearted
Kayleb: (Getting pissed) Is that suppose to be a threat?
Aeres: Calm down Kayleb!
Dylan was about jumping back into the water when Kayleb suddenly blurred out of his spot and halted in front of him;
Dylan: Move aside, Human!
Kayleb: The only way I will let you through is if you beat me. I'm trying to convince you to join forces with us and you are being a jerk...some king you are!
Dylan: (Frowning his face) I won't repeat myself. I said, move!
Kayleb: And I keep telling you, I won't!
Aeres: Please, both of you; stop it! That's enough!
Dylan: Then talk to him Aeres. You seem to be the sensible one
Aeres: And you are just being Oblivious, Dylan. I'm sure you know it too that the only way we stand a chance against the Forces of Evil, is if we work together. So why are you being hesitant?
Dylan: I work better alone
Dylan: Hmm, I see! You are right then. I will comply only for their sake. Come with me back to Atlanta City
Kayleb: (Feeling relieved) Thanks for understanding. But before we can go back with you, we will have to get more oxygen tanks. Our private Jet isn't far from here. Let me just quickly...
Dylan: That won't be necessary. Just pack your clothes over there and take them back to the Jet. Also, have your pilot go back home to Sterling City because you both are going to be here for a while. Keep all electronic gadgets too in the plane. Only pack a few swimming suits. I have an army but I will need more if we are really going to put a stop to this Brainstorm and the Forces of Evil. So we will have to train more troops and that will take months. Not just that, you will also have to train more to really stop what's coming; Kayleb. If our enemies are joining forces, then I can't even imagine how strong they will be combined. Normally, my foe alone is stronger than I am but I have managed somehow to prevent him from harming my city till date. And from the looks of it, you are not even half as strong as me....
Kayleb: Don't you think you are underestimating me a little?!
Dylan: I'm just stating facts; Malone. You are a speedster and you couldn't even keep up with me in the water. And I was only using 20 percent of my strength
Kayleb: No way!
"This guy must be at mach 100 then!" Kayleb thought
Dylan: I wouldn't exactly call it Mach though
Kayleb: Wait what! Did you just.....
Kayleb: I understand. I will do just that then!
Kayleb did as he was told. He ran back to the Jet, dropped the already used Air tanks and their clothes, packed more swimming suits and instructed the Pilot to head back to Sterling city; lying that they will call him after their vacation. The Pilot had a lot of questions but still obeyed Kayleb's instructions in the end. He took off; back to Sterling city and Kayleb swooshed back to Dylan and Aeres's position;
Kayleb: So, how are we even going to go down there again without Air tanks?
Dylan: You both will just have to breath under water
Aeres: Is that even possible?
Dylan: Yeah, I will ensure it. Come closer, both of you!
The two humans obeyed and Dylan looked into the eyes of both Humans. After about 10 seconds, his eyes started glowing sky blue and after a while, his eye reverted back to normal
Dylan: It's almost sunset...let's go!
Aeres: Wait is that it? You are sure we can breathe under water now?!
Dylan then jumped inside the water and the humans followed. To their greatest surprise, both Aeres and Kayleb could now breath under water. Not just that, the ocean no longer looked hazy to them. It was as clear as the blue sky on land. Their swimming also improved in it's efficiency and they could also speak under water;
Kayleb: This is absurd....How's this even possible?
Dylan: Long ago, a human and a mermaid fell in love with each other. The human was ordinary with no special ability and the mermaid, on the other hand, was extremely powerful. She was the ruler of the Pacific realms. The two were so in love so much so that, the mermaid got pregnant. Most of my powers I exhibited earlier is just a spec compared to this mermaid's. She also had the power to make legs for herself on land....that was how she met the human. After she found out she was pregnant, she accepted to give birth to the child. Nine months later, her heir was born. Surprisingly, he didn't have a tail like his mother but still had her genes. He could also breath under water. The other mermaids couldn't accept such an heir as their future ruler because they felt that the child was not one of them. So, the queen's people rebelled against her and tried to kill her son. But the Queen got furious and wiped out all her kind, making her the Last mermaid. The power she used to wipe out all her kind took a toll on her health and she only had a few more days to live. One day, when she was about dying, she went to the lands and entrusted her son to his father. He promised her that he was going to take care of him. She then went back into the water and she was no longer heard from again
Aeres: That's sad!
Dylan: Yeah. Anyways, the mermaid's son grew up and started realising his abilities day by day; as he loved surfing. One day, he confronted his dad and his dad told him the truth. But the heir wasn't interested in going back to the Pacific realms. He wanted to build a normal life on land. So he got married and started reproducing. But unfortunately, all his children and generation after them had his traits. The heir lived a long life and before he died, he had all his family move back to the Pacific realms; for he feared that it wasn't safe for them on land anymore. By this time, even his great grand children were already married and reproducing more of his kind. The only difference was, none of the offsprings had a tail. But asides that, they had all qualities of the Mermaid Queen. That was how they all moved back to the sea and took along with them some humans that were already married to some of the heir's generation. They granted those humans the ability to breath under water and thus, a civilization began in the Pacific realms of both our kind and humans
Kayleb: That explains how you are able to make us breath under water.....plus your other traits. So you are a generation of this heir?!
Dylan: Exactly. But all this happened centuries ago. After the heir and his kind moved into the Pacific realms, a ruler was needed. So the heir ȧssumed that position despite being so old. Time went by and he passed, but his children succeeded him. The ruler could only be of the Mermaid's direct descendant because they were the strongest of them all. That continued till date and I am one of the successors. Atlanta City is a city that was built in the Pacific realms but they are other cities as well. All other cities are friendly though except for where my enemy resides. That is in Oceana; the strongest city in the whole Pacific realms after Atlanta City. His name is King Terry J. and he is the ruler of Oceana. He is a selfish being who has the same abilities as me too beacuse he is also from my lineage but, he is stronger than I am. That is because he has unlocked more powers of our forefathers than myself. That is why he wants to rule Atlanta City; because he redeems himself the strongest Aquahuman. He has attacked my city so many times but I have managed to fight back against him. But now, if he is going to join forces with othe dangerous people, then I fear I might be defeated
Kayleb: That's why we are here. We will train harder and be prepared for them
Aeres: Exactly!
As they entered the Pacific realms, it was clearer this time. That is because both Kayleb and Aeres could behold it's beauty better now as Dylan gave them the ability to breath under water. The Pacific realm was so beautiful that it almost felt like a fairy tale. Just like before, the current of the water is still so light. In fact, the currents were so light that it almost felt to Kayleb and Aeres like they were still on land; the only difference was that they can now fly. You can walk on the soil of the ocean or swim, depending on your choice. But the three kept swimming and passing borders until they finally reached Atlanta city. The city was indeed beautiful and there were alot of Aquahumans there. They all seemed welcoming to Kayleb and Aeres especially because the King was with them. After a while, the three approached the palace. It definitely felt like a fantasy to Aeres and Kayleb. It was huge and had a lot of gold. Even the gates were made of gold. Some guards welcomed the king and he ordered them to take Kayleb and Aeres to a guest room where they can rest a bit. The guards obeyed and took the two to a huge room that had two sides. On each side was a cupboard and a bed for both Kayleb and Aeres. They settled in shortly and arranged the little suits they had packed. After a while, Dylan visited the two;
Dylan: How are you both feeling? Hope it's comfortable enough for you two?!
Kayleb: Yeah it's great, thanks King Arthur!
Dylan: Don't be so formal with me...we are allies now. Please, call me Dylan
Kayleb: (Smiling) Sure thing
Aeres: And it is beyond comfortable for us. I mean, it feels like we are still on land
Dylan: Yeah, the current in this region is so light; courtesy of our forefathers power. It's easier to move around on the ground and build a solid foundation here so that we can live like humans, since we have legs. So yeah...it will almost feel like you both are still on land
Kayleb: And this ability you gave us; to breath under water? How long will it last?!
Dylan: It's everlasting actually. But I can remove them, that is of course whenever you are ready!
Kayleb: Oh that's good. For a moment there, I was scared that it would just ware off at anytime and we might die
Dylan: (lauging) What! Don't be silly. We are not the same kind of species but I would never endanger humans. Afterall, we are family down here. Anyways, we begin training more troops A.S.A.P. Your training also starts as well, Kayleb. I noticed with the sharks that you were able to use your abilities with other parts of your limbs under water?!
Kayleb: Yeah, since I couldn't run in water back then, I had to improvise. My powers are limited under water. But I wonder about here though..
Dylan: That was smart and yes, you can run with superspeed here. It would be slightly different than what you are used to on land though. Just like how I am not as strong or fast on land, your powers are also limited in water. But in Atlanta city, everything here is almost similar to land. So it shouldn't be completely limited here. I will teach you how to use the waters along with your speed like you did with the water tornadoes. While training you, I will also be training more troops for the war and myself; by figuring out how to unlock more of my forefathers powers. It's my duty as one of the strongest Aquahuman and the king of Atlanta city!
Kayleb: That sounds great
Aeres: And me, what will I be doing?
Dylan: I've noticed something about you. Your spirit is very strong. Like when Kayleb faced Brainstorm; if it weren't for you, he might have been defeated. I can't put it in words yet but I know you are special. Not to mention that Smart brain of yours. We need someone with your moral on our side
Aeres: (Blushing) Thanks Dylan
Dylan: You are very welcome. By the way, I think your plan is genius. Let's be one step ahead of our enemies and take the war to them. Get more rest now.. We begin as soon as you both are rejuvenated. This is only the beginning!
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