Chapter 7 - ALTERNATE
It was another Saturday morning and Presh was early at work. She met Dr Smart who was as usual the first to be in the lab;
Presh: You are really early today Dr Smart, I mean even more early than usual
Dr Smart: Well Aeres is now partially working for me so I have to work harder if I am to keep up with my promise of paying you all your outstanding salaries by the end of this month. How are you feeling by the way?
Presh: Much better and it is all thanks to you guys. When Jack had me captured and figured out my subconscious mind, he tried as much as possible to influence me into joining up with them and to be honest; I almost fell for his tricks. But luckily I woke up and saw all of you besides me, you guys had saved me.
I can't still remember much that happened in their hideout but I have a feeling that something seems fishy somewhere
Dr Smart: What do you mean by that?
Presh: I mean I just have this feeling that they might have gotten through to me at some point...I mean, the subconscious me
Dr Smart: You must be over thinking it. Like you said, you are perfectly fine and feeling much better
Presh: Yeah you are probably right. But I know I do not want to be this other me, I mean the "Killer Freeze" aspect of me. What if my subconscious mind takes over me and Killer Freeze unleashes, what will we do next?
Dr Smart: Don't worry about that; just like I have been training Kayleb, I will also help train you to control your abilities and your subconscious state at your will
Presh: Thank you Dr Smart
Just then Ali and Kayleb walked into the base and they greeted their colleagues. After asking how Presh was doing, Ali went to his table all worried;
Kayleb: (walked up to Ali) what's up bro, you seem really worried. If it is about Presh then you need not to, she is perfectly fine now
Ali: That's not it. I have been having these weird constant dreams for days; specific one's to be precise
Kayleb: As in you keep having the same kind dream over and over again?
Ali: Yeah
Ali: It started ever since Presh was abducted by the Fiersome Foursome; that is exactly two weeks, two days ago from today. At first I decided to ignore the fact that I was having the same dream everyday but in all my dreams, I kept on seeing the same person; a speedster just like you, Kayleb only ten times faster. And he is always appearing in Sterling city. But there was something different each time I had my dreams; and that is the fact that this speedster would round up every human dynamo he can find and use them for his goal; which is to capture you Kayleb
Kayleb: Whoa buddy! Let's better hope that this dream of yours is just a dream
Dr Smart: (who listened to their conversation with Presh) let's ȧssume it is; we can't also deny the fact that Ali is having these weird specific dreams about a speedster. My guess is, Ali is also a human dynamo
Ali: Wow! I never really thought of it from that perspective
Kayleb: But Ali wasn't in a coma after the wave hit him
Presh: His case can be similar to mine; I wasn't also in a coma after the wave hit me
Dr Smart: When you even think about it, Kayleb's case is the only case I have heard of who lasted as long as he did in that coma. The rest of the human dynamos just either fell unconscious for at most maximum of three days and woke up afterwards, or didn't fall unconscious at all. The Sterling City hospital was of great help in stabilizing most of them admitted though
Kayleb: Still guys, Ali's dreams are a little bit weird don't you think? I mean you all said that I was the closest to the mercury
oven and that I had suċkėd in a lot of immense energy making me the strongest human dynamo. Plus I am the only speedster I have heard off and believe me if there were another, I'd know
Dr Smart: Just because you haven't heard of any other speedster, doesn't mean that you are the only one
Ali: You speak as if you know more speedsters Dr Smart?!
Dr Smart: No I haven't actually met any other speedster aside from Kayleb but we dont still know the full potential of Kayleb's speed. I mean, it's still a mystery we are uncovering. So I say we....
Kayleb: (interrupting) So you see, there is no need to worry
Dr Smart: Huh....you wont listen, will you?!
Kayleb: Nope
Dr smart: Well let's hope that you are right and I am wrong this time
Just then, Team QuickBae's alarm system went off about a new human dynamo who was breaking into an a Furnace building
and Kayleb {suited up} dashed out to the crime scene;
QuickBae: Who are you?
Tom: My name is Tom Harrison and it's actually an honor meeting you QuickBae
QuickBae: And why is that an honor to you if you are here committing crimes?
Tom: Well that is because you are the second speedster I have met
QuickBae: What did you just say?
Tom: You heard me right!
QuickBae: (thinking in his mind whether what Ali have been saying is the truth) how comes I have never seen nor heard
from any other speedster?
Tom: That is because this speedster is way faster than you are, that must have been why you haven't caught a glimpse of him yet. But you will soon enough
Meanwhile, Team QuickBae heard everything through Kayleb's pods back in the base and Ali got even more worried. Presh then took Ali to her office to examine him again and find out if he was actually a human dynamo
QuickBae: {in the Furnace building} let me guess, you work for this speedster?
Tom: Wow, I can't believe you figured that out but yes, I do. Once he captures you, he intends on taking your speed and making it his. Therefore, bringing back true justice to this city
QuickBae: Did you just say true justice? I also heard some of the previous human dynamos I encountered say something like that. You all must be sick if you think that killing innocent people because they resent us for who we are, is true justice. The Fiersome Foursome; let me guess, they were also working for this speedster, am I right?
Tom: (smiling) What do you think? But I have said enough. I was actually waiting for you! Alternate had asked me to lure you out and bring you to him whether dead or alive, seems you are effective to him either way
QuickBae: Alternate! So that is the speedster's name?
Tom: Why do you keep bothering yourself with all these questions? The fact is you are trapped in here with me. You see this entire building is filled with metal properties and since I can control metal, I won't just allow you walk out of here you know! (closing all entrances and exits which was made of metallic doors)
QuickBae: So that is your ability?! In that case, I should be able to get this over with quickly
QuickBae then ran towards Tom and punced him hard on the face but he fractured his fingers;
Tom: Oh did I forget to mention that I am also entirely made up of metal? My bad (turning his hand into a hard solid shield and hitting QuickBae with it)
QuickBae landed on the floor in pain due to his fractured hand but he healed up quickly. He couldn't use hand to hand combat on this dynamo so he decided to use range attacks. Getting up, QuickBae used all the skills he had learnt from Dr Smart including the Speed mirage leap {for distraction} and the spinning hand twist {a new move he learnt where he would spin his arms in a 360 degree manner at a high velocity causing it to form two tornadoes from each arm} on Tom but it didn't have any effect on him because his body was entirely made of metal. QuickBae was in a serious situation as none of his moves were
working while Tom was attacking, raising as much metal as he could and launching them at QuickBae continuously. QuickBae was dodging all the attacks but couldn't keep on doing so because the whole building was made of metal and Tom was attacking from every angle. Gradually his attacks started hitting QuickBae and unfortunately, a big rod was hit hard on QuickBae's back making him drop on the ground. QuickBae didn't know what to do anymore as it seems he was losing against this foe before Dr Smart spoke to him through his
Dr Smart: Listen up Kayleb, do the Spark burst
QuickBae: What! No way, I won't
Dr Smart: Don't worry about hurting him. Since his entire body is made of metal, the spark burst should have enough energy to penetrate through that metal temporarily giving you a chance of getting his skin
QuickBae: I get it. Okay here I go!
Tom was walking towards QuickBae in the attempt of finishing him off when suddenly, QuickBae jumped up from the ground and did the Speed mirage leap again. As Tom was distracted by its vortex, QuickBae instantly started gathering the sparks generated by his body and immediately, he launched it at Tom causing his body to be made of just flesh and bone temporarily. Then simultaneously, QuickBae knocked Tom out.
Before Tom woke up, QuickBae quickly had him locked up by Joe in their special cells for detaining human dynamos. QuickBae then headed back to base. It was later revealed to him that Ali was also a human dynamo with unique abilities. He could sense when danger was approaching and sometimes it comes to him in form of a dream;
Kayleb: So you mean to say that all what Ali saw in his dreams were actually happening?
Presh: Yes indeed. I am still surprised that I wasn't able to tell that Ali was a human dynamo sooner. I mean, I ran tests on all of us the night of the incident
Kayleb: Maybe just like me, you can't detect that one Is a human dynamo until after he/she starts using his/her abilities
Dr Smart: That makes sense. But I have a feeling that Ali's abilities aren't limited
Kayleb: What's that suppose to mean?
Dr Smart: Abilities that has to do with the mind doesn't usually have a precise power. I feel Ali being able to sense danger is just one of his many abilities
Ali: Wow, that's intense! Well, Aeres sent me police reports on Steelman {the name he gave Tom Harrison} and it stated that he used to work in that Furnace building you were just at. He was there the night the mercury oven exploded and as the wave hit him, it came at a high force which pushed him back to one of the metal zincs around him and that fused it with the ISEC in his system
Kayleb: That explains his abilities, and you?
Ali: The night the Mercury oven exploded and I was pushed outside the heating room by that spark, I was also very close to the machine. It turns out that I also suċkėd in lots of immense energy too but on my head which resulted to my mental
abilities. But I didn't pass out or slip into a coma that night which is why I was able to come back and save you. After you
were stabilized, Presh had a look at my wounds and patched me up. I have felt fine and normal ever since.....well, till now. It all makes sense now how I was able to heal quickly and didn't get any brain damages
QuickBae: I am sorry I didn't believe you Ali about these weird dreams you were having
Ali: It's not your fault because even I didn't want to believe that these dreams were actually real
Dr Smart: But it makes me wonder more what this so called "Alternate speedster" is up too
Kayleb: Judging from all that I can tell, he has been in charge of sending all the human dynamos I have encountered so far. He is the real mastermind behind their attacks. Their main aim was to take me out of the picture but I think Alternate's goal is to take away my speed and make it his own
Presh: This "Alternate" sounds like a threat and if what they say is actually true, that he is faster than you Kayleb, then he is a serious problem
Kayleb: I know! That's why I want to face him, even though it's just once
Ali: (sensing Alternate unconsciously with his abilities) he is in the lower district down town, I just sensed him
Immediately QuickBae suited up and rushed to the location of where Alternate was, the both of them finally saw one another.
There Alternate stood in his red and black suit, a red hat and a black jacket;
QuickBae: I have finally found you, ALTERNATE!
Alternate: (in a deep voice) we meet at last, QuickBae
QuickBae: I have also figured out your motive, you want my speed right?
Alternate: I am impressed, not only were you able to find me, but you also figured out my motive. You must have someone
strong who has sensory perceptions in your team if you were able to find me....
QuickBae: And what if I do? Your beef is with me. How about we find out just how fast you really are
Alternate: (smiling evilly) Very well then. I came here to round up more human dynamos to help me and I didn't want to
reveal myself to you as of yet but since you are already here, "let's RUN QuickBae!"
QuickBae and Alternate Immediately surged sparks round their entire bodies and off they ran at a very high speed and velocity. Alternates speed was incredible and QuickBae tried his possible best to catch up with him but failed because the distance between the two was at least two meters. Unlike QuickBae who generated white Sparks when he ran, Alternates Sparks were blue in color and the way he ran was so swift that if a non speedster should see him running, it would look to him/her as if Alternate was
teleporting. QuickBae then halted at another location in Sterling City and Alternate came back to where he was;
Alternate: You have only just had a glimpse of my abilities. The next time we meet, I will surely have your speed
After saying this, Alternate ran out of the scene.. QuickBae yelled out, daring Alternate to come back and face him but Alternate didn't even look back; not once.
Presh: You are really early today Dr Smart, I mean even more early than usual
Dr Smart: Well Aeres is now partially working for me so I have to work harder if I am to keep up with my promise of paying you all your outstanding salaries by the end of this month. How are you feeling by the way?
Presh: Much better and it is all thanks to you guys. When Jack had me captured and figured out my subconscious mind, he tried as much as possible to influence me into joining up with them and to be honest; I almost fell for his tricks. But luckily I woke up and saw all of you besides me, you guys had saved me.
I can't still remember much that happened in their hideout but I have a feeling that something seems fishy somewhere
Dr Smart: What do you mean by that?
Presh: I mean I just have this feeling that they might have gotten through to me at some point...I mean, the subconscious me
Dr Smart: You must be over thinking it. Like you said, you are perfectly fine and feeling much better
Presh: Yeah you are probably right. But I know I do not want to be this other me, I mean the "Killer Freeze" aspect of me. What if my subconscious mind takes over me and Killer Freeze unleashes, what will we do next?
Dr Smart: Don't worry about that; just like I have been training Kayleb, I will also help train you to control your abilities and your subconscious state at your will
Presh: Thank you Dr Smart
Just then Ali and Kayleb walked into the base and they greeted their colleagues. After asking how Presh was doing, Ali went to his table all worried;
Kayleb: (walked up to Ali) what's up bro, you seem really worried. If it is about Presh then you need not to, she is perfectly fine now
Ali: That's not it. I have been having these weird constant dreams for days; specific one's to be precise
Kayleb: As in you keep having the same kind dream over and over again?
Ali: Yeah
Ali: It started ever since Presh was abducted by the Fiersome Foursome; that is exactly two weeks, two days ago from today. At first I decided to ignore the fact that I was having the same dream everyday but in all my dreams, I kept on seeing the same person; a speedster just like you, Kayleb only ten times faster. And he is always appearing in Sterling city. But there was something different each time I had my dreams; and that is the fact that this speedster would round up every human dynamo he can find and use them for his goal; which is to capture you Kayleb
Kayleb: Whoa buddy! Let's better hope that this dream of yours is just a dream
Dr Smart: (who listened to their conversation with Presh) let's ȧssume it is; we can't also deny the fact that Ali is having these weird specific dreams about a speedster. My guess is, Ali is also a human dynamo
Ali: Wow! I never really thought of it from that perspective
Kayleb: But Ali wasn't in a coma after the wave hit him
Presh: His case can be similar to mine; I wasn't also in a coma after the wave hit me
Dr Smart: When you even think about it, Kayleb's case is the only case I have heard of who lasted as long as he did in that coma. The rest of the human dynamos just either fell unconscious for at most maximum of three days and woke up afterwards, or didn't fall unconscious at all. The Sterling City hospital was of great help in stabilizing most of them admitted though
Kayleb: Still guys, Ali's dreams are a little bit weird don't you think? I mean you all said that I was the closest to the mercury
oven and that I had suċkėd in a lot of immense energy making me the strongest human dynamo. Plus I am the only speedster I have heard off and believe me if there were another, I'd know
Dr Smart: Just because you haven't heard of any other speedster, doesn't mean that you are the only one
Ali: You speak as if you know more speedsters Dr Smart?!
Dr Smart: No I haven't actually met any other speedster aside from Kayleb but we dont still know the full potential of Kayleb's speed. I mean, it's still a mystery we are uncovering. So I say we....
Kayleb: (interrupting) So you see, there is no need to worry
Dr Smart: Huh....you wont listen, will you?!
Kayleb: Nope
Dr smart: Well let's hope that you are right and I am wrong this time
Just then, Team QuickBae's alarm system went off about a new human dynamo who was breaking into an a Furnace building
and Kayleb {suited up} dashed out to the crime scene;
QuickBae: Who are you?
Tom: My name is Tom Harrison and it's actually an honor meeting you QuickBae
QuickBae: And why is that an honor to you if you are here committing crimes?
Tom: Well that is because you are the second speedster I have met
QuickBae: What did you just say?
Tom: You heard me right!
QuickBae: (thinking in his mind whether what Ali have been saying is the truth) how comes I have never seen nor heard
from any other speedster?
Tom: That is because this speedster is way faster than you are, that must have been why you haven't caught a glimpse of him yet. But you will soon enough
Meanwhile, Team QuickBae heard everything through Kayleb's pods back in the base and Ali got even more worried. Presh then took Ali to her office to examine him again and find out if he was actually a human dynamo
QuickBae: {in the Furnace building} let me guess, you work for this speedster?
Tom: Wow, I can't believe you figured that out but yes, I do. Once he captures you, he intends on taking your speed and making it his. Therefore, bringing back true justice to this city
QuickBae: Did you just say true justice? I also heard some of the previous human dynamos I encountered say something like that. You all must be sick if you think that killing innocent people because they resent us for who we are, is true justice. The Fiersome Foursome; let me guess, they were also working for this speedster, am I right?
Tom: (smiling) What do you think? But I have said enough. I was actually waiting for you! Alternate had asked me to lure you out and bring you to him whether dead or alive, seems you are effective to him either way
QuickBae: Alternate! So that is the speedster's name?
Tom: Why do you keep bothering yourself with all these questions? The fact is you are trapped in here with me. You see this entire building is filled with metal properties and since I can control metal, I won't just allow you walk out of here you know! (closing all entrances and exits which was made of metallic doors)
QuickBae: So that is your ability?! In that case, I should be able to get this over with quickly
QuickBae then ran towards Tom and punced him hard on the face but he fractured his fingers;
Tom: Oh did I forget to mention that I am also entirely made up of metal? My bad (turning his hand into a hard solid shield and hitting QuickBae with it)
QuickBae landed on the floor in pain due to his fractured hand but he healed up quickly. He couldn't use hand to hand combat on this dynamo so he decided to use range attacks. Getting up, QuickBae used all the skills he had learnt from Dr Smart including the Speed mirage leap {for distraction} and the spinning hand twist {a new move he learnt where he would spin his arms in a 360 degree manner at a high velocity causing it to form two tornadoes from each arm} on Tom but it didn't have any effect on him because his body was entirely made of metal. QuickBae was in a serious situation as none of his moves were
working while Tom was attacking, raising as much metal as he could and launching them at QuickBae continuously. QuickBae was dodging all the attacks but couldn't keep on doing so because the whole building was made of metal and Tom was attacking from every angle. Gradually his attacks started hitting QuickBae and unfortunately, a big rod was hit hard on QuickBae's back making him drop on the ground. QuickBae didn't know what to do anymore as it seems he was losing against this foe before Dr Smart spoke to him through his
Dr Smart: Listen up Kayleb, do the Spark burst
QuickBae: What! No way, I won't
Dr Smart: Don't worry about hurting him. Since his entire body is made of metal, the spark burst should have enough energy to penetrate through that metal temporarily giving you a chance of getting his skin
QuickBae: I get it. Okay here I go!
Tom was walking towards QuickBae in the attempt of finishing him off when suddenly, QuickBae jumped up from the ground and did the Speed mirage leap again. As Tom was distracted by its vortex, QuickBae instantly started gathering the sparks generated by his body and immediately, he launched it at Tom causing his body to be made of just flesh and bone temporarily. Then simultaneously, QuickBae knocked Tom out.
Before Tom woke up, QuickBae quickly had him locked up by Joe in their special cells for detaining human dynamos. QuickBae then headed back to base. It was later revealed to him that Ali was also a human dynamo with unique abilities. He could sense when danger was approaching and sometimes it comes to him in form of a dream;
Kayleb: So you mean to say that all what Ali saw in his dreams were actually happening?
Presh: Yes indeed. I am still surprised that I wasn't able to tell that Ali was a human dynamo sooner. I mean, I ran tests on all of us the night of the incident
Kayleb: Maybe just like me, you can't detect that one Is a human dynamo until after he/she starts using his/her abilities
Dr Smart: That makes sense. But I have a feeling that Ali's abilities aren't limited
Kayleb: What's that suppose to mean?
Dr Smart: Abilities that has to do with the mind doesn't usually have a precise power. I feel Ali being able to sense danger is just one of his many abilities
Ali: Wow, that's intense! Well, Aeres sent me police reports on Steelman {the name he gave Tom Harrison} and it stated that he used to work in that Furnace building you were just at. He was there the night the mercury oven exploded and as the wave hit him, it came at a high force which pushed him back to one of the metal zincs around him and that fused it with the ISEC in his system
Kayleb: That explains his abilities, and you?
Ali: The night the Mercury oven exploded and I was pushed outside the heating room by that spark, I was also very close to the machine. It turns out that I also suċkėd in lots of immense energy too but on my head which resulted to my mental
abilities. But I didn't pass out or slip into a coma that night which is why I was able to come back and save you. After you
were stabilized, Presh had a look at my wounds and patched me up. I have felt fine and normal ever since.....well, till now. It all makes sense now how I was able to heal quickly and didn't get any brain damages
QuickBae: I am sorry I didn't believe you Ali about these weird dreams you were having
Ali: It's not your fault because even I didn't want to believe that these dreams were actually real
Dr Smart: But it makes me wonder more what this so called "Alternate speedster" is up too
Kayleb: Judging from all that I can tell, he has been in charge of sending all the human dynamos I have encountered so far. He is the real mastermind behind their attacks. Their main aim was to take me out of the picture but I think Alternate's goal is to take away my speed and make it his own
Presh: This "Alternate" sounds like a threat and if what they say is actually true, that he is faster than you Kayleb, then he is a serious problem
Kayleb: I know! That's why I want to face him, even though it's just once
Ali: (sensing Alternate unconsciously with his abilities) he is in the lower district down town, I just sensed him
Immediately QuickBae suited up and rushed to the location of where Alternate was, the both of them finally saw one another.
There Alternate stood in his red and black suit, a red hat and a black jacket;
QuickBae: I have finally found you, ALTERNATE!
Alternate: (in a deep voice) we meet at last, QuickBae
QuickBae: I have also figured out your motive, you want my speed right?
Alternate: I am impressed, not only were you able to find me, but you also figured out my motive. You must have someone
strong who has sensory perceptions in your team if you were able to find me....
QuickBae: And what if I do? Your beef is with me. How about we find out just how fast you really are
Alternate: (smiling evilly) Very well then. I came here to round up more human dynamos to help me and I didn't want to
reveal myself to you as of yet but since you are already here, "let's RUN QuickBae!"
QuickBae and Alternate Immediately surged sparks round their entire bodies and off they ran at a very high speed and velocity. Alternates speed was incredible and QuickBae tried his possible best to catch up with him but failed because the distance between the two was at least two meters. Unlike QuickBae who generated white Sparks when he ran, Alternates Sparks were blue in color and the way he ran was so swift that if a non speedster should see him running, it would look to him/her as if Alternate was
teleporting. QuickBae then halted at another location in Sterling City and Alternate came back to where he was;
Alternate: You have only just had a glimpse of my abilities. The next time we meet, I will surely have your speed
After saying this, Alternate ran out of the scene.. QuickBae yelled out, daring Alternate to come back and face him but Alternate didn't even look back; not once.
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