QuickBae and Alternate were still in the abandoned warehouse outside Sterling city and the two were glaring at
each other. After the much anticipated stare, the two speedsters started fighting; running at super speed to one another and throwing super punches. Alternate was faster so he got QuickBae almost every time he threw a punch were as
QuickBae could not hit Alternate, not even once. QuickBae then resulted to other skills like the speed mirage leap, spinning
hand twist and even the spark burst but none of these seemed to have any effect on Alternate. Alternate then started running in circle at a high velocity, making a tornado which suċkėd QuickBae in instantly and immediately, Alternate punched QuickBae in super speed out of the tornado until he fell. After that, Alternate rubbed his hands against one another swiftly making high currents of electric sparks which he fired at QuickBae. As the sparks hit QuickBae resulting to him becoming weak, alternate then came towards QuickBae instantly and broke both of his Femur {the longest bone in the body located in the legs} which made QuickBae unable to stand, let alone run. Alternate then
grabbed QuickBae and took him away. Team QuickBae witnessed everything on their system back in their base and got really worried about Kayleb;
Dr Smart: No! He took Kayleb away
Ali: Don't worry Dr Smart, I can trace their location
Aeres: (really worried) But how?
Ali: Before Kayleb left to meet Alternate, I had placed a small tracking device on his suit. We can now trace both his and Alternate's location (typing on his keyboard to find Kayleb's location)
Presh: Nice thinking Ali
Aeres: I just hope we are able to find them in time before Alternate gets his hands on Kayleb's speed
Ali: I have found their location; it's not far from where they just fought. It's in another abandoned building outside Sterling city in 3rd Avenue Street. Deep within it; lies Alternate's Lab/Lair
Dr Smart: Okay then, I will grab some weapons with gears and go after Alternate to save Kayleb
Presh: I am coming with!
Aeres: So am I!
Ali: Aeres are you sure you want to go? I mean it could be dangerous out there
Aeres: I may not look it but I do have a very good aim. I will also carry a weapon with me from base and take it to go and fight
Dr Smart: Aren't you coming with us Ali?
Dr Smart: Don't stay long! We need all the help we can get
Dr Smart, Presh and Aeres entered Dr Smart's helicopter and off they zoomed to the coordinates of Alternate. On getting
there, the three infiltrated the abandoned building and went straight to Alternate's Lair to face him;
Alternate: You guys just keep impressing me every time with your talents, I mean you were all able to find me yet again
Dr Smart: (noticing Kayleb unconscious who was strapped to a chair with special syringes inserted in him, drawing out the
energy which contained Kayleb's speed into a container) Release QuickBae to us immediately
Alternate: I can't exactly do that now because my extractor hasn't finished extracting his speed you see!
Dr Smart: (pointing a long ranged flame thrower at Alternate) I am not going to ask again
Alternate: You brats! Very well then; I guess I will just have to teach you all a lesson
Killer Freeze mode} started freezing the ground, turning it to ice and making it slippery for Alternate. This slowed Alternate down but it didn't stop him from still coming towards the three.
Aeres then shot Alternate with a shock absorber bullet which she'd hope will temporarily have a damaging effect on
Alternate's speed but it didn't. Alternate got even closer and finally with his Flame thrower, Dr Smart burnt Alternate's body.
Alternate then fell down and Dr Smart {after Presh had defrosted the icy ground} ran towards Kayleb and removed the
syringes from his body. Kayleb then opened his eyes. Conscious, Kayleb was still healing on his legs...so he was carried by Dr Smart. As the three were running towards the exit of Alternate's Lair, Alternate appeared in front of them all healed up from his burns with the container that extracted some of Kayleb's
energy on his hand;
Alternate: (putting QuickBae's energy matter on his skin and absorbing it) I managed to grab only a bit of his speed but it should suffice in making me end all of you
Alternate's sparks started changing color to sky blue after he absorbed some of Kayleb's speed; making him attain Mach 17. Kayleb on the other hand reduced to Mach 7. With his intense speed, Alternate started hitting all the members of Team
QuickBae one after the other and they all fell, including Dr Smart who had Kayleb on his back. Alternate was about finishing them off when SuperKid came out of nowhere and punched Alternate with his super strength. The force of the punch, pushed him backwards to a wall (that cracked afterwards) and made him unconscious. Joey then shot Alternate all over his body to prevent him from healing quickly. Ali now rushed over to Kayleb and gave him sedatives which helped him heal faster. After Kayleb's fractured legs were
QuickBae: Thank you Ali
Ali: I am just glad you are okay
Dr Smart: (getting up with the rest of team QuickBae) was this your plan all along, Ali?
Ali: Well I knew we didn't stand a chance of defeating Alternate on our own so I took a bold decision and asked for help from the other members of Team QuickBae and they agreed to help us
SuperKid: Hello QuickBae, it's been a while!
QuickBae: It sure has SuperKid
Alternate: (regaining consciousness and standing up gently; removing all the bullets which had penetrated his skin) do you guys think that I would go down easily with a petite move like that? Look, I am already healing!
QuickBae: It's not about how small the attacks are, but the Teamwork in it. That is why no matter how strong you are, you
cannot take on all of us united for we are Team QuickBae
Alternate: How Pathetic! Killer Freeze, you are just like me. Don't you want to join my side? The true side of "Justice"
Presh: I admit that at a point I was tempted to join your side, thanks to the influence of the Fiersome Foursome. But I am now in total control of my subconscious mind. Dr Smart has
helped me in realizing a way of controlling it
Alternate: (laughing) Really...Your loss then!
Then Alternate, in an instant, used super speed to hit Dr Smart, Aeres, Presh, Ali and Joey hard until they all fell unconscious. SuperKid then dashed to Alternate and threw Super punches
but Alternate could withstand all of them because he was faster. Then he brought out Uranium {a heavy toxic silvery-white
radioactive metallic element which was the weakness of all Super humans} and pierced it into SuperKid; making Kent fall
down and pass out. QuickBae and Alternate were then left standing again and even though Kayleb didn't stand a chance against Alternate, he wasn't ready to give up. He defended himself from
Alternate's brutal attacks until eventually Alternate hit him hard too and he fell on the ground. Alternate then moved
closer to Kayleb and was about taking him back to the extractor to remove his remaining speed when a man wearing a blue shirt and red trousers with a blue and ash cape; flew into the fight scene and landed a serious punch on Alternate which pushed him away from QuickBae through the same wall as before; this time breaking it. Alternate passed out again.
The mysterious man had come to Team QuickBae's rescue;
QuickBae: I know you!
The man: I am Quantum Man
All the other members of team QuickBae then regained consciousness except for SuperKid. Quantum Man then rushed
to SuperKid and pulled out the Uranium {feeling the effects} from his body. SuperKid then started to feel better but was still unconscious;
Ali: (gazing at Quantum Man) No way! Is that Quantum Man?
QuickBae: Yeah it is
Quantum Man: Hello team QuickBae, I have heard a lot about you from my nephew
Kayleb: But I thought SuperKid never really met you?
Quantum Man: Oh right! My name is Abdul Yusuf, I am sure SuperKid must have told you about me
Dr Smart: Abdul Yusuf, as in SuperKid's adopted father?
Quantum Man: Affirmative. He only knows me as his dad and not Quantum Man
Ali: But why hide your identity from him and then tell us?
Quantum Man: I hide my identity from him because I made a promise to his late mother that I wouldn't tell him who I really
was, but I told you all because SuperKid seems to trust you guys, that's why. I am entrusting my secret to you all and I hope it will remain just between us, SuperKid should never know of this. I can't exactly stay long and help you all because both
Alternate and SuperKid will regain consciousness anytime soon and I don't want my nephew to see me here, but you guys should be fine now. Damn that Alternate came prepared, having Uranuium. Oh well, I will be heading back now. But before I go I have something to tell you, QuickBae. I only showed up here to help you guys because my nephew was in trouble. But I believe that you can put a stop to this "Alternate" dude. Just look for the force within you that drives you to your goal
After saying this, Quantum man flew out of Alternate's Lab and immediately after, both SuperKid and Alternate regained
consciousness again and woke up;
SuperKid: What happened! And where is the Uranium I was pierced with?
QuickBae: It is out of your system. Quantum man removed it from your body
SuperKid: Did you just say Quantum man? (In astonishment)
QuickBae: Yeah he was here and he just saved us but he has gone
SuperKid: I see
Alternate: So that is what that stunt just now was about? No wonder I actually felt the impact of his punch, he seems to be
incredibly strong. I am actually glad that he isn't here to help any of you though which should make defeating all of you very easy
SuperKid: Alternate, you may have figured out my weakness but don't get carried away! I don't fall for the same trick twice
QuickBae: (Team QuickBae standing united) neither do I.. I will ensure that you do not get my remaining speed at any cost and my team and I will do everything in our power to stop you "for good".
each other. After the much anticipated stare, the two speedsters started fighting; running at super speed to one another and throwing super punches. Alternate was faster so he got QuickBae almost every time he threw a punch were as
QuickBae could not hit Alternate, not even once. QuickBae then resulted to other skills like the speed mirage leap, spinning
hand twist and even the spark burst but none of these seemed to have any effect on Alternate. Alternate then started running in circle at a high velocity, making a tornado which suċkėd QuickBae in instantly and immediately, Alternate punched QuickBae in super speed out of the tornado until he fell. After that, Alternate rubbed his hands against one another swiftly making high currents of electric sparks which he fired at QuickBae. As the sparks hit QuickBae resulting to him becoming weak, alternate then came towards QuickBae instantly and broke both of his Femur {the longest bone in the body located in the legs} which made QuickBae unable to stand, let alone run. Alternate then
grabbed QuickBae and took him away. Team QuickBae witnessed everything on their system back in their base and got really worried about Kayleb;
Dr Smart: No! He took Kayleb away
Ali: Don't worry Dr Smart, I can trace their location
Aeres: (really worried) But how?
Ali: Before Kayleb left to meet Alternate, I had placed a small tracking device on his suit. We can now trace both his and Alternate's location (typing on his keyboard to find Kayleb's location)
Presh: Nice thinking Ali
Aeres: I just hope we are able to find them in time before Alternate gets his hands on Kayleb's speed
Ali: I have found their location; it's not far from where they just fought. It's in another abandoned building outside Sterling city in 3rd Avenue Street. Deep within it; lies Alternate's Lab/Lair
Dr Smart: Okay then, I will grab some weapons with gears and go after Alternate to save Kayleb
Presh: I am coming with!
Aeres: So am I!
Ali: Aeres are you sure you want to go? I mean it could be dangerous out there
Aeres: I may not look it but I do have a very good aim. I will also carry a weapon with me from base and take it to go and fight
Dr Smart: Aren't you coming with us Ali?
Dr Smart: Don't stay long! We need all the help we can get
Dr Smart, Presh and Aeres entered Dr Smart's helicopter and off they zoomed to the coordinates of Alternate. On getting
there, the three infiltrated the abandoned building and went straight to Alternate's Lair to face him;
Alternate: You guys just keep impressing me every time with your talents, I mean you were all able to find me yet again
Dr Smart: (noticing Kayleb unconscious who was strapped to a chair with special syringes inserted in him, drawing out the
energy which contained Kayleb's speed into a container) Release QuickBae to us immediately
Alternate: I can't exactly do that now because my extractor hasn't finished extracting his speed you see!
Dr Smart: (pointing a long ranged flame thrower at Alternate) I am not going to ask again
Alternate: You brats! Very well then; I guess I will just have to teach you all a lesson
Killer Freeze mode} started freezing the ground, turning it to ice and making it slippery for Alternate. This slowed Alternate down but it didn't stop him from still coming towards the three.
Aeres then shot Alternate with a shock absorber bullet which she'd hope will temporarily have a damaging effect on
Alternate's speed but it didn't. Alternate got even closer and finally with his Flame thrower, Dr Smart burnt Alternate's body.
Alternate then fell down and Dr Smart {after Presh had defrosted the icy ground} ran towards Kayleb and removed the
syringes from his body. Kayleb then opened his eyes. Conscious, Kayleb was still healing on his legs...so he was carried by Dr Smart. As the three were running towards the exit of Alternate's Lair, Alternate appeared in front of them all healed up from his burns with the container that extracted some of Kayleb's
energy on his hand;
Alternate: (putting QuickBae's energy matter on his skin and absorbing it) I managed to grab only a bit of his speed but it should suffice in making me end all of you
Alternate's sparks started changing color to sky blue after he absorbed some of Kayleb's speed; making him attain Mach 17. Kayleb on the other hand reduced to Mach 7. With his intense speed, Alternate started hitting all the members of Team
QuickBae one after the other and they all fell, including Dr Smart who had Kayleb on his back. Alternate was about finishing them off when SuperKid came out of nowhere and punched Alternate with his super strength. The force of the punch, pushed him backwards to a wall (that cracked afterwards) and made him unconscious. Joey then shot Alternate all over his body to prevent him from healing quickly. Ali now rushed over to Kayleb and gave him sedatives which helped him heal faster. After Kayleb's fractured legs were
QuickBae: Thank you Ali
Ali: I am just glad you are okay
Dr Smart: (getting up with the rest of team QuickBae) was this your plan all along, Ali?
Ali: Well I knew we didn't stand a chance of defeating Alternate on our own so I took a bold decision and asked for help from the other members of Team QuickBae and they agreed to help us
SuperKid: Hello QuickBae, it's been a while!
QuickBae: It sure has SuperKid
Alternate: (regaining consciousness and standing up gently; removing all the bullets which had penetrated his skin) do you guys think that I would go down easily with a petite move like that? Look, I am already healing!
QuickBae: It's not about how small the attacks are, but the Teamwork in it. That is why no matter how strong you are, you
cannot take on all of us united for we are Team QuickBae
Alternate: How Pathetic! Killer Freeze, you are just like me. Don't you want to join my side? The true side of "Justice"
Presh: I admit that at a point I was tempted to join your side, thanks to the influence of the Fiersome Foursome. But I am now in total control of my subconscious mind. Dr Smart has
helped me in realizing a way of controlling it
Alternate: (laughing) Really...Your loss then!
Then Alternate, in an instant, used super speed to hit Dr Smart, Aeres, Presh, Ali and Joey hard until they all fell unconscious. SuperKid then dashed to Alternate and threw Super punches
but Alternate could withstand all of them because he was faster. Then he brought out Uranium {a heavy toxic silvery-white
radioactive metallic element which was the weakness of all Super humans} and pierced it into SuperKid; making Kent fall
down and pass out. QuickBae and Alternate were then left standing again and even though Kayleb didn't stand a chance against Alternate, he wasn't ready to give up. He defended himself from
Alternate's brutal attacks until eventually Alternate hit him hard too and he fell on the ground. Alternate then moved
closer to Kayleb and was about taking him back to the extractor to remove his remaining speed when a man wearing a blue shirt and red trousers with a blue and ash cape; flew into the fight scene and landed a serious punch on Alternate which pushed him away from QuickBae through the same wall as before; this time breaking it. Alternate passed out again.
The mysterious man had come to Team QuickBae's rescue;
QuickBae: I know you!
The man: I am Quantum Man
All the other members of team QuickBae then regained consciousness except for SuperKid. Quantum Man then rushed
to SuperKid and pulled out the Uranium {feeling the effects} from his body. SuperKid then started to feel better but was still unconscious;
Ali: (gazing at Quantum Man) No way! Is that Quantum Man?
QuickBae: Yeah it is
Quantum Man: Hello team QuickBae, I have heard a lot about you from my nephew
Kayleb: But I thought SuperKid never really met you?
Quantum Man: Oh right! My name is Abdul Yusuf, I am sure SuperKid must have told you about me
Dr Smart: Abdul Yusuf, as in SuperKid's adopted father?
Quantum Man: Affirmative. He only knows me as his dad and not Quantum Man
Ali: But why hide your identity from him and then tell us?
Quantum Man: I hide my identity from him because I made a promise to his late mother that I wouldn't tell him who I really
was, but I told you all because SuperKid seems to trust you guys, that's why. I am entrusting my secret to you all and I hope it will remain just between us, SuperKid should never know of this. I can't exactly stay long and help you all because both
Alternate and SuperKid will regain consciousness anytime soon and I don't want my nephew to see me here, but you guys should be fine now. Damn that Alternate came prepared, having Uranuium. Oh well, I will be heading back now. But before I go I have something to tell you, QuickBae. I only showed up here to help you guys because my nephew was in trouble. But I believe that you can put a stop to this "Alternate" dude. Just look for the force within you that drives you to your goal
After saying this, Quantum man flew out of Alternate's Lab and immediately after, both SuperKid and Alternate regained
consciousness again and woke up;
SuperKid: What happened! And where is the Uranium I was pierced with?
QuickBae: It is out of your system. Quantum man removed it from your body
SuperKid: Did you just say Quantum man? (In astonishment)
QuickBae: Yeah he was here and he just saved us but he has gone
SuperKid: I see
Alternate: So that is what that stunt just now was about? No wonder I actually felt the impact of his punch, he seems to be
incredibly strong. I am actually glad that he isn't here to help any of you though which should make defeating all of you very easy
SuperKid: Alternate, you may have figured out my weakness but don't get carried away! I don't fall for the same trick twice
QuickBae: (Team QuickBae standing united) neither do I.. I will ensure that you do not get my remaining speed at any cost and my team and I will do everything in our power to stop you "for good".
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