Zhou Yucheng finished his work, and Chu Xin sat on the sofa with him, waiting for him to be drowsy.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows, the sky is already dark, and the lights are gradually burning.

Chu Xin suddenly felt a familiar pinching sensation in her nose, she withdrew from her sleepiness, and raised her head with worried eyes, "Are you going to get off work

?" Zhou Yucheng chuckled, "Sleepy?"

"Sort of." Chu Xin wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes because of sleepiness.

"Go back and go to bed early.

They went downstairs together, and the gossiping eyes of the employees who were still working overtime in the company almost burned Chu Xin's back.

The car home was driving on the road, Zhou Yucheng was reading documents with his iPad as usual, and Chu Xin was looking out the car window in a daze.

"8384: Alert! Four suspicious vehicles are approaching!"

"Shi Chu: Oh, Mr. Zhou's enemy has come to the door.

"8384: Do you want to exchange items?"

"Shi Chu: No, Zhou Yucheng is such a cautious person, he can solve it. I just need to give him the icing on the cake.

A black car suddenly drove parallel to Zhou Yucheng's car regardless of the lane, and someone stuck out of the window and shot at them.

Zhou Yucheng's driver was well-trained, spun in a general direction, and then pulled the car away from it, and all the bullets were fired at the door.

"Mr. Zhou, there are four cars opposite. A voice came from Zhou Yucheng's mobile phone.

"There's a gun on the other side, try to be careful. Zhou Yucheng's voice was calm, and in the midst of a piercing gunshot, it was particularly reassuring.

The convoy that had been following Zhou Yucheng's car to protect it rushed up, and also took out its guns and began to fight back.

When the two sides were fighting, Chu Xin and the vehicle they were in suddenly sank, and the front wheel burst a tire.

The driver immediately said, "They set up a roadblock!" Zhou

Yucheng's bodyguards and the unknown assassin on the opposite side had already gotten out of the car and started a shootout between the cover of the vehicle, only one of which was still chasing Zhou Yucheng persistently. Seeing that they had a flat tire, they immediately threw a shuttle bullet at the stopped vehicle.

Zhou Yucheng protected Chu Xin, asked her to bend down, and said in a low voice, "Squat here and don't move, if you're afraid, cover your ears."

Chu Xin's eyes were a little red from fright, and she looked at the man in front of her who was calmly comforting her.

"Don't be afraid.

After Zhou Yucheng finished speaking, he took out a gun from behind his waist, put his back against the car door, and seized the opportunity to flash out and shoot at the opposite side.

Before the gunshots could be fired, one of the people on the other side fell.

"At the beginning of the time: it is worthy of being mixed up on the road, and now sitting in the office every day, I can still have such skills.

"8384: Ahhhhh

You are monitoring in real time, especially the person who will fire a cold gun at Brother Zhou. Brother Zhou can withstand it in the front, and I will share his worries in the rear. The

assassins didn't dare to delay it too long, and although the road was remote, it was not an uninhabited place. When the police arrive, their situation will only get worse.

The originally fierce firepower on the opposite side gradually subsided, and several people who were fighting at the front also began to slowly retreat and go in the direction of the car.

Zhou Yucheng's deep eyes were cold, and he ordered the leader of the bodyguards, "Catch it alive."

"8384: Lord Host, at eleven o'clock, you were reaching for the gun with your hands! Chu

Xin poked his head out from the back of the car, and sure enough, he saw a man who had been shot in the shoulder trying to reach for a gun that had fallen on the ground.

The man finally grasped the handle of the gun, and a distorted smile bloomed on his face because of the severe pain and ecstasy

, and he suddenly raised the gun in his hand and aimed it at Zhou Yucheng! A bodyguard saw it and shouted, "Mr. Zhou—" Zhou

Yucheng turned around, but the bullet did not come.

- I saw Chu Xin holding an iron rod in his hand that he had picked up out of nowhere, and knocked it on the back of the person's head with all his strength.

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