The Imperial fleet marched to the fifth day and finally received its first counterattack from the rebels.

At this time, the distance from the star where the rebel base is located is not far away, and it will be reached in less than two days.

"It doesn't feel right. Anderson's expression was solemn, "The rebels' counterattack is too perfunctory, could it be that the location of the base star is wrong, and all this is a trap at all?"

"Whether it is right or wrong, the emperor will not allow it to turn back." Chen Qing's expression was light.

This time it was more like a political show of the emperor than an expedition.

His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, the only one who could shake the situation, did not speak. Anderson said hurriedly, "Doesn't His Highness feel it?"

Chen Qing ignored his anxiety, "Your Highness has his own reasons. "

Having solved the rebel counterattack, the Imperial army continued its march. Because of the success of this small battle, the emperor received a lot of praise from his fellow ministers.

Wen Ze looked at the boundless universe outside the starship, silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

The vast darkness was dotted with dim stars, reflected in his water-like eyes, with a faint and indistinguishable emotion.

There is one more day left before the starship arrives at the rebel base planet.

Xingdu, the underground laboratory of the military department.

Lian Sheng wore the white coat of a laboratory technician, bowed his head slightly, and followed Dena in.

Heavily authenticated, heavily identified, they passed through one door after another, getting closer and closer to the machine that carried the destructive power.

The last door opened, revealing a huge space in front of them, the laser cannon almost the size of a starship, and the energy storage pod emitting a brilliant blue light.

Dena enters a series of numbers on the main console.

"Wenze's coordinates. There was an almost hearty smile on her lips, "The emperor won't be too far away from him." Thank you so much, Lian Sheng. In the past, I really couldn't imagine anyone who could lay electronic coordinates on a person like Wen Ze.

Lian Sheng looked at the point of light that was moving slowly on the screen.

That was where Wen Ze was, floating in the void, so bright that her eyes tingled.

"It's too late to regret it now. Dena looked back and smiled.

To her surprise, Lian Sheng actually laughed.

"I won't go back. Her smile was tinged with joy, as if she had made some major decision, "I will fulfill my promise and will not go back."

In the face of this desperate smile, even Dena, who has always claimed to be a madman, was a little frightened.

"Sure enough, the person who can be loved by Wen Ze will not be much normal......" she muttered to herself, typing the last string of numbers into the light screen.

The ground carrying the machine began to rise, and the entire military headquarters felt a tremor.

Dena began to laugh maniacally, pressing the button that meant the end of the empire.

A beam of blue laser shot straight into the sky, hiding the destruction, which was the ultimate beauty.

Chen Qing and Anderson, who were asked by Wen Ze to be backups, looked in disbelief at the front of the starship, and the beam of light that illuminated the universe hit the advance fleet. The starship carrying two of the most honorable men in the empire exploded, and the debris bombarded the nearby starship, and the flames soared into the sky.

The soldiers stationed in Xingdu rushed to the two people next to the machine, but heard the sirens coming from high in the sky.

"Enemy attack—"

For the first time in a hundred years, the rebels attacked the heart of the empire head-on, like a dagger straight down.

Dena took advantage of the chaos to break away from the Imperial forces, a starship approached them, and the mechanical staircase descended to the ground, with Bel-Air appearing at the end of the staircase.

Lian Sheng's eyes were in a trance.

A few months ago, a silver-haired man descended from a starship, his blue eyes once filled with anger and hatred, but he also showed her deep love.

...... Now, the man is dead.

Bel-Air rushed down in three steps and two steps, rubbing the man who had been thinking about it for too long day and night into his arms.

"Lian Sheng. Bel Air said softly, "We can go back."

"8384: Bel Air +10 opinion, current opinion 85.

Lian Sheng subconsciously broke out of Bel Air's arms.

Bel-Air realized his gaffe and took two steps back.

"Avila is in the Prince's Mansion!" Lian Sheng remembered something and said anxiously.

"Don't worry, we've sent someone to save her. Bel Air said gently.

Dena watched coldly from the sidelines, and finally said impatiently, "The old story is almost over, can I leave?".

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